Memory tricks that work PDF

Title Memory tricks that work
Course Sustainable Development
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"Memory tricks that work" - the presentation...


Memory tricks that work Do you find it difficult to remember important facts and figures? Or have you ever forgotten someone’s name at the worst possible moment? The ability to recall information is an important work skill, and people with good memories are often seen as smart, competent and dependable. In this presentation, we’ll look at 7 tricks you can do to improve your memory 1. Learn a new skill or start a hobby. Just like the rest of your body, your brain needs regular exercise. You can exercise your brain in different ways, on a regular basis. Try a new activity or hobby that requires skills you don’t normally use. If you work with numbers, develop your creative side with art classes or photography. 2. Convert words to pictures. This essential tip works for two reasons: First, we naturally remember visual cues better than words, and second, the more senses you involve in learning, the better you will be at recalling it. For instance, you need to remember to make a review and send it by 12 o'clock the next day. You commit your task to memory by visualizing your proposal—a stack of papers—on top of an alarm clock that reads "12 a.m." The trick here is to make the picture vivid. 3. Use memory spots. Think of physical places that you regularly occupy - your desk, sofa or armchair —and mentally put the picture from tip one (your proposal on the alarm clock) in one of those spots. I study a lot, so one of my memory spots is the desk in my room. Committing something to memory and mentally placing it where you’ll see it is the equivalent of putting a note on the front door so you’ll see it when you leave for work in the morning. As you continue to use this technique, you’ll become accustomed to checking with yourself: Should there be a reminder on my desk? 4. Write it down, don’t type it out. Put away your laptop. You're more likely to remember notes you write by hand than those you type. When you're writing by hand, your brain is more active in forming each letter, compared to typing on a keyboard where each letter is represented by identical keys. 5. Acronyms like HOMES and sentences like Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally help you remember things like the names of the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie and Superior) and the mathematical order of operations (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction). 6. Mind Maps are great tools that can help you to package the information you want to remember into a map or a list. Mapping

your ideas out can help you to «see» connections firsthand. This technique is useful if you need to summarize or combine information from a variety of sources. 7. Repeat and Repeat. Repeat what you want to remember in your mind over and over again. This works well for locations, people and inanimate objects. Keep repeating until it is implanted in your memory. I also prepared information about some brain training apps (besides quizlet) to train your mind and improve memory. Lumosity. This app consists of games that focus on improving the user’s memory, problem-solving capability, attention span, and thinking. There are three games in each session, and they challenge the brain by changing every time. The user has to complete the games while playing against a clock. Fit Brains Trainer. This brain training app has 10 sets of games that work on different areas of the brain and improve memory as well as concentration. A user is required to finish a particular task from each category on a daily basis and the app tracks the progress by a color coded graph. Questions: 1. Do you think you have a good memory or a bad one? 2. If you could edit your memories, which ones would you erase and why? 3. Now, we’ll test your memory. Which trick do you find the most effective? Why? Conclusion. Of course, all of the above tricks are considerable to improve your memory, but know that a healthy brain is the basis for a good memory. Make sure your diet contains all the key vitamins. Stay hydrated, get plenty of sleep and reduce stress with relaxation techniques, like deep breathing and mindfulness. I hope my tips will come in handy and you’ll impress us with your brilliant memory. The secret of my memory is that I began to develop it from childhood, attending various clubs. from the first class there was not a day that I did not study something. for example, with each new verse, the time of my memorization decreased. now it is enough for me to read the text thoughtfully 2-3 times, and I can tell its main content. Also I have the ability to throw away what I don't need in my memory. Vocabulary: cues - репліки,

Parenthess – дужки, Exponents – показники, Firsthand – безпосередньо, Inanimate – неживий....

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