Mental Health ati mastery PDF

Title Mental Health ati mastery
Author Jennifer Epps
Course Mental Health Nursing
Institution Rasmussen University
Pages 77
File Size 1.4 MB
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Mental Health ati mastery ___ increases the likelyhood of family violence - **substance use "my son has a few drinks each night to unwind" is a sign "If i didn't have to travel so much for work I'd be able to watch him and he wouldn't drink so much - **rationalization "Im not going to my family reunion because no one asked me to help plan it" of uselessness is a sign of depression "im relieved now that my finanical affairs are in order" in order


**more at risk when afairs are

"thank you for taking such good care of me" - **more at risk- people show an appreciation for loved ones when contemplating suicide *ADDICTIONS* -







1. During the procedure I will have a cardiac monitor in place 2. I can expect to have two treatments a week for the next 4 to 6 weeks 3. Following the procedure the patient will have short term memory loss undergoing ECT what do we need to inform the patient about? 15 to 30 mins restraints?


**How often do we nurses need to document when a patient is on

A charge nurse is conducting a class on therapeutic communication to a group of newly licensed nurses. Which of the following responses by the newly licensed nurse requires additional teaching regarding nonverbal communication? A. Personal space B. Posture C. Eye contact D. Intonation - **D. Intonation A charge nurse is discussing manifestations of schizophrenia with a newly licensed nurse. Which of the

following should the charge nurse identify as being effectively treated by conventional antipsychotics? (Select all that apply.) A. Auditory hallucinations B. Withdrawal from social situations C. Delusions of grandeur D. Severe agitation E. Anhedonia - **A. Auditory hallucinations C. Delusions of grandeur D. Severe agitation A charge nurse is discussing mental status examinations with a newly licensed nurse. Which of the following statements by the newly licensed nurse indicates a need for further teaching? A. "To assess cognitive ability, I should ask the client to count backward by 7." B. "To assess affect, I should observe the client's facial expression." C. "To assess language ability, I should instruct the client to write a sentence." D. "To assess remote memory, I should have the client repeat a list of objects." "To assess remote memory, I should have the client repeat a list of objects."


A charge nurse is discussing mirtazapine (Remeron) with a newly licensed nurse. Which of the following statements by the newly licensed nurse indicates understanding? A. "This medication increases the release of serotonin and norepinephrine." B. "I will need to monitor the client for hyponatremia while taking this medication." C. "This medication is contraindicated for clients who have an eating disorder." D. "Sexual dysfunction is a common adverse effect of this medication." - **A. "This medication increases the release of serotonin and norepinephrine." A charge nurse is discussing the care of a client who has major depressive disorder (MDD) with a newly licensed nurse. Which of the following statements by the newly licensed nurse indicates a need for further teaching? A. "Care during the continuation phase focuses on treating continued manifestations of MDD." B. "The goal of treatment during the maintenance phase is prevention of future episodes of MDD." C. "The client is at greatest risk for suicide during the first weeks of an MDD episode." D. "Medication and psychotherapy are used to prevent a relapse of MDD." - **A. "Care during the continuation phase focuses on treating continued manifestations of MDD." A charge nurse is discussing the characteristics of a nurse-client relationship with a newly licensed nurse.

