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MEDIA, COMMUNICATION and SOCIETY EMPOWERMENT Foreword: Dr. Heri Budianto M.Si (The Chair of International Conference Committee) Edited by : Didik Haryadi Santoso|Agustinus Hary Setyawan|Elysa Hartati|Noor Aeni Supported by: MEDIA, COMMUNICATION AND SOCIETY EMPOWERMENT Copyright: Mercu Buana Universi...



Foreword: Dr. Heri Budianto M.Si (The Chair of International Conference Committee) Edited by : Didik Haryadi Santoso|Agustinus Hary Setyawan|Elysa Hartati|Noor Aeni

Supported by:

MEDIA, COMMUNICATION AND SOCIETY EMPOWERMENT Copyright: Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta, Universiti Sains Malaysia, ASPIKOM

Author : Sika Nur Indah, Herlina Agustin, Dadang Rahmat Hidayat, Renata Anisa, Heri Budianto, Ellen Meianzi Yasak, Muhamad Sulhan, Muhammad Nastain, Anom Erman, Ibrahim Faridah, Rosada Dede, Didik Haryadi Santoso, Rani Dwi Lestari, Dian Marhaeni K, Mubarok, Zulhefi, Ruslan Hurasan, Veranus Sidharta, Dian Wardiana Sjuhro, Eka Yusuf, Yoki Yusanto, Heri Ruslan, Bachtiar Wahab, Irmawanti, Rachmaniar, Ikhsan Fuady, Meria Octavianti, Detta Rahmawan, Slamet Mulyana, Rd. Funny , Rizky Imania, Dahniarny Maulina Bahar, Muhammad Arif Syuhada, Dadang Sugiana, Saputra Malik, Aurelius Teluma, Muhammad Annas Triwibowo, Atwar Bajari, Rully Khairul Anwar, Evi Novianti, Moch. Dulkiah, M. Taufiq Rahman, Yuli Setyowati, Widodo Muktiyo, Mahendra Wijaya, Sarah RumHandayani, Siti Komsiah, Eli Jamilah, Dian Harmaningsih, Lasmery RM Girsang, Agus Setiaman, Dadang Sugiana, Betty Tresnawaty, Samson Halomoan Novan, Robertus Romrome, Rahimin, Pir Owners, Ditha Prasanti, Kismiyati El Karimah, Elysa Hartati, Iskak Ismuwidarto, Mohammad Ibnur khalid, Idin Saidin Foreword: Dr. Heri Budianto M.Si The Chair of International Conference Committee

Edited by: Didik Haryadi Santoso, Agustinus Hary Setyawan, Elysa Hartati, Noor Aeni

Design Cover & Lay out: Ibnu Teguh W Published by: Buku Litera Yogyakarta Minggiran MJ II/1378, RT 63/17 Suryodiningratan, Mantrijeron, Yogyakarta Telp. 0274-388895, 08179407446 [email protected] Supported by: Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta Universiti Sains Malaysia ASPIKOM Special Copies, November 2016 Printed on Matapadi Yogyakarta viii+ 408 page; 155 x 235 mm ISBN: 978-602-6751-39-3


Alhamdulillahirobil ‘alamiin, we are the committee would like to express our gratitude for inishing this book. he articles within this book are the collection of panellists’ scientiic papers joining communication international conference held in Yogyakarta, November 1 – 3, 2016. his book is the works of the practitioners and academics from 21 universities taking part in the communication international conference hosted by Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta in order to welcome its 30th Anniversary. his conference is successfully held in cooperation with the Centre for Study of Communication and Literacy of Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta and the Communication Higher Education Association. hose works are the results of research and literature review, particularly related to Communication and Global Society Empowerment from diverse perspectives. We hope that this book can be an additional reference for communication science in particular, and other sciences in general. We realize that there are some shortcomings and weaknesses in composing this book. We thank to those who have assisted in inishing this book. In the end, we hope this book can be beneicial for us.

