Social Media Ruining Our Society PDF

Title Social Media Ruining Our Society
Course  Computer Fundamentals for Business
Institution University of Central Florida
Pages 8
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This is an essay with informative decription as to how social media is runing our society. This is an argumentive essay which portrays factual evidnece that explains the path our society is on. ...


Social Media Ruining Our Society Computer Fundamentals & Applications CGS/2100 March 25, 2018

2 Social Media Ruining Our Society

With the fast expansion of technology today we are always awaiting the new best devices, updates and products. In such a short time frame we have created the most extraordinary technological advancements. As though it makes our lives much easier and more fascinating there is also a huge downside. One major problem or concern is the lack of communication we have with one another. Nowadays it is hard to see someone without their phones glued to their hands. This became a major concern for me because I personally am not addicted to my phone rather I am quite the opposite of many people in this day and age who have an urgency to constantly post and share what they are doing rather living in the moment. I noticed in my family that when we are all together in the living room relaxing towards the end of the day, everyone has their phone in their hands and no one looks at each other or has a real conversation anymore.

That is a major concern because more and more I see younger children with their own cell phones or tablets. Kids should be at the park playing or in the library reading books but even in those places you will notice many children with their technological devices. Why I decided to bring up this concern is because I have my own child and I do not want him to eventually turn into most of what society is today. I am afraid for my child because there is a chance that he won’t have those interpersonal and

Social Media Ruining Our Society

3 communication skills. As a mother I will do my best to cut down the screen time and use other methods of educating and developing my child. Focusing on technological issues for this paper I came across an article called “The Problem with Technology in Today’s Society” and the title itself spoke volumes to me because I could easily relate to it. I can proudly say that I gave up social media five years ago and just recently got back onto it for reaching out to my family and loved ones. Even though I am not thrilled to have it I do it to be able to keep in touch. To avoid being on it all the time I have to log on to my computer to even access it because I refuse to download the apps on my phone. Doing so allows me to dedicate my time wisely and manage what I have going on in front of me better without having that distraction easily available. Famous Social Media Sites with The Most Users (Ranking High to Low): 1. Facebook 2. YouTube 3. Instagram 4. Tumblr 5. Twitter

A key fact that I concur with the most is the inevitability of our society getting worse, as the article states that “yes, in fact technology is great but in the midst of all the great things it does, it has ruined our society (Musonda).” I started writing this paper without reading the article first because the

Social Media Ruining Our Society

4 title had me in all of my emotions so I honestly wrote everything I could personally think of that is wrong with our society today which is by being so captured with technology. As I begin to read the article now I come to realize that it states the same issues I have earlier but with different examples. Many people who are so enticed with their phones, apps and unfortunately taking selfies do not realize the harm they are doing to themselves and to others. Although it is hard to notice right away because people are so used to using their phones that they do not realize they have an addiction. Time and time again I confront my peers or relatives about their usage and they seem to be in such a denial of using that much. Reading that sentence back it sounds like I am taking technology usage in comparison of drug usage and although they may seem like a night and day difference they really aren’t by all that much.

When people use social media:  After work or evening  Before going to bed  First thing in the morning  During breaks  Lunchtime  During Work  Commuting

If you actually do research to all the negative benefits of watching too much television, or being on the computer for long periods of times, and even your cell phone it affects your brain more negatively than it does positively. Yes, it is possible to utilize technology and its creations for productive and useful purposes no doubt but others use it too much for mainly nonsense in my opinion, no offence. I truly believe that with more technological advancements we have become lazier and that leads to being unhealthy. I am not totally against making my life easier but there is a time and place for everything. My favorite technological advancement is the creation of the Instant Pot, because I am a

Social Media Ruining Our Society

5 mother now and also a wife who enrolls full time in online courses. My life is pretty hectic and the Instant Pot gives me the time I need to focus on what is more important than spending hours in the kitchen every day. As much as I love to cook some days are worse than others and I may not have the time to do so, but having a machine that can cook food faster than I could is truly an exceptional helping hand.

Doing some research on this topic I was able to find many articles that couldn’t agree more with this current issue that we are facing. The solution to this problem is easy but many people are still too naïve and oblivious to open their eyes and notice what is really going on in the world. For example, an average teenager would know that new album title of their favorite artist before they know what is going on in the news. That itself speaks volumes because that points out the fact that most people are consumed of meaningless events rather than real life knowledge of the current events. I spoke about technology and of social media although they both are relatively different they also go hand in hand. One couldn’t exist without the other. Another issue I would like to point out is what the article brought up, which is being concerned of what other people think of you and how your self worth depends on it for some people. I see that most people care about subscriptions, followers and likes more than interacting with people one on one and worrying if they like them or not since they are the ones who really matter versus people who are communicating you behind a screen.

Social Media Ruining Our Society


As I read in another article regarding this very same issue I read that someone mentioned how “everyone is as brave as a lion behind the screens of their computer or phone (Alvis).” With that being said it allows someone to be someone who they are afraid to be in real life most of the time and I believe that to be somewhat true because behind the screen there are rarely ever any consequences and if so then you must have done something really wrong. People use that power for more bad than good which leads to cyber bullying which is another topic for discussion within itself. Others use it to scam you or other things to that nature of horrible things. But on the plus side of having technology is that information is easily spread and we are able to access what we need to know faster and communication comes with a speed of light nowadays so that is also very helpful.

The rate of virtual world communication rises The rate of real life communication decreases Individuals get beyond caught up in the virtual world and their growth and worth in that aspect that they forget to grow as a person in the real world. Everyone can use technology but you need to use it

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7 responsibly and for the right reasons. I am not saying to rid all social media and throw away every technological item you own just do good in the world, spread awareness and happiness instead of meaningless pictures of food or selfies. (Please take no offence if you already do I am just trying to make a point by using means of comparison). Technology and social media are unavoidable at this point but I believe that it just takes one person to start a trend and post things such as donating to the needy, or doing a kind gesture, or a beautiful memory you were able capture those are the things that should exist in a place called forever, the internet.

Social Media Ruining Our Society



Alvis, Tricia. “The Problem with Technology In Today's Society.” The Odyssey Online, 27 Aug. 2017,

“Global Social Media Ranking 2018 | Statistic.” Statista,

Gordon, Benjamin. “Social Media Is Ruining Everything.” The Huffington Post,, 11 May 2015,

Musonda, Chiluba, and Chiluba MusondaChiluba J. Musonda. “Is Social Media Destroying Our Humanity? -.” The Good Men Project, 12 July 2017,

Social Media Ruining Our Society...

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