Mgmr 101 - Lecture notes 5 PDF

Title Mgmr 101 - Lecture notes 5
Course Introduction to Management
Institution Victoria University of Wellington
Pages 3
File Size 158.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 14
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Rich channel of communication = Capable of high degree of communication. Posture, facial expression etc…

Example of noise #2: 

Poor written or verbal communication. Lets eat grandpa! Lets eat, grandpa!

Example of noise #3: 

Failure to recognise non-verbal signals.

Example of noise #4: 

Physical distractions (sound, music)

Example of noise #5:  

Status effects (power, aware of others impact, influence, reward, punish for saying certain things.) What sort of power do I have over others.

The imperfect nature of our perceptions can also introduce a lot of noise into the communication process  

Mirror Social reality - Cartoon, simplified

STEREOTYPING: When someone is identified as belonging to a group or category, and then oversimplified attributes associated with the group or category are linked to the individual (Schermerhorn et al., 2017, p. 394)

HALO EFFECT: When one positive attribute leads us to develop a positive overall impression of a person

Assume great basketball player, must be amazing people in general (halo effect)

When communicating, stereotypes and the halo effect can significantly affect how credible we perceive someone to be - and how credible others perceive us to be! 

More credible or less credible than they are.

SELECTIVE PERCEPTION: The tendency to single out for attention those aspects of a situation or person that…appear consistent with one’s existing beliefs, values or needs (Schermerhorn et al., 2017, p. 395)

Monkey business illusion.

Pro active strategy: 'Take leadership in social initiatives' Meet economic. Legal, ethical and discretionary responsivities Accommodative strategy: 'Do minimum ethically required' Defensive strategy: 'Do minimum legally required' Meet economic and legal responsibilities Obstructionist strategy: 'Fight social demands' Meet economic responsibilities

Businesses and organisations, try and call for lower taxes and mass produce products which negatively affects the environment but then try and cover this up through philanthropy. Facebook and Amazon have this charade of having positive impact on the world but in reality have a large negative affect overall....

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