Yogyakarta, October 27, 2016

Dr. Heri Budianto M.Si he Chair of International Conference Committee



Communication and Global Society Empowerment is a major theme in the 2nd communication international conference hosted by Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta. he theme is relevant with the current global situation in which the issues concerning society empowerment become very crucial considering the society aspect becomes the core of the efort in developing a civilized and sustained society. his empowerment process can run linear but it also can run as like a circle cycle. he approach is also varied, top down and bottom up. In the ultra-modern era, the societies are faced in two dimensions at once. First, they take a role actively as the actors in building civilization; second, they are trapped in the circle of exploitation, monopoly, and commodiication. Besides, in the global society or cross-regional, communication is one of the keys in the society either in the level of country, company, community, media industry and so on. In this position, it becomes one of very strategic perspectives and studies. his book is issued and presented for the readers to share ideas from various perspectives. he results of study, thought, idea, and concept within this book are expected to be able to inspire and contribute in realizing the sustained civilization development across regional and global. Have a nice reading!

Yogyakarta, October 27, 2016

Didik Haryadi Santoso M.A Editor







CHAPTER ONE Media Industry and Ethics of Journalism


Sika Nur Indah he Challenge of Mass Media Industry and Journalism Education in Indonesia A Multiple Case Study About he Challenge in Evaluating Journalist Competency Standard in Rural Areas Herlina Agustin, Dadang Rahmat Hidayat, and Renata Anisa


Perception of Young Voters on Information of Local Government Election (Pilkada) 2015 hrough he Mass Media Heri Budianto and Ellen Meianzi Yasak


he Self Image of Indonesian President’s Candidate on Media (Analysis of Media Representation of Self Joko Widodo & Prabowo Subianto as Indonesian President’s Candidate 2014-2019) Muhamad Sulhan


Transgender Representation in Mass Media Muhammad Nastain


he Value of Media Freedom: Indonesia-Malaysia Anom Erman, Ibrahim Faridah, and Rosada Dede



Stringer Practices in National Television Industry: Stringer Practice Case Study in National Television Media of Yogyakarta Period 2014-2016 Didik Haryadi Santoso and Rani Dwi Lestari


Attitude and Response to Capitalism Parents Children Display Advertising on Television in Preparing he Precious Characteron Child Education Dian Marhaeni K and Mubarok


Media and Cultural Industries Production Zulhei, Ruslan Hurasan, and Veranus Sidharta


Ethnographic Newsroom Television Station of Corruption News Editorial on Metro TV Dian Wardiana Sjuhro, Eka Yusuf, and Yoki Yusanto


CHAPTER TWO Urgency of Social Media Literacy in the Age of New Media Heri Ruslan, Bachtiar Wahab, and Irmawanti


Cyberspace in Indonesia: Descriptive Study About Cyberspace in Indonesia Rachmaniar and Ikhsan Fuady


Online Prostitution Business in Social Media Meria Octavianti, Detta Rahmawan, Slamet Mulyana, Rd. Funny M.E. and Rizky Imania


A Convergence of Social Media Usage (An Indonesian User Phenomenon in Facing he 2017 Election in DKI) Dahniarny Maulina Bahar, Muhammad Arif Syuhada, and Saputra Malik


Social Media, Political Communication Patterns and Power Relations in he Flores Tribal Society (A Critical Study on Discourse and Conversation Structures of the Online Political Discussion within Facebook Group “Wacana Pembentukan Provinsi Flores”) Aurelius Teluma



CHAPTER THREE Building Customer Loyalty hrough Mural Arts in Marketing Communications Strategy (A Case Study on Marketing Communication Strategy at PT. Telkomsel Indonesia) Muhammad Annas Triwibowo, Atwar Bajari, and Dadang Sugiana


Communication and Society Empowerment hrough Zakat Management Rully Khairul Anwar, Evi Novianti, Moch. Dulkiah, and M. Tauiq Rahman


Participation Dynamics of he “Kampung Preman” Society in he Empowerment Process (Case Study in BadranKampung Yogyakarta) Yuli Setyowati, Widodo Muktiyo, Mahendra Wijaya, and Sarah RumHandayani Interest of People and Government Support: Opportunities for Marketing Communications Strategy of he Private Higher Education Institution hrough E Learning Program in he Rural Area of Indonesia Siti Komsiah, Eli Jamilah, and Dian Harmaningsih


he Analysis of Public Service Announcement Exposure (Verse: “Tidak Bayar Pajak, Apa Kata Dunia?”) by Using Epic Model and It’s Inluence Towards Public Awareness in Paying Tax Lasmery RM Girsang Public Perception on he News About he Conlict Between KPK and Polri in Relation With Public Trust Towards Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla Government in Exterminating Corruption AgusSetiaman, DadangSugiana, and Betty Tresnawaty


he Inluence of Efectiveness of Interpersonal Communication Relationship Against he Resolution of he Conlict in A Golkar Political Organization Samson Halomoan Novan, Robertus Romrome, and Rahimin





