MGMT 351 - Lecture notes 13 PDF

Title MGMT 351 - Lecture notes 13
Author Alexandra Foto
Course Principles Of Management
Institution Southeastern Louisiana University
Pages 27
File Size 210.9 KB
File Type PDF
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management 351 lecture notes...


Managers and Managing o

What is Management? 

The planning, organizing, leading, and controlling of human and other resources to accomplish organizational goals efficiently and effectively 

Resources 

Controlling 

Putting measures in place to accomplish your goal; 'checkpoints'

Organizational Goals 


funds, labor, licenses ,patents, inventory, time

Not for you; for the company/ organization you work for

Levels of Management 

Top Manager- President 

Middle Managers- Dean 

First- Line Manger- Department Head 


Efficiency and Effectiveness 



Nonmanagerial Employees- teachers


"Doing things right"

Getting the most output for the least inputs


"doing the right things"

Attaining organizational goals

Doesn't matter how hard you're working; only that you do it right

Four functions of managements 

Proposed by Henry Fayol

Planning --> organizing --> leading --> controlling

Mintzberg's Managerial Roles 

Interpersonal roles

 o

Informational Roles

Skills needed at Different Managerial Levels- most important 

Top Managers 

 


Being able to see far into the future

'the big picture'

Human skills

Middle managers 

Conceptual skill

Human skills

Lower level managers 

Technical skill

Human skills

The Importance of Customer 

Customer- Reason for organizations existence 

Not changing for the customers = losing business 


Not always what you want to do

Managing customer relationships is the responsibility of all managers and employees

Consistent high quality customer service is essential for survival.

CRM- Customer Relationship Management 

Cheaper to keep a customer than to get a new one.

'buzz word'

Always have a question at the end of an interview* 

Must have a competitive advantage

Always ask a big conceptual questions*

Innovation Importance 

Innovation 

Doing things differently, exploring new territory, and taking risks

"Something new/ different, or old/ repackaged"


The Importance of Sustainability 

Sustainability 


Employees should be away of and act on opportunities for innovation.

What are we doing in the organization that will assure our success in the future?

Core competency 

Helps to create… 

Competitive advantage- what are your competencies that make you more attractive than others to a business/ organization? 


Nursing program

Education programs

Textbook rental

Student: teacher ratio

A huge part of customer service 

A waiter who's not "taught" to handle situations alone without a higher power's approval

Challenges for Management in Global Environment 

Maintaining ethical and socially responsible standards 

Ethical and social are defined different here from other countries

Challenge for organizations; "when you're in Rome, do as the Roman's do"

Managing a diverse workforce 

National or international

Practicing global crisis management 


Empowerment 


"SLU Competencies"

Planning for an emergency with global complication

Universality of management 

Management is universal

Think broad 

Management majors can apply at North Oaks (case management) 


Rewards and challenges of being a manager

Chapter 5: Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment o

Work Force Diversity


Evolution of Workforce Diversity


Why is managing a workforce diversity so important? 

People Management

Organizational Performance







Glass ceiling

KNOW THESE LAW (Slide 12,13) o

Equal Pay


Age Discrimination in Employment Act


Americans with Disabilities Act


Family and Medical Leave Act

Quid pro quo Anything that makes you uncomfortable (sexually) (sexually in the workplace..

Sexual Harassment o

the ways in which people in an organization are different from and similar to one another

Challenges in Managing Diversity

o 

Not just doctors work at hospitals

Steps to Eradicate Sexual Harassment (slides 17- 18)

Hostile work environment


Anything that interferes with your ability to perform your job

CH. 6 o

Managing in a Global Environment 

Parochialism- viewing the world solely through your own perspective 

US has a Monolingualism society

Ethnocentric Attitude- the best work approaches and practices are those of their home countries 

"Japanese way is best for Japan"

Geocentric Attitude- the best work approaches/ practices are those of the home country. 

"US is best"

Polycentric Attitude- not imposing your ways on another place 

solely working with your own language you must know English to survive

"Austrian way is best for Spain"

Multinational Corporation (MNC)- any/ all types of international companies that maintain operations in multiple countries

Ch 15: Effective Groups and Teams o

Groups- Two or more people interacting and interdependent individuals who come together to achieve specific goals 

Formal - assigned/ by management; your boss asking you to head something* 

Informal- form in a way other than dictated by management 


(talking more about this one in class)

EX: workmates get together to bowl; nothing work related

Stages of Group Development: 

Forming stage 

First meeting of the group

Discuss what we're supposed to do

Don't want to stay in this stage to long 

Not actually working on the assignment at this point

If you get stuck, the leader is responsible to move things forward

Storming Stage 

"constructive conflict" 

"destructive conflict" 

Who will be the leader

How you will do the project; separate/ not separate the tasks;

Shouldn't last long

Norming Stage

Performing Stage

Want to get here as quickly as possible

Adjourning 

Project has been presented

All done

Work Group Performance and Satisfaction 

Why are some groups more successful than others? 

Find people good at the skills you need for the group

Group Member Resources 


Still not working on the project


Interferes with the outcome



Where something good comes from it

A group's performance potential depends on the resources each individual brings to the group.