Which of the following are appropriate to include in the discussion? (Select all that apply.) A. The needs of both participants are met. B. An emotional commitment exists between the participants. C. It is goal-directed. D. Behavioral change is encouraged. E. A termination date is established. - **C. It is goal-directed. D. Behavioral change is encouraged. E. A termination date is established. A charge nurse is discussing transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) with a newly licensed nurse. Which of the following statements by the newly licensed nurse indicates a need for further teaching? A. "TMS is indicated for clients whose depression is not relieved by medication." B. "I will provide postanesthesia care following TMS." C. "TMS is usually performed as an outpatient procedure." D. "I will schedule the client for daily TMS treatments for the first several weeks." - **B. "I will provide postanesthesia care following TMS." A charge nurse is leading a peer group discussion about family and community violence. Which of the following statements by a member of the group indicates a need for further teaching? A. "A criminal history increases the risk for violence between strangers." B. "Substance use disorder increases the risk for violence." C. "Entering an intimate relationship increases the risk for violence." D. "Pregnancy increases the risk for violence toward the intimate partner." - **C. "Entering an intimate relationship increases the risk for violence." A charge nurse is preparing a staff education session on personality disorders. Which of the following should be included as personality characteristics associated with all of the personality disorders? (Select all that apply.) A. Difficulty in getting along with other members of a group B. Belief in the ability to become invisible during times of stress C. Display of defense mechanisms when routines are changed D. Claiming to be more important than other persons E. Difficulty understanding why it is inappropriate to have a personal relationship with staff - **A. Difficulty in getting along with other members of a group C. Display of defense mechanisms when routines are changed E. Difficulty understanding why it is inappropriate to have a personal relationship with staff A charge nurse is reviewing Kübler-Ross: Five Stages of Grief with a group of newly licensed nurses.

Which of the following should the charge nurse include in the teaching? (Select all that apply.) A. Endurance B. Denial C. Bargaining D. Anger E. Depression - **B. Denial C. Bargaining D. Anger E. Depression a client begins to speak loudly and aggressively in a group therapy session you raise your voice, I feel uncomfortable and unsafe"


a client is experiencing alcohol withdrawal delerium- which roommate is most appropriate for this patient - **one with depression- will allow client to rest pt with acl withdrawal needs uninterrupted rest a client is taking an SSRI like paroxetine- what should you tell the client to report to you if they notive - **FEVER- Serotnonin syndrome not sex dysfunciton- this is normal a client s having difficulty dealing with a loss. group

**encourage the client to attend a grief

a client says about ECT "I will be able to stop taking my antidepressants after the tx" **nope= sorry need maintenacne A client says she is experiencing increased stress because her significant other is "pressuring me and my kids to go live with him. I love him, but I'm not ready to do that." She also states that her significant other "keeps nagging at my oldest son, which makes me mad, since he's my son, not his." Which of the following should the nurse recommend to promote a change in the client's situation? A. Learn to practice mindfulness. B. Use assertiveness techniques. C. Exercise regularly. D. Rely on the support of a close friend. - **B. Use assertiveness techniques. A client says, "I plan to commit suicide." Which of the following should be the nurse's priority assessment? A. Client's educational and economic background B. Lethality of the method and availability of means C. Quality of the client's social support

D. Client's insight into the reasons for the decision availability of means

**B. Lethality of the method and

A client tells a student nurse, "Don't tell anyone, but I hid a sharp knife under my mattress in order to protect myself from my roommate, who is always yelling at me and threatening me." Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A. Keep the client's communication confidential, but talk to the client daily, using therapeutic communication to convince him to admit to hiding the knife. B. Keep the client's communication confidential, but watch the client and his roommate closely. C. Tell the client that this must be reported to health care staff because it concerns the health and safety of the client and others. D. Report the incident, but do not inform the client of the intention to do so. - **C. Tell the client that this must be reported to health care staff because it concerns the health and safety of the client and others. a client that demonstrates a dedication to his job that excludes time for leisure activitites - **OCD a client was admitted as involuntary for substance abuse and is refusing the lorazepamwhat do you do - **dont give it- they still have the right to refuse treatment a client who recently lost her daughter in a crash harming yourself?" a client who the nurse should see first is demonstrating impulsive behaviors

**"have you had any thoughts of

**an antisocial personality disorder client who

a client with end stage renal failure is told he is not going to make it through the week. therapeutic response: - **"tell me what activities your father enjoys" A community health nurse is leading a discussion about rape with a neighborhood task force. Which of the following statements by a neighborhood citizen indicates the need for further teaching? A. "Rape is a crime of aggression." B. "Acquaintance rape often involves alcohol." C. "Both men and women can be victims of rape." D. "The majority of rapists are unknown to the victims." - **D. "The majority of rapists are unknown to the victims."

a dementia patient is agitated -

**offer diversionary activities

a depressed client reports finally being at peace and has more energy upcoming suicide attempt A family member using alcohol -