A Qualitative Study of Perceptions of Local Tourist Regarding Taman Wisata Alam Angke Kapuk (TWAAK) as an Ecotourism Destination Brand Pir Owners


Health Communication in Using Traditional Medicine in he Digital Age: Qualitative Descriptive Study of Health Communication in Use Traditional medicine as a healing Media in the Digital Age Ditha Prasanti and Kismiyati El Karimah


Appraisal System Used to Express Ideologies in he Jakarta PostArticle: Women Opposing Gender Equality (A Critical Discourse Analysis on Social Emancipation) Elysa Hartati


Communication and Social Interaction for Social Harmony: Case Study of Bagongan and Walikan as Variants of Javanese Language in Yogyakarta Iskak Ismuwidarto, Mohammad Ibnur khalid and Idin Saidin








Media Industry and Ethics of Journalism Sika Nur Indah Graduate Student in Communication Studies  The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Sebelas Maret University [email protected]

INTRODUCTION Freedom of the press is increasingly assured with the appearance of law No. 40 of 1999 concerning the press. With assurance of laws and easy terms getting a publishing license, It is not a surprise if the number of press companies jumped sharply. he Press Council records around 1,008 print, 150 more television media, and 2,000 more radios in Indonesia until the early of 2009 Unfortunately this is not an increasing number of coupled with improved quality of media industry. Simply press company terms cause many companies to stand without fulilling the eligibility as company press releases and functionality professionalism puts work press. According to Bagir Manan (2011), incomprehension on the code of ethics of journalism which became his profession guidelines resulted in the emergence of journalists who abuse the identity to do a legal infringement.  he Press Council data in 2012 shows that there are 476 public complaints, 164 of them had Journalistic code of ethics violations. his issue afected still many perpetrators of the press that rely solely on learning by doing to acquire knowledge and skills. hey do not come from a background of education journalism. his is compounded if editors do not have enough knowledge (Manan, 2011).  he press or the mass media are also oten referred as a social institution. UU No. 40 of 1999, concerning the press, deined the press as a social institution and mass communication vehicle that carries out Media, Communication & Society Empowerment


journalistic activities include inding, gaining features, store, process, and deliver information in the form of text, sound, images, sounds and images, as well as data and charts as well as in any other form with the use of print media, electronic media and all types of available channels.  hough the sense of the press referred as social institution, the word “social” is not the same as social understanding which is inherent in social foundations, such as the non-proit now. he press also has a commercial aspect as a business entity (Mursito, 2006). As a institution, the press requires inancing to be able to survive.  In carrying out its functions, the press has what many experts called the communication as a social responsibility. Social responsibility theory articulated Siebert et al (1986) considers that the press should have the mission of social responsibility to the community. herefore the freedom of the press should be involved responsible freedom.  Concerning the social responsibility of the company to the public, the press has a duty to ensure the attainment of professionalism. Despite the attraction of interest among the press as social institutions are proit oriented with the issue of professionalism, however the problem of the responsibility which is relected in the moral ethics should not be ignored.  Paul Johnson (1994), historian and author of Modern Times is a pretty famous in its article entitled What’s Wrong with the Media and How to Put it Right exposing some things oten done press to far from professionalism and social responsibility. he seven that he termed the seven deadly sins of the media, including distortion, fake pictures of the privacy, thet, murder, sex, exploitation of characters litter the minds of children and abuse of the power of the media. herefore, to avoid such sins of the media, crew must have ten moral rules of behavior, especially for those who are at the level of policy retrieval.  1. he main desire to ind and tell the truth.  2. he journalist should always think about the consequences of what he has to say.  3. he truth telling is not enough, without the decision of the assessment. herefore the journalist should be educated.  4. A journalist should have the drive to educate the missionary spirit of the alias.  4 Media, Communication & Society Empowerment

