Report debate social media PDF

Title Report debate social media
Author Siti Hajar
Course International Business
Institution Management and Science University
Pages 35
File Size 1.9 MB
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Introduction Social media is a type of communication that takes place on the internet. Users can hold discussions, exchange information, and produce online content on social networking sites. Blogs, micro blogs, wikis, social networking sites, photo-sharing sites, instant messaging, video-sharing sites, podcasts, widgets, virtua l worlds, and other types of social media exist. Hundreds of millions of individuals use social media to exchange knowledge and build relationships all around the world. Social media allows you to contact with friends and family, learn new things, develop your hobbies, and be amused on a personal basis. On a professional level, you may utilise social media to expand your expertise in a cer tain subject and improve your professional network by engaging with other industry professionals. At the corporate level, social media a llows you to engage with your audience, gather feedback fr om customers, and raise your brand. Social media are interactive technologies and digital channels that allow people to share information, ideas, hobbies, and other kinds of expression with others in virtual communities and networks. While the range of stand-alone and built-in social media services now accessible presents issues to the definition of social media, there are certain similar qualities. Users often use web-based programmes on their computers or download services that provide social media capabilities to their mobile devices to access social media services (e.g., smartphones and tablets). Individuals, communities, and organisations can share, cocreate, discuss, participate in, and edit user-generated or self-curated information uploaded online as a result of their interactions wit h various electronic services.

Proposition 1 (SITI HAJAR BINTI ABDULLAH (2092020020009)) -Point 1: Social media maintains strong social ties with our existing friendship circle. Social media maintains strong social ties with our existing friendship circle, diversities and expands our social networks, alongside giving more people to opportunity to become more sociable than ever before. Because it allows for cross-time conversing, social media allows us to maintain strong social bonds with our existing friendship circle. These social networking websites such as Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and others can help us stay in touch with our pals in real-time. When we need to catch up with a friend in person, we update or post messages on our profile wall so that we can connect with them in the comment section. Similarly, even if we lose contact with an old friend, we may still share images with them and stay in touch. A Pew Center report shows, aside from establishing new friends, social media is a significant means for kids to communicate with their existing friends. More than nine out of ten teenagers (94 %) claim they spend time on social media with their buddies. A full third (30%) say they spend time on social media with friends every day, and another third (37%) say they do so every few days. When asked to list the ways they communicate with peers, two-thirds (66%) of teens regard social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter as one of the top options. (Amanda Lenhart, 2015)

Therefore, social media is an important tool for making and maintaining friendships. Given this, and the fact that many teens use social media regularly, it's no surprise that teen social media users say it helps them feel more connected to their friends' feelings and information about what's going on in their lives. More than eight out of ten (83%) social media users say the platforms make them more connected to information about what is going on in their friends' lives, and 70% say they are better connected to their friends' emotions. (Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech) Besides, social media can also make sure the long-distance friends always keep in touch to make sure they'll not lose contact. With social media, we can see the updates from our friends who live far away from us. We can also maintain our friendship by replying to their posts or texting them to ask how their condition is there. Aside from that, we can also use platforms such as Discord to watch movies together with our long-distance friends. According to one research, 93 percent of adults use Facebook to interact with family and 91 percent with friends.

And everyone knows how amazing social media is for staying (or re-establishing) communication with old pals, with 87 percent saying they use it for that purpose.

Since the birth of the telegram, the adoption of new technologies such as television, cell phones, and social media has frequently resulted in concerns about the erosion of face-to-face encounters and the potential for reduced happiness. A study conducted by the Universities of Missouri and Kansas discovered that social media use has no substantial detrimental impact on social interactions or social well-being. In the first study, they discovered that individuals who used social media from 2009 to 2011 found that changes in social media use were not connected with changes in direct social contact. Furthermore, the participants' sentiments of social wellbeing increased (Kearney, 2018).

-Point 2: Law enforcement uses social media to catch and prosecute criminals. Law enforcement is the activity of some members of government who act in an organized manner to enforce the law by discovering, deterring, rehabilitating, or punishing people who violate the rules and norms governing that society (Wikipedia). The usage of social media has changed the globe, affecting both personal and professional lives. Facebook, in particular, is revealing threats to communities to law enforcement. In their desire to protect and serve, more and more police agencies are discovering that social media can be a valuable tool in their investigations.

