MGMT 498 Syllabus Summer 2021 no calendar PDF

Title MGMT 498 Syllabus Summer 2021 no calendar
Course Promotion Management
Institution University of New Mexico
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Course ID: MGMT 498-002 Strategic Management– Summer 2021 CRN: 19687 Class Session: Online Holly Hitzemann Instructor Email: Please contact me via Learn Course Message tool Phone: 505-615-3377 Online office hours/student drop in: Fridays - 12:00-1:00pm via Zoom (attendance is optional)

Course Description This course material fulfills the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) accreditation requirement: to provide an understanding of the functions of top management, the strategic management process, and experience case studies which will offer the student an opportunity to develop a habit of administrative thinking as company-wide objectives and policies are formulated and consistent plans and program are carried into action. Course Objectives Strategic Management is intended to be a challenging, exciting and applicable interdisciplinary capstone course for the undergraduate curriculum. The goal of this course is to integrate the functional areas of business education and introduce the student to the analysis and formulation of strategic problems and decisions facing managers and leaders. To this end, we will present material from the textbook, discuss current issues facing managers, and assess the creation and implementation of strategic decisions through the use of a case study. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking: Strategic management is necessary for gaining knowledge that is integral to the successful management of organizations. Two of the most important activities in which managers engage are problem solving and critical thinking. In order to help students gain and build these skills, we will focus on the following course objectives (COs):

CO1. Understand the relationship among different levels of strategy: Much of business education is focused on helping students understand the functional areas of business. Strategic management is intended to help students understand how all such functional areas work together to achieve organizational and corporate strategies. CO2. Organize information to assess business situations: Assessing organizational strategies entails the use of appropriate information. Strategic management is intended to help students understand how information from various sources can be assessed for validity and applied in ways that lead to positive outcomes for organizations and their stakeholders. 1

CO3. Understand the assessment, creation and implementation of business strategy: The diagnosis of business problems is only a small component of a successful competitive strategy. You will be encouraged and challenged to think about the implementation of any prospective strategies and to evaluate the economic and ethical implications of these strategies for company stakeholders. Communication and Teamwork: Additional objectives of this course are to improve your presentation communication skills and your teamwork skills. Contemporary managers are valued not only for their skills at technical analysis and problem solving, but also for their ability to communicate their solutions, persuade others of the viability of their insights and construct creative solutions in a group context. Several assignments will be completed in teams, so students should stay connected and proactively communicate with colleagues to accomplish the team case study and assignments. Current Events: Throughout the course we will also tie strategic concepts to current events. It is important that students review journals and websites to stay abreast of strategic business news such as mergers, downsizing, and diversification and management changes. Additionally, I place a significant emphasis on the impact of the external environment on strategic planning. Climate news, political and socio-economic changes or trends will be important to completing our activities and assignments. Each weekly module will have specific learning objectives listed on the Overview Page. The activities in that module (i.e.: assignments and assessments) are developed so that you can demonstrate you have met the above objectives. Prerequisites and Co-requisites Prerequisite: 300 and 303 and 306 and 308 and 310 and 322 and 326 and 328. Restriction: admitted to B.B.A. program. Specific Course Requirements One should also be able to use scholarly databases and properly annotate research.

Technical Skills In order to participate and succeed in this class, you will need to be able to perform the following basic technical tasks:     


Use UNM Learn (help documentation located in "How to Use Learn" link on left course menu, and also at ). Use email – including attaching files, opening files, downloading attachments Copy and paste within applications including Microsoft Office Open a hyperlink (click on a hyperlink to get to a website or online resource) Use Microsoft Office applications o Create, download, update, save and upload MS Word documents o Create, download, update, save and upload MS PowerPoint presentations Create, download, update, save and upload MS Excel spreadsheets


Technical Requirements Computer  A high speed Internet connection is highly recommended.  Supported browsers include: Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari. Detailed Supported Browsers and Operating Systems:  Microsoft Office products are available free for all UNM students (more information on the UNM IT Software Distribution and Downloads page: For UNM Learn Technical Support: (505) 277-0857 (24/7) or use the “Create a Support Ticket” link in your course.

Textbook and Supplemental Materials Required Textbooks: 1. Jay B. Barney and William S. Hesterly, Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage, Concepts and Cases. 6th Edition, 2019, (Pearson) This textbook is an inclusive text and will be available within Learn the first day of class. Instructions on access, and/or opting out of this very affordable text will be in Learn. No other textbook edition will be acceptable for this course, including international editions. Recommended and/or Optional Textbooks, Journals and Articles: Students are also expected to regularly read at least one of the following business periodicals: The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Fortune, or Forbes. Students may also view news videos on the Internet. All periodicals are available in the Parish library or accessible via the Internet.

Coursework and Participation Instructor Response Time I routinely check the course for postings or messages, Monday (8 am) –Thursday (9 am) and sometimes on the weekend. You can anticipate a 24 to 48 hour response from me, Monday – Thursday. I will try and respond to all weekend (Friday afternoon to Sunday) emails and postings by noon on Monday or earlier. Procedures for Completing Coursework Tardy work will not be accepted, nor will exams/quizzes be reopened if missed. Ample time has been provided for completion of all tasks. If you have had a medical emergency, please notify me for accommodation.  All written work needs to be submitted online. If you have a difficulty using a tool to complete work, use the “Create a Support Ticket” link in the Course Menu immediately and notify your instructor as well.