5. An unscrupulous media dialogue to discuss with the community and avoid emotional  6. he media must show a willingness to lead.  7. To train leadership requires courage.  8. A willingness to admit mistakes.  9. Applying justice.  10. Understand if word meaning respect the value and honor.  At the current situation, many thinkers of the world worrying about ethical issues. It is in line with a description of Bill Kovach, a reporter on what is supposed to do by journalists. he thought that formed in the nine elements of journalism have been evocative awareness of many journalists in the world (Kovach, 2001)  1. Obligation of the irst journalism is on the truth  2. First Loyalty is to the journalism community  3. he essence of journalism is the veriication  4. Journalism practitioners must maintain independence against news sources  5. Journalism should be a supervisory authority  6. Must provide a critical forum Journalism as well as community support  7. Journalism should strive to make the important thing interesting and relevant  8. Journalism must broadcast the news comprehensive and proportional  9. Practitioner of journalism should be allowed to follow their conscience  To make it easy for authors to do the analysis, the data presented will be dissected by the virtue of clauses contained in the Indonesian Code of Conduct (Kode Etik Jurnalistik). he 11 points of the article are broken down into three essential parts, i.e. integrity, Engineering News as well as the rights and responsibilities of journalists. Following the grouping made the author are Integrity, Technical News, Rights and Obligations.

Media, Communication & Society Empowerment


Tabel 1 Code of Conduct Grouping Integrity

Technical News

Rights and Obligations

Indonesian journalists behave independently, have an accurate result, balanced news, and do not have bad intention 

Indonesian journalists always test information, spread broadly balanced, not mixing facts and opinions that judge, and applies the principle of presumption of innocence

Indonesian reporters respect the speaker about his private life, except for the public interest. 

Indonesian journalists attend the ways that professionals in the exercise of journalistic duties. 

Indonesian journalists do not make the news lying, slander, sadistic, and obscene. 

Indonesian journalists immediately revoke, revise, and correct the erroneous news and inaccurate accompanied by an apology to readers, listeners, and or viewers. 

Indonesian journalists are not abusing the profession and do not accept bribes

Indonesian Journalists do not mention and identity crime victims broadcast decency and not mention the identity of children who become perpetrators of evil. 

Indonesian journalists serve the right answer and the right correction proportionally. 

Indonesian journalists don’t write or broadcast the news based on prejudice or discrimination against a person on the basis of the diference in the tribe, race, color, religion, gender, and language and are not degrading the person is weak, poor, sick, disabled or physical defects of the soul. 

Indonesian reporters have the right to protect a resource decline unwillingness to note its existence or identity, respect the provisions of the embargo, background information, and of the record in accordance with the agreement.

METHODOLOGY  his research was conducted in the city of Solo with qualitative, descriptive methods. Bogdan and Taylor in the Maleong (1991) deines the type of qualitative research as a research procedure that generates descriptive data in the form of the written word or spoken of those 6 Media, Communication & Society Empowerment

behaviors that can be observed. While the research is descriptive only exposes a situation or event. he study do not look for or explain the relationship, do not test the hypothesis, or make predictions Rakhmad (2001).  he subject in this study is a journalist and editorial direction of the company’s press in the city of Solo. he qualitative data was chosen by purposive sampling technique. Informants were selected not based on a large number of population but was deliberately chosen because it is considered capable of providing accurate data related research issues.  Next, in this research, the three techniques of data collection involving participation, observation and interviews were conducted to obtain data as much as possible in answering a problem formulation. he data will be used to add to the document, the journal or book-related research topics.  he validity of qualitative research data is generally done by triangulation. Patton in Sutopo (2002) stated that there are four types, namely the Triangulation of Data/source, Triangulation Triangulation method, the researcher, and heoretical Triangulation. he next three of Triangulation will be used unless Triangulation researchers.  For the data analysis used the interactive analysis belongs to the Miles and Huberman (1994). Interactive data analysis techniques through the process which consists of three principal components, namely the reduction of data, data veriication data and cereal or withdrawing the conclusion. he activity of these three components is not linear, but rather an interactive work in the structure of the cycle.  Interactive Data Analysis Techniques

Media, Communication & Society Empowerment


Understanding Journalists on Journalistic Code of Ethics  Ethics remains a problem in the world of journalism today, both at the local level, nationally or internationally. Himelboim and Limor (2008) in the research entitled the Media Perception of Freedom of the Press by taking samples of worldwide code of conduct code of conduct shows developing countries showing concern about the most basic freedom of all countries studied.  Professionalism demands must be met with journalists in carrying out its work. To be professional, man must irst be immoral...

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