**suspect an

**What shows signs of abuse in an elderly?

a member of the family with little power is blamed for problems within the family **scapegoating a new group of clients in an acute mental health facility- implement first abnormal involuntary movement test


A nurse assesses a client at a community mental health facility using the SAD PERSONS tool. The nurse knows that this tool provides which of the following data related to a client? A. Current anxiety level B. Problem-solving ability C. Suicide potential D. Mood disturbance - **C. Suicide potential A nurse decides to put a client who has psychosis in seclusion overnight because the unit is very short-staffed, and the client frequently fights with other clients. This is an example of A. beneficence. B. a tort. C. a facility policy. D. justice. - **B. a tort. A nurse hears a newly licensed nurse discussing a client's hallucinations in the hallway with another nurse. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? A. Notify the nurse manager. B. Tell the nurse to stop discussing the behavior. C. Provide an in-service program about confidentiality. D. Complete an incident report. - **B. Tell the nurse to stop discussing the behavior. a nurse in a 24 hr mental health facility is planning DC for a client with a long history of alcohol use disorder- what postdischarge activity should the nurse plan to inlcude **attending a relapse prevention group several times each week like AA 12 steps A nurse in a long-term care facility is caring for a resident who has major neurocognitive disorder and attempts to wander out of the building. The client states, "I have to get home." Which of the following is

an appropriate response by the nurse? A. "You have forgotten that this is your home." B. "You cannot go outside without a staff member." C. "Why would you want to leave? Aren't you happy with your care?" D. "I am your nurse. Let's walk together to your room." - **D. "I am your nurse. Let's walk together to your room." A nurse in an acute mental health facility is caring for a client who has a severe mental illness and soon will be ready for discharge but still requires supervision much of the time. The client's wife works all day but is home by late afternoon. Which of the following should the nurse suggest as appropriate follow-up care? A. Receiving daily care from a home health aide B. Having a weekly visit from a nurse case worker C. Attending a partial hospitalization program D. Visiting a community mental health center on a daily basis - **C. Attending a partial hospitalization program A nurse in an acute mental health facility is caring for a client who is experiencing a mixed episode of bipolar disorder. Which of the following is the priority nursing action? A. Set consistent limits for expected client behavior. B. Administer prescribed medications as scheduled. C. Provide the client with step-by-step instructions during hygiene activities. D. Monitor the client for escalating behavior. - **D. Monitor the client for escalating behavior. A nurse in an outpatient mental health clinic is preparing to conduct an initial client interview. When conducting the interview, which of the following is the highest priority action? A. Respect the client's need for personal space. B. Identify the client's perception of her mental health status. C. Include the client's family in the interview. D. Teach the client about her current mental health disorder. - **B. Identify the client's perception of her mental health status. A nurse is admitting a client who has a new diagnosis of bipolar disorder and is scheduled to begin lithium therapy. When collecting a medical history from the client's adult daughter, which of the following statements is the highest priority to report to the provider? A. "My mother has diabetes that is controlled by her diet." B. "My mother recently completed a course of prednisone for acute bronchitis." C. "My mother received her flu vaccine last month."

D. "My mother is currently on furosemide for her congestive heart failure." mother is currently on furosemide for her congestive heart failure."

**D. "My

A nurse is assessing a 4-year-old child for indications of autism spectrum disorder. For which of the following indications should the nurse assess? A. Impulsive behavior B. Repetitive counting C. Destructiveness D. Somatic problems - **B. Repetitive counting A nurse is assessing a client 4 hr after receiving an initial dose of fluoxetine (Prozac). Which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider as an indication of serotonin syndrome? (Select all that apply.) A. Hypothermia B. Hallucinations C. Muscular flaccidity D. Diaphoresis E. Agitation - **B. Hallucinations D. Diaphoresis E. Agitation A nurse is assessing a client immediately following an electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) procedure. Which of the following are expected findings? (Select all that apply.) A. Hypotension B. Paralytic ileus C. Memory loss D. Nausea E. Tachycardia - **C. Memory loss D. Nausea E. Tachycardia A nurse is assessing a client in an inpatient mental health unit. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect if the client is in the preassaultive stage of violence? (Select all that apply.) A. Lethargy B. Defensive responses to questions C. Disorientation D. Rapid breathing E. Facial grimacing F. Agitation - **B. Defensive responses to questions D. Rapid breathing