Assignments Quizzes Midterm Exam Final Exam Team Case Analysis Project Team Assignments Discussion Forums

4/200 pts 200 pts 200 pts 100 pts 4/200 pts 2/100pts

 Please see the Course Calendar/Schedule for further details on our assignments including due dates and point values for each. Specific instructions for assignments will be contained with our weekly learning modules. Note: Quizzes and exams will contain questions from videos and/or web links provided in Weekly modules. 

Several assignments in this course will be completed in Teams of four to five students. If you experience difficulties working with your team, I expect you to resolve those difficulties within the team, if possible. However, you may also contact me for guidance if you have concerns. Team assignments should be completed in Learn using the collaborative tools. This way I can observe the participation of team members.

Expectations for Participation Please note the following.         

time required (9-12 hrs per week) students are expected to learn how to navigate in Learn students are expected to communicate with one another in team projects students are expected to keep abreast of course announcements students are expected to use the Learn course email as opposed to a personal email address students are expected to keep instructor informed of class related problems, or problems that may prevent the student from full participation students are expected to address technical problems immediately students are expected to observe course netiquette at all times students are expected to contact instructor ONLY THROUGH LEARN

Netiquette 

“In following with the UNM Student Handbook, all students will show respect to their fellow students and instructor when interacting in this course. Take Netiquette suggestions seriously. Flaming is considered a serious violation and will be dealt with promptly. Postings that do not reflect respect will be taken down immediately.” (Rebecca Adams, OLIT 535) “This course encourages different perspectives related to such factors as gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, and other relevant cultural identities. The course seeks to foster understanding and inclusiveness related to such diverse perspectives and ways of communicating.” Link to Netiquette document:


Grading Procedures I have chosen each assignment to support your successful achievement of our core course objectives, namely: CO1. Students will understand the relationship between different levels of strategy. CO2. Students will be able to organize information to assess business situations CO3. Students will understand the assessment, creation and implementation of business strategy The Team Case Analysis project addresses all three of our course objectives and represents approximately a third of your grade in the course. Supportive team assignments throughout the course will assist in understanding the concepts and elements required in this project. The quizzes and exam will also evaluate how well you have understood all learning objectives. You should expect assignments to be graded within seven days.

Instructor Attendance Policy: I may drop a student who does not login to our class at least once a week or does not complete assignments/exams/quizzes for one week. Grading Scale

Final grades will be assigned as follows: 930-1000 900-929 880-899 830-879 800-829 780-799 730-779 700-729 680-699 650-679 Below 650

points points points points points points points points points points points


ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Anderson School of Management faculty, staff and students commit to values of trust, honesty, integrity, and accountability. We will not tolerate academic dishonesty. By enrolling in any course at Anderson, the student accepts the Anderson Academic Honesty Code and affirms the following pledge: I will not lie, cheat, fabricate, plagiarize or use any other dishonest means to gain unfair academic advantage.


Any violation of the code of conduct will be taken very seriously and appropriate sanctions will be applied. FOR FULL TEXT OF ANDERSON’S ACADEMIC HONESTY CODE, please visit

UNM Policies Title IX: Gender Discrimination In an effort to meet obligations under Title IX, UNM faculty, Teaching Assistants, and Graduate Assistants are considered “responsible employees” by the Department of Education (see pg. 15 This designation requires that any report of gender discrimination which includes sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and sexual violence made to a faculty member, TA, or GA must be reported to the Title IX Coordinator at the Office of Equal Opportunity ( For more information on the campus policy regarding sexual misconduct, see: Copyright Issues All materials in this course fall under copyright laws and should not be downloaded, distributed, or used by students for any purpose outside this course. Accessibility In accordance with University Policy 2310 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), academic accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an accommodation. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor’s attention, as I am not legally permitted to inquire. Students who may require assistance in emergency evacuations should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow. Contact Accessibility Resource Center at 277-3506 for additional information. If you need an accommodation based on how course requirement interact with the impact of a disability, you should contact me to arrange an appointment as soon as possible. At the appointment we can discuss the course format and requirements, anticipate the need for adjustments and explore potential accommodations. I rely on the Disability Services Office for assistance in developing strategies and verifying accommodation needs. If you have not previously contacted them I encourage you to do so  Blackboard’s Accessibility statement:  Microsoft: Academic Misconduct You should be familiar with UNM’s Policy on Academic Dishonesty and the Student Code of Conduct which outline academic misconduct defined as plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, or facilitating any such act. Drop Policy: UNM Policies: This course falls under all UNM policies for last day to drop courses, etc. Please see or the UNM Course Catalog for information on UNM services and policies. Please see the UNM academic calendar for course dates, the last day to drop courses without penalty, and for financial disenrollment dates.


UNM Resources CAPS Tutoring Services CAPS is a free-of-charge educational assistance program available to UNM students enrolled in classes. Online services include the Online Writing Lab, Chatting with or asking a question of a Tutor. UNM Libraries Student Health & Counseling (SHAC) Online Services


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