Media and Information Literacy (MIL) PDF

Title Media and Information Literacy (MIL)
Author BSED 3201 - M Joel B Semaña
Course Social Spychology
Institution Bestlink College of the Philippines
Pages 3
File Size 127.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Page 1 of 3Created by: Jopar Jose C. Ramos | STEM 11 - Saint Camillus de Lellis Professor: Ma’am Sarah Mae O. LugtuUNIVERSITY of the ASSUMPTIONUnisite Subdivision, Del Pilar, City of San Fernando 2000, Pampanga, PhilippinesSENIOR HIGH SCHOOL - GRADE 11Academic Track - Science, Technology, Engineerin...



Unisite Subdivision, Del Pilar, City of San Fernando 2000, Pampanga, Philippines


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Academic Track - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand

MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY (MIL) (First Semester, First Quarter Reviewer) MEDIA • Combination of physical objects used to communicate or mass media communication through physical objects, such as radio, television, computers, telephone, mobile phone, and film. INFORMATION • Derived from the Latin word “INFORMARE” meaning “to give form, shape, or character to something.” • Broad term that can cover data, knowledge derived from study, experience or instruction, and signals or symbols. TECHNOLOGY • Science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful things or to solve problems. MEDIA LITERACY • Understanding and using mass media in either an assertive or nonassertive way, including an informed and critical understanding of media, what techniques they employ and their effect. INFORMATION LITERACY • Abilities to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, effectively use, and communicate information in its various formats. TECHNOLOGY LITERACY • Responsible use of various technological tools in order to meet one’s goals in acquiring and giving the right information. COMMUNICATION • Act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information, ideas, thoughts, feelings to someone else. FIVE (5) ELEMENTS OF COMMUNICATION PROCESS: Sender → message → channel → receiver → feedback TWO (2) TYPES OF MEDIA 1. TRADITIONAL MEDIA • Mediums that are part of our culture for over half a century.

FOUR (4) EXAMPLES OF TRADITIONAL MEDIA A. PRINT - Started in China. - First major role of printing was the reproduction of books to spread literary works and general information. B. RADIO - More popular in the rural areas because there are battery operated radios that people can carry in the field to listen to the news, music, and radio drama. C. TELEVISION - Gone a long way providing the latest news, both local and international in real time while the news is happening. D. FILM - Major entertainment company or motion picture company that has its own privately owned studio facility or facilities that are used to make films, which is handled by the production company. 2. NEW MEDIA • Forms of media that are native to computers, computational and relying on computers for redistribution. ONE (1) EXAMPLE OF NEW MEDIA A. INTERNET • Global system of interconnected computer networks. USES AND GRATIFICATIONS THEORY • Proposed by Elihu Katz. • States that people who consume media have the right to choose whatever is convenient to them. BROADCASTING • Transmission of radio and television programs that are intended for general public reception. DEL SUPERIOR GOVIERNO • First newspaper in the Philippines. LA ESPERANZA • First daily newspaper in the Philippines. ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL • Invented the telephone.

Created by: Jopar Jose C. Ramos | STEM 11 - Saint Camillus de Lellis

Professor: Ma’am Sarah Mae O. Lugtu

1Q - MIL

UNIVERSITY the ASSUMPTION Unisite Subdivision, Del Pilar, Cityof of San Fernando 2000, Pampanga, Philippines SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL - GRADE 11

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Academic Track - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand

THOMAS ALVA EDISON • Invented incandescent light bulb, phonograph, movie camera, and film. HENRY HERMAN • American businessman who first operated a small radio station. GEOFFREY CHAUCER • Wrote Canterbury Tales, a collection of over 20 stories written in Middle English. JOSE NEPOMUCENO • Father of the Philippine cinema.

• Can offer various kinds of information which are more thorough for learners. INTERNET SOURCES • There are search engines that may help facilitate the searching experience for the user, making this practice easier compared to how it was done years ago. SEARCH ENGINE • Computer program that is used to look for information on the internet. THREE (3) EXAMPLES OF SEARCH ENGINES

TONY VELASQUEZ • Father of Philippine comics.

