MGMT 425 Syllabus PDF

Title MGMT 425 Syllabus
Author Chris Valcarcel
Course Business Strategy and Policy
Institution California State University Long Beach
Pages 25
File Size 444.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 54
Total Views 161


MGMT 425...


MGMT 425: BUSINESS STRATEGY AND POLICY SPRING 2019 College of Business Administration California State University, Long Beach Sec 19: M/W, 9:30–10:45AM (CBA 214) Sec 1: M/W, 11AM–12:15PM (CBA 214)

Professor: Yoonhee Choi, PhD Office CBA 304 Telephone 562-985-5406 E-Mail [email protected] Office Hours Mon 12:30-1:30PM, Tues 6-7PM, and by appointment

COURSE DESCRIPTION MGMT 425 is a capstone course that builds upon other courses1 of the undergraduate business program to develop an integrated approach toward strategy formulation and implementation. The course is designed to build competence in analyzing internal and external environment of firms, and developing corporate- and business-level strategy to increase firm performance and to survive and sustain in competitive environment. The course employs textbook reading, lecture, discussions, case studies, and group presentations.

COURSE GOALS As a result of taking this course, you will be able to:  Understand the basic principles of how to formulate and implement an appropriate strategy in a firm  Analyze internal and external environment of firms  Identify opportunities and threats for a firm’s performance  Apply strategic frameworks to real-life organizations  Assess effectiveness of a firm’s strategy and develop your own recommendation for strategy  Develop a strategic mindset to help you deal with managementrelated challenges in your own careers  Work in teams toward same goals through cooperation  Be conscious about ethical principles and social responsibilities in business environment

1 Prerequisites for MGMT 425 are ACCT 202 or 320, MGMT 300, MKTG 300, FIN 300, and IS 301.


The course goals are in line with CBA undergraduate learning goals. 2 The first six bullet points aim to achieve the following three learning goals: Critical Thinking, Business Functions, and Domestic and Global Environment. The seventh bullet point aims to achieve Team and Interpersonal Skills. The last bullet point aims to achieve Ethics. REQUIRED READINGS 1. Textbook Frank Rothaermel, Strategic Management. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, Inc. (ISBN-13: 978-1259420474) 2. Cases On-line course packet from Harvard Business Publishing for case studies ($12.75) Course pack link:

COURSE GRADES The grading scheme for this class is outlined below. Quizzes 15% Exams (40%) Midterm 20% Final 20% Case Study (Group) 10% Management Consulting Part A (Group) 15% Management Consulting Part B (Group) 10% Book report 10% Attendance & Participation Extra credit/Points deduction

GRADING COMPONENTS Quizzes There will be five quizzes in this semester. Each quiz contributes equally to the final grade. Quizzes will be based on assigned readings (textbook and cases) and open-book. It will take approximately five to ten minutes per quiz. The quiz dates are indicated in the course schedule. All quizzes are done in class using an electronic device (phones are allowed). There is no make up for the quizzes. Exams Exams will be in-class closed-book tests. They will consist of multiple choice and short answers/essay questions. You will only be tested on the material covered in class. 2 More details on the CBA Learning goals are available at


Case Analysis There are three cases we will cover in this class: Trader Joe’s, Sandlands Vineyards, and Disney & Pixar. For the purpose of this assignment, you will join groups of 4 or 5. As a group, you will choose one of the three cases and will be assigned to 2-3 questions of that case to deliver your answers in 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of Q&A. The questions for each case are available in Appendix A. The grading criteria for presentation is available in Appendix B. Materials to submit: Presentation slides with presentation notes in both electronic and hard copy. Presentation material should be in MS Power Point or Mac Keynote. Include slide numbers on the bottom of each page.