There are a few methods used by law enforcement to make sure they can catch criminals. •

Sting Operations

A sting operation is intended to catch a criminal in the act of committing a crime. Police personnel has started conducting sting operations on the Internet, which frequently involve social media. During these investigations, an officer disguises himself as a youngster or adolescent and contacts people through a Facebook group. •


Court decisions on whether law enforcement should be permitted to subpoena social media networks have been divided. Although much of the content on social media is open to the public, law enforcement has previously used subpoenas to obtain details on anonymous remarks. •

Location Tracking

On social media, location-based sharing has exploded in popularity. This metadata, which connects text, images, and video to a specific geographical location, is a valuable tool for law enforcement. Some police departments use a program called BlueJay to monitor tweets to track down known criminals. •

Public Outreach

For today's police departments, having a social media presence is practically required. Mountain View Police Department in Silicon Valley has been at the forefront of public relations via social media. When an MVPD officer was arrested in a child pornography sting, the department promised a thorough investigation on social media.

There is a 34-year mystery involving social media. Louisiana Police Department solved the case. The family of Carol Ann Cole contacted police after social media helped solve a 34-year-old cold case. Police had found a woman's body in the woods on January 28, 1981. She had been stabbed multiple times. Her shoe had the name "D. Davies" written on them, and police assumed it was related to her name. -Point 3: Social Media helps entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur is someone who starts their own business, especially when this involves seeing a new opportunity (Cambridge Dictionary). Social media is a place where entrepreneurs can challenge themselves to try something new and get more customers or clients from either global or local sources. Therefore, social media is one of the good strategies and opportunities for entrepreneurs to try and is also suitable with the definition that an entrepreneur needs to take a risk to make sure their products can be sold and known by customers. Due to the spread of the virus, social media is becoming one of the most relevant platforms today. With the pandemic situation happening around the world, online purchases have become one of the main attractions for deck users. With this opportunity, entrepreneurs can expand their business by promoting on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook marketplace, Twitter, and TikTok shop. Your social accounts are an important aspect of your sales funnel, which is the process by which a new contact becomes a customer (Social selling). Social networks will become increasingly significant for product discovery and eCommerce as the number of individuals utilizing social media grows and social sales tools expand. The time has come to integrate your social marketing efforts with your sales objectives.

Social media is an excellent platform to share the bitterness and success of a business in reaching success. Meanwhile, with the pandemic in full swing, anecdotes about the ups and downs of business can entice other entrepreneurs to share their experiences and inspire them not to give up easily. Your company will be recognized as a result of this. Engage with reporters frequently to enhance the likelihood of this happening (like and share their posts, join conversations, and add them to a dedicated list). People they don't know are always pitching to reporters. You should establish a connection with them long before approaching them about covering your company so that when the time comes, you are already friends.

For some time now there have been many social media platforms available to promote products. Among them are Shopee, Lazada, and Shein. Entrepreneurs can promote their online business accounts through social media such as Instagram and Facebook. In the meantime, they can offer promotions provided on their business platform, such as free shipping. With the advent of social media, we can see our rivals in terms of promotion and sales, at the same time being able to compete healthily without hurting others. Sales price, marketing techniques, product quality, customer service, and other factors are examples of healthy competition. Go to your competitors' Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn pages. Check to see if any of your friends are following these pages and make a note of who they are. Then, go through your competitors' followers, randomly clicking into profiles. You should examine how they communicate, whose postings have the highest interaction rates, and how individuals articulate their concerns on the pages in the same way you did with Facebook groups. You will be more effective in talking to and gaining the trust of your target audience if you have a clear understanding of who they are. Through your postings, you will be better positioned to sell straight to them.

-Point 4: Social media sites help employers find employees and job-seekers find work.

Today, social media plays an important role in the job search process. Employers can get a sense of who you are outside of a résumé, cover letter, or interview by using sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+, while job seekers can learn about companies they're interested in, connect with current and former employees, and learn about job openings instantly, among other things. 96 percent of recruiters use social media during the hiring process, with 87 percent using LinkedIn, 55 percent using Facebook, and 47 percent using Twitter. Forty-eight percent of job searchers attribute their current position to social media. 67 percent of job seekers use Facebook for job searches, 45 percent use Twitter, and 40 percent use LinkedIn.When looking for internships, 69 percent of students use social media.

When compared to traditional employment strategies, social networking offers a plethora of alternatives. Your social media profile connects you to hundreds of people (through your friends and beyond). Depending on the scope of your social networking, you can amass an impressive contact list through which you can keep abreast of new opportunities. Your friends will publish or share chances with their friends, and as a result, you will have a wealth of up-to-date information at your fingertips. Social networking can be beneficial to students and potential job seekers at all levels. The reality is that the majority of job openings in the real world are discovered through wordof-mouth. It is currently being supplemented by social networking in these social media times. If you have a strong network and people who believe in you and your ability, you may simply persuade them to recommend you for a position. They can also post information regarding job openings at their company. A strong and expanding social network would enable you to learn about new and existing opportunities. There are communities for specific topics of interest where you can search through adverts posted by others.