Group Structure 

Role- within a group; behavior patterns expected of someone occupying a given position in a social unit

Might not be defined: 




EX: ME- mom #2

Norms- may not be established/ talked about 

Forms overtime

Brings conformity to the group

Outliers are "encouraged" to conform

Groupthink- negative; "peer pressure" for adults 

You have to give up on your ideas/ opinions to go along with the group

When you "give in" when you don't want to

Very common for new, young professionals

Status- "prestigious" rank within a group 

Sometimes it's "perceived" not always the truth

EX: 

military 



Salary 

Office 

bigger the officer; the higher the status

Apartments 

More $ = higher status

higher the floor, the higher the office

Social Loafing- tendency for someone to perform less effort in a group than when working individually 

Working more to get an A in a bad group

 

Group cohesiveness- the degree to which group members have chemistry and get along well 


Working less to get an A when the group is more successful

EX: sorority, fraternity

Creative Decision Making 

Brainstorming- an idea- generating process that encourages alternatives while withholding criticism 

A group who comes together to make a decision 

EX: friends deciding what to do on Friday

Common ideas and unusual ideas


Chapter 2 o

Scientific management- the systematic study of relationships between people and tasks for the purpose of redesigning the work process to increase efficiency.


Bureaucracy- a formal system of organization and administration designed to ensure efficiency and effectiveness


Principles of Management 

Division of labor

Authority and responsibility

Unity of command

Line of authority


Unity of direction





Remuneration of personnel

Stability of tenure personnel

Subordination of individual interest to common interest

Esprit de corps

Contingency theory- the idea that the organizational structures and control systems managers choose depend on (are contingent to) characteristics of the external environment in which organization operates.

Hawthorne effect- the finding that a manager's behavior or leadership approach can affect workers' level of performance

Human relations movements- advocates the idea that supervisors should receive behavioral training to manage subordinates in ways that elicit their cooperation and increase their productivity

Chapter 4: Ethics and Social Responsibility o

Social Responsibility 


Social Screening 


An organizations thoughts/ actions to go above and beyond in their community

"social audit"

Green management 

More specific term than social responsibility

Green Approach: 

(Low) 

Legal approach (light green) 

Market approach 

We do what is legal/ what our customers want us to do 

Stakeholder Approach 

We do what is legal, what our customers want us to do,

Stakeholder: any group/ people who have an interest in the business aspects of a company

EX: (selu) Teachers, Students, investors (scholarship donors),

Activist Approach (dark green) 

Looking for opportunities without being asked


Ethics 

Principle, values, and beliefs

Lots of diversity to define what is/ isn't ethical

Ethical dilemma vs. Ethical Lapse 


Ethical dilemma 

I find myself in a situation and I don't know what to do

EX: business allows $25 donation, other business wants to give $100 donation

Ethical lapse 

You've done something wrong

EX: accept the donation

What happens when your company has different ethical beliefs? 

"code of ethics" for business

You could use your job/ quit if you speak up

Learn what you believe is ethical/ non ethical

Factors that determine unethical and ethical behavior 

Stages of Moral Development (lowest- highest) 

Preconventional 

We do what is right to avoid punishment/ do it because it is in our best interest

Conventional 

Doing it because we don’t want to disappoint someone

Fulfilling obligations- "you are as good as your word"

Principled 

Individual characteristics: 

Can you stand ethically if everyone disagrees with you?

(On my own)

Organization's Culture 

(on my own)


Issue intensity Slide/ Graph

Chapter 7: Decision Making, Learning, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship o

Decision Making 

Decision- Making a choice from two or more alternatives 



Not always what's right or wrong 

What do I do with $500 I won?

Decision- Making Process 

Identify a Problem 

What is it that's making sales go down? 

Million $ add campaign for product

Can't afford another distribution

Identify Decision Criteria 

Different people have different criteria 

Allocate Weights to the Criteria 

EX: buying a house

Prioritize your criteria

Develop Alternatives 

Choose from the narrowed- down criteria

Forces yourself to move forward

Analyze Alternatives 

Evaluate the narrowed- down pool

Select an Alternative 

Implement the Alternative 

Once you've made your decision, implement the alternative

Evaluate Decision Effectiveness 

Why did it turn out to be a good decision?

If it was not, analyze the decision and what you could've done differently?

Making Decisions: The Role of Intuition 

Select your choice from the pool

Intuitive decision- making 

Gut feeling

Why am I feeling this way?

Structured Problems and Programmed Decisions 

Structured Problem 

EX: registration for graduate 

Programmed Decision 

Goes with structured problems

Unstructured and Nonprogrammed 

Unstructured Problem and Nonprogrammed decisions 

 

If you're not registered before deadline, you can still graduate with a fee

EX: "Katrina Registration" 

Students enrolled had to leave

Students who wanted to come from colleges in NOLA that were flooded

"single use plan"

Decision- Making Biases and Errors ; page 200- 201 

Escalating commitment Bias

A source of cognitive bias resulting from the tendency to commit additional resources to project even if evidence shows the project is failing

"Know when to hold em,' know when to fold em."

Prior hypothesis bias 

Representative bias 

A source of cognitive bias resulting from the tendency to over estimate one's own ability to control activities and events.

Guidelines for Making Decisions

Planning o

Identifying and selecting appropriate goals and courses of action; one of the 4 principle tasks of management.


Necessary to give the organization direction and purpose


Useful way of getting managers to participate in decision making


Helps coordinate managers of different functions


defining the organization’s goals, establishing strategies for achieving those goals, and developing plans to integrate and coordinate work activities.

Goals vs. Plans o

Goals- desired outcomes/ targets


Plans- documents that outline how goals are going to be met.

Strategy o

A cognitive bias resulting from the tendency to generalize inappropriately from a small sample or from a single vivid event or episode

Illusion of control 

A cognitive bias resulting from the tendency to base decisions on strong prior beliefs even if evidence shows that those beliefs are wrong

Cluster of decisions about what goals to pursue, what actions to take, and how to use resources to achieve goals.

Strategic plans


Mission statement o


Performance gains that result when individuals and departments coordinate their actions


Obtained when the value created by two divisions cooperating is greater than the value that would be created if the two divisions operat...

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