Management Consulting Project For the purpose of this assignment, you will join groups of 4 or 5. As a group, you will choose a company that you would like to have an in-depth understanding and provide recommendations for firm strategy. The purpose of this assignment is to enhance your skills to collect necessary facts using valid sources, to utilize appropriate tools and frameworks for analysis, and to practice problem-solving for real-life management problems. There will be a series of progress check on your project through in-class discussions and assignments. The due dates for each assignment are indicated in the course schedule. Appendix C provides detail information about the project and assignments. Team ethics Every assignment done as a team will be graded as a team. It is important to develop a well-collaborating team environment throughout the semester. A lack of participation of teammates and low team performance are the team’s responsibility to overcome. To avoid free-riding, submit a peer evaluation of teammates’ participation (see Appendix E) at the end of every group project (i.e., one for case presentation and another one for management consulting project). This evaluation will be used to add or deduct points for individual team members. Book report Students are asked to choose strategic management-related book or scholarly article and write a 4-6 page report (double spaced, font size 11, excluding appendix, tables, and bibliography). The report should include a short summary of the book, an analysis or application of a theory/construct discussed in class that can be related to the book, and a reflection of how the book extends your knowledge in strategic management. Your report should be written clearly and in good quality. If you struggle with your writing, I suggest you contact the Writer’s Resource Lab3 to get one-on-one help on your papers and improve your written communication skills. You may also refer to writing/grammar guides on the web.4 On the Book Report Showcase day, you will present about your book report in 6-8 minutes. There will be approximately nine presenters each day. Each day of the showcase, the audience will vote whose book report presentation was the best. The top three win a prize. More information and grading criteria about this assignment is provided in Appendix D. Attendance and participation Students are expected to attend every class session and arrive on time. You are also encouraged to actively participate in class and group discussions. 3 4


For fellow students to concentrate and enjoy the class, you are responsible to act professional in class. Here are ways to gain an extra credit(s): i) Provide quality comments and questions throughout the semester ii) Perfect attendance throughout the semester with no late arrivals Here are ways to lose points. Each item results in one point deduction: i) One unexcused absence5 ii) Two late arrivals iii) One poor classroom behavior (e.g., use of unexcused electronic devices, studying for other exams, etc.) Use of electronic devices during class Students may NOT use any electronic devices for any purposes, except when instructed otherwise (e.g., taking quiz in class). With the exception of Disable Student Services-approved assistive devices, electronic recording of class content is prohibited.

COMMUNICATION BeachBoard will serve as the main communication platform for this class. Lecture slides and other relevant class materials will be posted on BeachBoard. Check BeachBoard prior to attending each class. There may be times I send email to make an announcement or to send an evaluation using BeachBoard. Make sure your email inbox receives the emails sent from BeachBoard. Email is a good way to reach me if you have any questions. I usually respond within 48 hours.

COURSE POLICIES Excused absences and Withdrawal University policy for excused absences can be found here: ndance.html

In case you decide to withdraw from the class, it is your responsibility to do so. Instructors are not obligated to withdraw students who do not attend courses. Late assignments and make-up exams No late assignments will be accepted for any reason. If there is an illness or family emergency that prevents you from sitting for an exam, contact me to schedule a make-up date. You will need to provide physician-documented 5 You may have up to two unexcused absences without having your points deducted, except for the Book report showcase days.


waiver or other valid note to reschedule an exam. It is your responsibility to start assignments early enough to avoid last minute submission or late turnin. Academic Misconduct CSULB defines academic misconduct as any act by a student that misrepresents the student's own academic work or that compromises the academic work of another. Scholastic misconduct includes (but is not limited to) cheating on assignments or examinations, plagiarizing, and submitting the same paper, or substantially similar papers, to meet the requirement of more than one course without the approval and consent of the instructors concerned. Students found guilty of academic misconduct face penalties ranging from receiving a grade of F for the work involved and/or for the course. The misconduct will also be reported to the school. University policy for the academic integrity can be found here: lagiarism.html

If you need more information regarding what defines cheating or plagiarism, you can refer to this information:


Accommodations for Students with Disabilities The Disabled Student Services (DSS) Office provides certification for students with disabilities and helps arrange relevant accommodations. Any student requesting academic accommodations based on a disability is strongly encouraged to register with DSS each semester. A letter of verification for approved accommodations can be obtained from DSS. The phone number for DSS is (562) 985 5401, and the email address is [email protected]. Reasonable accommodation will be made once DSS informs the instructor for the need. CSULB Basic Needs Program The CSULB Basic Needs Program has targeted services to address food and housing insecurity on our campus. Here is more information on the services offered: • ASI Beach Pantry: The pantry has perishable and non-perishable food items, toiletries, and school supplies available to all CSULB students. It is located in USU 302, and it is open M-F 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM. • CalFresh Outreach Program: CalFresh is California’s name for the federally funded Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). CalFresh benefits are funds on an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card which can be used to buy food. The CalFresh Outreach Program at CSULB provides application and verification assistance to students who meet CalFresh eligibility requirements. Assistance can be found during drop-in hours or through an appointment. Email [email protected] for more information. • Student Emergency Intervention and Wellness Program: This program serves students experiencing an unforeseen emergency crisis situation who have exhausted all sources of assistance including financial aid grants and loans. The services include an emergency grant up to $500, emergency meal assistance, and short-term emergency housing. For more information or to apply visit:


COURSE SCHEDULE The schedule is tentative to change. Date 23Jan 28Jan 30Jan


6-Feb 11Feb 13Feb 18Feb 20Feb 25Feb 27Feb 4Mar 6Mar 11Mar 13Mar 18Mar 20Mar 25Mar 27Mar 1-Apr 3-Apr 8-Apr 10Apr

Topic Introduction to the course Strategy and strategic management (Ch. 1) External analysis (Ch. 3) PESTLE Porter’s Five Forces Model Internal analysis I (Ch. 4) VRIN and Core competency Group exercise on Value chain activities (Jet Fighter) Internal analysis II (Ch. 4) Group exercise on Value chain activities (Jet Fighter) SWOT Evaluating competitive advantage (Ch. 5) Business strategy (Ch. 6) and Business Models (Ch. 5) Exam review Case presentation on Trader Joe's


Quiz #1

Research Workshop

Last day to choose teams for case presentation and consulting project

Due: Consulting project firm selection Quiz #2

Case analysis on Trader Joe's Midterm Exam Innovation Management I (Ch. 7) Innovation Management II (Ch. 7) Innovation Management III (Ch. 7) and Mgmt Consulting Project Discussions CSU-BAT (Business Assessment Test) Vertical Integration (Ch. 8)

Quiz #3

Diversification (Ch. 8)

Quiz #4

Case presentation on Sandlands Vineyards Case analysis on Sandlands Vineyards

Due: Book report item selection

Strategic alliances and M&A (Ch. 9)

DUE: Consulting Project Part A

Spring Break Spring Break Mgmt Consulting Project Discussions Case presentation on Disney & Pixar


Quiz #5

15Apr 17Apr 22Apr 24Apr 29Apr 1May 6May 8May Final s Wk

Case analysis on Disney & Pixar Vision and Corporate Social Responsibilities I (Ch. 1 & 12) Book Report Showcase

DUE: Book report

Book Report Showcase Book Report Showcase Exam Review Final Exam Management consulting project discussion DUE: Consulting Project Part B; Peer Evaluation Sheet

Management Consulting Project Presentations

Appendix A

Case Study Questions

Case #1. Trader Joe’s 1. Provide a brief overview of the firm (company history, products/services offered, performance history, etc.). 2. Provide an analysis of the supermarket industry. 3. Conduct a financial ratio analysis using the data in Exhibit 2. a. How do the results reflect the different strategies pursued by those four firms? b. What do the results say about how firms in this industry can deliver strong returns in different ways? In other words, how do firms in the supermarket industry make money? 4. Which business strategy is Trader Joe’s pursuing? What strategic decisions made by Trader Joe’s support your answer? 5. Conduct a value chain analysis on Trader Joe’s. a. Find strength, weakness, and competitive advantage of Trader Joe’s by using the value chain analysis. b. Is their competitive advantage sustainable? Why or why not? 6. How would you modify Trader Joe’s strategy moving forward? Case #2. Sandlands Vineyards 1. Provide a short overview of the firm (founder, company history, products/services offered, core competency, etc.). 9

