Method section bio PDF

Title Method section bio
Course Biological Psychology
Institution University of Melbourne
Pages 10
File Size 192.3 KB
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Methodology provided by teaching staffs...



[Type Title Here in Title Case]

[Author] Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences, University of Melbourne


[Word Count]

2 Abstract Write a summary of the work in a paragraph of no more than 250 words. This paragraph should be double-spaced and aligned left, with no first-line indent. Note that words in an abstract should not be counted toward the final word count for the report. For further information, check the word count policy in the student manual. Keywords: [Click here to add keywords.]

3 [Type Title Here in Title Case] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas porttitor congue massa. Fusce posuere, magna sed pulvinar ultricies, purus lectus malesuada libero, sit amet commodo magna eros quis urna. Nunc viverra imperdiet enim. Fusce est. Vivamus a tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin pharetra nonummy pede. Mauris et orci. Aenean nec lorem.

4 Method Participants Sixty participants took part in the study, 30 of whom were allocated to the hands condition (16 female, 14 male; aged 18-30 years; M = 24.03, SD = 3.33) and 30 of whom were allocated to the Shepard figures condition (15 female, 15 male, aged 18-29 years; M = 23.60, SD = 2.87). All participants were right-handed, had normal or corrected-to-normal vision, and had no history of psychological of neurological disorders. Materials and Measures A transcranial magnetic simulator (TMS) equipped with a figure eight coil was used. This was placed tangentially over the hand area of the left primary motor cortex with the handle pointing backward and rotated 45 away from the midline. Stimuli were presented on the 21” flat screen of a Dell PC using the Presentation Software Package. Stimuli were either Shepard figures (Shepard & Metzler, 1971) or hands (Bode et al., 2007) which were approximately constant in size (maximum of 10cm).

Procedure and Design Participants were seated approximately 70 cm (+/- 4) from the computer screen. Their task was to mentally rotate the left object to see if it could be made to match the object on the right. A positive match could be made in half of the trials, whereas in the other half the object was mirrored. The degree of rotation necessary to come to either a “same” or “different” judgement ranged between 45 and 315 degrees. For each category there were three objects, each presented at four different viewing angles. All stimuli were shown twice, once for “same” and once for “different”, leading to 24 trials in total per block for each condition which were randomized. Participants were instructed to mentally rotate each object in order to decide whether it was the same or different. They were asked to do this as quickly and accurately as possible indicating their decision using one of two buttons with their left hand. There were six experimental blocks

5 which were preceded by a practice block. On odd blocks real TMS was applied (i.e., a TMS pulse was applied 400 ms after stimulus onset at a pulse strength which was 110% above each participant’s motor threshold). On even blocks sham TMS was applied (i.e., TMS coil is not discharged). An average mean RT for TMS blocks and Sham blocks, for both hands and Shepard Figures conditions was obtained and compared using a one-tailed paired samples t-test.

6 References

7 Optional Self-Assessment Form Read through the assessment criteria and assess your own performance. Select the option you believe best represents how well you satisfied the criteria. Your tutor will not base your mark on this self-assessment in any way. This task is intended to help you better gauge your own progress and to identify your own personal strengths and weaknesses. Note that this form counts as supplemental material and therefore should not be counted in the final word count. Overall Impression In your judgment, what is the overall quality of the current work? Your rating:

N ☐

A. Title and Abstract A1. Title Content

Your rating:

N ☐

N ☐

N ☐

N ☐

B2. Literature Review (Relevance and Understanding)

P ☐

H3 ☐

H2B ☐

H2A ☐

P ☐

H3 ☐

H2B ☐

H2A ☐

P ☐

H3 ☐

H2B ☐

H2A ☐

P ☐

H3 ☐

H2B ☐

H2A ☐

N ☐

P ☐

H3 ☐

H2B ☐

H2A ☐

Weight 1%

H1 ☐


H1 ☐


H1 ☐


H1 ☐

 Discusses the implications of the study’s findings with regard to the problem under investigation.

B. Introduction B1. Opening

Your rating:

H1 ☐

 Describes the main findings, including effect sizes and statistical significance levels (i.e., p values), where appropriate.

A5. Abstract (Discussion) Your rating:

H2A ☐

 Describes relevant sample characteristics (e.g., number of participants, age, gender composition) and essential features of the study method (e.g., study design, outcome measures, data-gathering and analysis procedures).

A4. Abstract (Results)

Your rating:

H2B ☐

 Describes the problem under investigation (i.e., the research topic).

A3. Abstract (Method)

Your rating:

H3 ☐

 Clearly and concisely outlines the main topic of the research, including the relationship between key variables.