E. Facial grimacing F. Agitation A nurse is assessing a client who has alcohol use disorder and is experiencing withdrawal. Which of the following is an expected finding? (Select all that apply.) A. Bradycardia B. Fine tremors of both hands C. Hypotension D. Vomiting E. Restlessness - **B. Fine tremors of both hands D. Vomiting E. Restlessness A nurse is assessing a client who is currently taking perphenazine. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as an extrapyramidal symptom (EPS)? (Select all that apply.) A. Decreased level of consciousness B. Drooling C. Involuntary arm movements D. Urinary retention E. Continual pacing - **B. Drooling C. Involuntary arm movements E. Continual pacing A nurse is assessing a client who is suicidal. Which of the following is appropriate for the nurse to ask the client? (Select all that apply.) A. Do you have a plan? B. Have you thought about hurting yourself? C. Do you feel that life is not worth living? D. Why do you want to commit suicide? E. Have you experienced a recent change in your mood? - **A. Do you have a plan? B. Have you thought about hurting yourself? C. Do you feel that life is not worth living? E. Have you experienced a recent change in your mood? A nurse is assessing a client who is the victim of sexual assault. Which of the following findings indicate the client is experiencing an initial impact reaction of rape-trauma syndrome? (Select all that apply.) A. Genitourinary soreness from the assault B. Difficulties with low self-esteem C. Sleep disturbances D. Emotional outbursts E. Difficulty making decisions - **D. Emotional outbursts

E. Difficulty making decisions A nurse is assisting in the discharge planning for a client following alcohol detoxification. The nurse should anticipate prescriptions for which of the following medications to promote longterm abstinence from alcohol? (Select all that apply.) A. Lorazepam (Ativan) B. Diazepam (Valium) C. Disulfiram (Antabuse) D. Naltrexone (Vivitrol) E. Acamprosate (Campral) - **C. Disulfiram (Antabuse) D. Naltrexone (Vivitrol) E. Acamprosate (Campral) A nurse is assisting the parents of a school-age child who has oppositional defiant disorder in identifying strategies to promote positive behavior. Which of the following is an appropriate strategy for the nurse to recommend? (Select all that apply.) A. Allow the child to choose consequences for negative behavior. B. Use role playing to act out unacceptable behavior. C. Develop a reward system for acceptable behavior. D. Encourage the child to participate in school sports. E. Be consistent when addressing unacceptable behavior. - **C. Develop a reward system for acceptable behavior. D. Encourage the child to participate in school sports. E. Be consistent when addressing unacceptable behavior. A nurse is assisting with a court-ordered evaluation of a client who has antisocial personality disorder. When assessing this client, which of the following are expected findings? (Select all that apply.) A. Demonstrates extreme anxiety when placed in a social situation B. Has difficulty making even simple decisions C. Attempts to convince other clients to give him their belongings D. Becomes agitated if his personal area is not neat and orderly E. Blames others for his past and current problems - **C. Attempts to convince other clients to give him their belongings E. Blames others for his past and current problems A nurse is assisting with systematic desensitization for a client who has an extreme fear of elevators. Which of the following is appropriate when implementing this form of therapy? A. Demonstrate riding in an elevator, and then ask the client to imitate the behavior. B. Advise the client to say "stop" out loud every time he begins to feel an anxiety response related

to an elevator. C. Gradually expose the client to an elevator while practicing relaxation techniques. D. Stay with the client in an elevator until his anxiety response diminishes. - **C. Gradually expose the client to an elevator while practicing relaxation techniques. A nurse is caring for a client in an inpatient mental health facility who gets up from a chair and throws it across the day room. Which of the following is the priority nursing action? A. Encourage the client to express her feelings. B. Maintain eye contact with the client. C. Move the client away from oth...

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