2. Is the premium wine segment (i.e., making premium wines) an attractive market? Is it likely to get more or less attractive in the future? 3. Which business strategy (among Porter’s generic business strategies) is Sandlands Vineyards pursuing? What factors are critical to be competitive using this business strategy? 4. Does Sandlands Vineyards have a competitive advantage in the premium wine market? Is its advantage sustainable? 5. Draw an industry value chain for the wine industry. a. Which stages of the industry value chain does Sandlands Vineyard participate in? b. How would your answer to 5a change if Sandlands Vineyard buys the Eastside Meats building and develop it into a winery? 6. What should the Passalacquas do: buy the Eastside Meats building and develop it into a winery; buy another old vine vineyard; or do something else? a. Provide a list of pros and cons for each option. b. Suggest which option would be the best (under what conditions).

Case #3. Disney and Pixar 1. Provide a short overview of the two firms (company history, products/services offered/performance history, core competency, etc.) and an industry analysis of the animation production industry. 2. Examine Disney and Pixar’s contracts in 1991 and 1997. a. What differences do you see between these contracts? b. What do these differences tell you about the challenges to develop further contracts? 3. Answer which value is greater and explain why. a. The value of Pixar and Disney in an exclusive relationship vs. the sum of the value that each could create if they operated independently of one another b. The value of Pixar and Disney in an exclusive relationship vs. the value that each could create if they were allowed to form relationship with other companies 4. Produce pros and cons of merger from both the Disney and Pixar perspectives. Next, produce alternatives to the merger for both firms.


a. Based on your evaluation of pros and cons of merger and the potential alternatives, what would have been the best move for Disney? Why? b. What would have been the best move for Pixar? Why? 5. If Disney does acquire Pixar, how should Bob Iger and his team organize and manage the combined entity? What challenges do you foresee, and how would you meet them?


Appendix B

Case Presentation Evaluation Sheet Evaluation criteria 1 Was the team's answer fully address the question? 2 Does the team's answer reflect a good understanding of the case? 3 Did the team developed logical analysis and the recommendations/con clusion is congruent with the analysis? 4 Did the team effectively utilize the lessons taught in class?

5 Did the team used their allocated time effectively to describe their answers?

6 How was the quality of the presentation skills?

5 - Very good

4 - Good

3 - Passable

2 - Below average

1 - Poor

Weig ht

Delivered clear and straightforward answers to all questions Delivered excellent assessment and information of the case

Delivered clear and straightforward answers to most questions Most assessment and information of the case is correctly presented

Majority of answers are vague and not targeting the questions Delivered mostly incorrect assessment and information of the case

Not answering questions


Show a poor understanding of the case


Developed arguments in logical steps and walk though these steps in presentation

Developed arguments in logical steps but the presentation of the steps is not clear

Answers tend to be vague and not targeting the questions Delivered some correct and some incorrect assessment and information of the case Some answers lack supporting and logical thought process

Many answers lack supporting and logical thought process

Complete lack of supporting evidences and logical thought process to an argument/answer


Correctly utilized appropriate theories, constructs, frameworks, or models (i.e., class materials) to answer the questions (1) Balanced presentation time relatively equally to each question, and described each answer comprehensively yet to-the-point. (2) No overtime, and no extensive leftover time (>5min). Meeting all five quality factors: (1) Eye contact (not reading slides/notes) (2) Voice (loud and clear) (3) Knowledgeable of

Most answers incorporated class materials and used them correctly

Some answers either did not utilize class materials or used them incorrectly

Many answers either did not utilize class materials or used them incorrectly

Complete absence of class materials


(1) Balanced presentation time relatively equally to each questions, and described each answer comprehensively yet succinctly (2) Went overtime or too much time was left (>5min)

(1) Presentation was too focused on one questio...

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