A2. Abstract (Background) Your rating:

P ☐


H1 ☐

Weight  Opens by introducing the problem under investigation and outlining its importance. N ☐

P ☐

H3 ☐

H2B ☐

H2A ☐

 Provides a succinct and focused review of literature relevant to the problem.


H1 ☐


8  Summarises key background information accurately and in appropriate detail. N ☐

Your rating:

N ☐

Your rating:

N ☐

H1 ☐

H3 ☐

H2B ☐

H2A ☐

P ☐

H3 ☐

H2B ☐

H2A ☐


H1 ☐


number of participants in total and in relevant subgroups


descriptive statistics for years of age


gender composition of the sample


other major demographic characteristics as warranted by the study


eligibility and exclusion criteria

P ☐

H3 ☐

H2B ☐

H2A ☐

N ☐

P ☐

H3 ☐

H2B ☐

H2A ☐

D. Results D1. Statistical Information

P ☐

H3 ☐

H2B ☐

H2A ☐






H1 ☐


H1 ☐

 Presents all relevant statistical information accurately and completely. N

Weight 0%

H1 ☐

 Describes the procedures that were carried out in the study, including a detailed outline of how participants were allocated to groups or conditions and the specific steps involved in collecting and analysing data.

N ☐


H1 ☐

 Describes all outcome measures, and the materials used to derive them, with sufficient detail to facilitate reproducibility.

C3. Procedure and Design

Your rating:

H2A ☐

Describes the participants involved in the research. In most cases, this includes:

C2. Materials and Measures

Your rating:

P ☐

N ☐

Your rating:

Your rating:

H2B ☐

 Outlines the purpose and scope of the study and generates specific hypotheses for testing.

B4. Aims and Hypotheses

Your rating:

H3 ☐

 Develops a cogent rationale by critically evaluating the literature and explaining how the current study builds on prior research.

B3. Literature Review (Rationale)

C. Method C1. Participants

P ☐


Weight 5%

9 ☐


 Describes the results of each analysis appropriately and presents statistical and mathematical information in correct APA Style format.



 Presents results in an organised manner, following the structure set by the study’s design and the order of the aims and hypotheses.  Avoids making interpretive comments that are better suited for the Discussion (e.g., interpreting what the result means for the hypotheses stated in the Introduction). Your rating:

N ☐

P ☐

H3 ☐

H2B ☐

H2A ☐

H1 ☐

 Presents at least one table or figure which is referred to and described appropriately in text.

D3. Tables and Figures


 Tables/figures conform to the requirements of APA Style.  Each table/figure serves a purpose and does not merely duplicate information contained in the text or in another table or figure. Your rating:

N ☐

E. Discussion E1. Hypotheses

Your rating: E2.

P ☐

H3 ☐

H2B ☐

H2A ☐

H1 ☐

 Opens with a clear statement summarising the aims and hypotheses and indicating whether the hypotheses were supported or not. N ☐

P ☐

H3 ☐

H2B ☐

H2A ☐

H1 ☐

 Considers how the study’s findings are similar to or different from relevant prior work.


Weight 5%


 Considers what the results mean for the problem under investigation, particularly with regard to the specific issues raised in the Introduction.  Reflects on how the study advances scholarship in the field without overstating the importance of the study and its findings.

Your rating: E3. Future Directions

N ☐

P ☐

H3 ☐

H2B ☐

H2A ☐

H1 ☐

 Suggests future directions informed by issues that remain unresolved, new questions that have arisen as a consequence of the study’s findings, or limitations in the design of the study that may need to be addressed in future work.



Your rating: E4.

N ☐

H3 ☐

H2B ☐

H2A ☐

H1 ☐

 Concludes by briefly returning to a discussion of why the problem is important and how the findings relate to the overarching issues motivating the research.


Your rating:

P ☐

N ☐

F. Writing/Presentation F1. Written Expression

P ☐

H3 ☐

H2B ☐

H2A ☐


H1 ☐

Weight 5%

 Demonstrates clarity and conciseness in written expression.  Demonstrates continuity and flow within and across all sections of the report.  Exhibits a professional tone suitable for academic writing.  Word choice is appropriate and sentences are wellconstructed, with no errors in spelling, grammar, or usage.  Contains an appropriate amount of original material.

Your rating:

N ☐


N ☐

H2B ☐

H2A ☐

H1 ☐

P ☐

H3 ☐

H2B ☐

H2A ☐

N ☐

P ☐

H3 ☐

H2B ☐

H2A ☐


H1 ☐

 Works are cited appropriately in-text and in the reference list, following the requirements of APA Style.


Your rating:

H3 ☐

 Adheres to APA Style formatting requirements (e.g., with regard to page numbers, headings, line spacing, and paragraph alignment and indentation).

F2. Report Formatting

Your rating:

P ☐


H1 ☐...

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