SUMMARY In conclusion, we can keep strong social relationships with our existing friendship group thanks to social media. Over 90% of students say they spend time on social media with their friends. Twothirds of kids consider social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter to be among the best ways to communicate with peers. We can see the updates from our pals who live far away thanks to social media. We can also keep in touch by responding to their posts or texting them. Nowadays, social media is a very easy and important communication network for everyone. We can use it to get to know new people and stay in touch with pals who have moved to various places. We can also share our ideas rapidly, allowing everything to progress swiftly because individuals can tell us their ideas and we can enhance them right away. We might also discover new things on social media by watching or reading what others contributed on the platform. People might also freely sell items on social media, reducing the need for marketing.

Opposition 1 (Siti Aishah Binti Ahmad Shaari 2092020020007)

1. Contributing us to Social Isolation

Greater use of the Internet was associated with declines in participants’ communication with family members in the household, declines in the size of their social circle, and increases in their depression and loneliness. This was seen as quite the paradox, given that the individuals were using the internet extensively as a communication technology. People these days find it easier to chat rather than talk to a person. Often, we hear complaints from elders, that we nowadays are not giving them enough time. Almost all the time, we just sitting on Facebook or Instagram, even though no one is there to chat with. All the time, we keep waiting for people but we never realise that there are people who are waiting for us outside this social network world.

Source: Loneliness and Social Isolation Linked to Serious Health Conditions

A 2014 study on college students suffering from internet addiction found results show that excessive and unhealthy Internet use would increase feelings of loneliness over time. This study also found that online social contacts with friends and family were not an effective alternative for offline social interactions in reducing feelings of loneliness as it only led to social isolation rather than sociable. Therefore, I can conclude that social media can make is less social able as it contributes us to Social Isolation.

Social Media can make us less sociable…by,

2- social media is a support of social relation

I think we need to stop to make a close border between social media and real life, because people who have all the social interactions with social media are just exception. In today's fastpaced world, social media was established to make it easier to form new acquaintances and maintain old ones. It has sped up global and local communication to previously unimaginable levels. It's ridiculous to claim that social media is making us less social because communication is the foundation of social interaction. Social media removes the barrier of distance, which is a factor that actually prevents people from becoming more social. Mostly, people have seemingly lost the ability to interact or have fun in "real life" anymore. Not only are our social skills waning, but motivation and creativity seem to be at an all-time low. People used to create or work for entertainment if for no other reason. People seem so distant even when they're right in front of you these days. But we cannot blame technology for this. If we choose to face them virtually rather than physically, it is our own fault for being too busy or tired (or worse, lazy). There are people using social media to plan old friend reunions and family get-togethers. It's because they used technology to their advantage. For these reasons, it is not social media that has made us less social, it is we ourselves who have created distances and barriers. People can also share whatever they want on their social media pages. Essentially, this concept is excellent, particularly for students who must constantly challenge their own understanding of a topic; however, with this freedom comes immature sharing. Some parties lack the integrity to validate information they find on the internet before sharing it, as long as the information is consistent with their understanding of the topic, whether in politics, education, religion, or elsewhere. This can result in misunderstandings and fights. This will also be related to the following point.

Social media sites have caused us to become antisocial, and we can see that wherever we may be. Whether we are at a family gathering, dinner table, or just walking through campus, people are glued to their phones probably scrolling through Twitter, or checking out people’s stories on social platforms. We will not be able to stop people from using social media sites, but we could change the way we control how we use social media. We need to control how social media affects our reality lives, and take the time out of our day to interact with people face-to-face rather than connecting through online.

Social Media can make us less sociable…by,

3- Decreases Face-to-Face Communication & Social Skills

Interacting with peers is about more than just words. It's about learning to read body language and understand vocal tonality, too. Relying on social media or texting to stay in touch can isolate individuals and prevent them from developing social skills they need in the real world.

Decreasing Amount of Face-to-Face Interactions

First, social media has led us to have fewer interactions with the people that they associate with. The majority of people have access to social media at any time they please via their smartphones, so this only worsens as more people begin to acquire smartphones. Since it has become more prevalent, social media has made people have a tendency to want to interact with people online rather than in person because it has made the process simpler. A simpler process allows for things to be done easier and more efficiently, which attracts more people to give it a try. Although it may be viewed as a positive change, this has caused people to become more antisocial than ever before, as counterintuitive as that may sound. Face...

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