1. GOOGLE - Founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998.

JAMES LINDENBERG • Father of Philippine television.

2. YAHOO - Founded by David Filo and Jerry Yang in 1994.


3. BING - Created by Microsoft in 2009.

1. IBC13 - Stands for Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation.


2. PTV4 - Stands for People’s Television Network. 3. ABC5 - Stands for Associated Broadcasting Company. 4. ABS-CBN - Stands for Alto Broadcasting System - Chronicle Broadcasting Network. 5. GMA - Stands for Global Media Arts. 6. QTV - Stands for Quality Television 7. RPN - Stands for Radio Philippines Network.

1. PRIMARY SOURCES • Original, meaning, these sources are not filtered, interpreted, or evaluated yet. • Examples are artifacts, audio recordings, and diaries. 2. SECONDARY SOURCES • Interpreted and evaluated versions of primary sources. • Examples are biography, commentaries, and criticisms. 3. TERTIARY SOURCES • Collection of primary and secondary sources. • Examples are almanacs, directories, and manuals. MEDIA CODES AND CONVENTIONS - Media codes and conventions are like the building blocks of all the media around us.

MEDIA AND INFORMATION SOURCES INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE • Comes from traditional practices that are passed on through generations. LIBRARY SOURCES

MEDIA CODES • Known as the system of signs. • Media indicators. • Generally have an agreed meaning, or connotation, to their audience.

Created by: Jopar Jose C. Ramos | STEM 11 - Saint Camillus de Lellis

Professor: Ma’am Sarah Mae O. Lugtu

1Q - MIL

UNIVERSITY the ASSUMPTION Unisite Subdivision, Del Pilar, Cityof of San Fernando 2000, Pampanga, Philippines SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL - GRADE 11

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Academic Track - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand

THREE (3) TYPES OF CODES 1. TECHNICAL • Codes that are specific to a media form and do not live outside of them. • For instance, our understanding of different camera shots and their connotations make sense when we look and films and photographs, but mean nothing to us outside of those forms. • Technical codes in media include Camerawork, Editing, Audio and Lighting. 2. SYMBOLIC • Social in nature, what this means is that these codes live outside the media product themselves, but would be understood in similar ways in the real life of the audience. • For instance, if you saw somebody receive a red rose in a film, you would assume there is a romantic relationship between the 2 characters. If you gave somebody a red rose in real life, you might be hoping the same. • Symbolic codes in media include setting, mise en scene, acting and color. 3. WRITTEN • Formal written language used in a media product. • Just like technical and symbolic codes, written codes can be used to advance a narrative, communicate information about a character or issues and themes in the media product.

• Act of taking another person’s ideas, writings, inventions, and similar intellectual products as one’s own without knowledge or consent. 4. NETIZEN • New term that refers to the user of the different social networking sites in the internet. 5. DIGITAL DIVIDE • Gap between groups, broadly construed in terms of access to, use of, or knowledge, skills and even in attitude in information and communication technologies. 6. INTERNET ADDICTION • Excessive or poorly controlled preoccupations, urges, behaviors regarding computer use and internet access that lead to impairment or distress. 7. CYBERBULLYING • Use of information technology to harm or harass other people in deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner. 8. VIRTUAL SELF • Digital identity or assumed identity in the virtual world.

CONVENTIONS • Put sense to codes. • Accepted ways of using media codes. • Closely connected to the audience expectations of a media product. LEGAL, ETHICAL, AND SOCIETAL ISSUES IN MEDIA AND INFORMATION 1. COPYRIGHT • Set of rights granted to the author or creator of a work, to restrict others’ ability to copy, redistribute, and reshape the content. 2. FAIR USE • Limitation and to the exclusive right granted by copyright law to the author of a creative work. 3. PLAGIARISM Created by: Jopar Jose C. Ramos | STEM 11 - Saint Camillus de Lellis

Professor: Ma’am Sarah Mae O. Lugtu...

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