Syllabus 2600 A Summer 2021 PDF

Title Syllabus 2600 A Summer 2021
Course Introduction to the Study of Personality
Institution Carleton University
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Carleton University-Department of Psychology PSYC 2600 A: Introduction to the Study of Personality Course Outline Summer 2021 Class Information Lecture day: Each lecture will be posted on BRIGHTSPACE before NOON on Tuesday and Thursday. Location: ONLINE. More details will be shared on the class website on BRIGHTSPACE Course prerequisites: PSYC 1001 and PSYC 1002. Precludes additional credit for PSYC 1000 ***All dates and times are local OTTAWA time*** Instructor Information Instructor: E-mail:

Lorena Ruci, Ph.D. [email protected]


Please use your Carleton email account for all university correspondence. When you email, please identify yourself as well as what course and section you are taking.


I will reply to your email within 24 hours (Monday-Friday from 8:30-4:30 PM).


If you haven’t received a reply from me after two days, then I did not receive your original email (check that you have the correct email address and send it again). Keep in mind that email originating from non-Carleton email addresses does end up in the Spam folder.

Office Hours: ONLINE, on BRIGHTSPACE Teaching Assistants: An n aCa mp b e l l An n a Ca mp b e l l @c ma i l . c a r l e t o n . c a Ma h d iMo s hi r i a n ma h d i mo s h i r i a n f a r a h i @c ma i l . c a r l e t o n . c a For their office hours, please check the Brightspace webpage. -

Your teaching assistants (TAs) are here to help you learn the course material. The TAs can answer questions via email, or if you would like to set up an online meeting, just email to request an appointment. The TAs will be organizing study sessions prior to each exam; information about these will be posted on our course website closer to the date of each exam.

Lorena Ruci, Carleton University – Summer 2021 – Penultimate version – Subject to change

If you cannot make it to these meetings, feel welcome to email to set up a time to meet. Meetings with the TAs will be conducted on Brightspace. Course Web Site: (all the courses should be available from this link). This Web site represents one of our primary means of communication, including: lecture notes and recordings, the course outline, weekly news, related study materials, resources, and your grades. This web site is an important learning resource. Be sure to explore all of the resources early in the term. The site also includes the PowerPoint lecture slides. While these slides are meant to assist your efforts in the course, they are only a starting point for what is expanded on the lecture recordings. In other words, the slides should not be regarded as a substitute for watching the lecture recordings.” This course will be asynchronous. This means that: 

The videos of our lectures will be made available on the BRIGHTSPACE course website every Tuesday and Thursday before NOON and will be available for you to watch whenever your schedule permits. However, I strongly recommend watching the lectures weekly, in specific times and not leaving them for the last minute, before a test. The Midterms and the Final Exam will have a specified window of time during which it will be made available, on BRIGHTSPACE. You must complete each of these tests during that specified period of time. Once you begin the exam, you will have a set amount of time to complete and submit the exam. Make sure you manage your time accordingly.

Course Description Welcome to the fascinating world of personality! In this course, we will be exploring how each of us is “like all other people, like some other people, and like no one else”. The course (and text) is organized around six important domains of knowledge (dispositional, biological, intrapsychic, cognitive/experiential, social-cultural, adjustment). We will explore and contrast these domains of knowledge through readings in the text, lectures, class discussions, and multimedia resources, covering topics as diverse as genetics, traits, gender, culture, the self, motives, emotions, stress, the environment, and health. I hope you will also develop an appreciation for individual differences and aspects of your own self for continued reflection and exploration. I expect that this course will:  provide you with an introduction to the study of personality psychology;  provide you with an understanding of the basic principles, theories and methods used to study personality;  facilitate the development of your social-scientific reasoning ability; and  prepare you for more advanced branching courses. Required Text:

You can purchase it ONLINE at the ***Carleton Bookstore*** or through the Publisher’s website.

Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge about Human Nature (2020). 2nd Canadian Edition. By Larsen, R., & Buss, D. , King, D., & Ensley, C. McGraw Hill Ryerson Ltd.

Lorena Ruci, Carleton University – Summer 2021 – Penultimate version – Subject to change

***Your textbook is the most important resource for your learning, so I encourage you to make the book your own by taking notes throughout as you read, highlighting key points, writing down lecture ideas that are emphasized in the text, etc. In other words, use the text, read it actively and carefully, to learn most effectively. VERYI MPORTANTNOTECONCERNI NG SECONDHANDBOOKS.Iof t enhearf r om s t udent s r egar di ngt heuseofol deredi t i onsoft het ex t book( Canadi anandUSedi t i ons ) .Al t houghpr ev i ous edi t i onshav emuc hoft hes amec ont ent ,t her ei sNEW mat er i ali nt he2nd Canadi anedi t i on.I fy ouar e us i nganear l i eredi t i on,y oumi ghtenc ount erdi ffic ul t i eswi t hs omeoft het opi c sandex am ques t i ons. I fy ouc hoos et obuyas ec ondhandcopyofanear l i eredi t i on,y ouar enev er t hel essr es ponsi bl ef or t hemat er i aloft he2ndCanadi anedi t i on. Course Web Page (Brightspace) See (all of your courses should be available from this link). This Web site provides lecture recordings, lecture presentations, as well as access to the course outline, frequently asked questions, discussion boards, study resources, exam information, and your midterm grades. The web site is an important learning resource, so be sure to explore this early in the term as you will need it. I will use Brightspace to post important announcements and information throughout the course, so please check it regularly. Lecture recordings: The course website page will include the PowerPoint lecture slides and the lecture recordings each week. While these slides are meant to assist your efforts in the course, they are only a starting point for what you need to learn. There is overlap between the book and the lecture recordings, so make sure that you watch the lectures and read the book. In the lecture recordings, I will talk about content and research findings that are not covered in the textbook. In other words, the slides and the lecture recordings should not be regarded as a substitute for reading the book. How to succeed in this course: This is a condensed summer course, which means that the content from a regular semester will be presented in 8 weeks. There will be two lecture recordings per week, plus the corresponding book chapters. Stay ahead of the content and do not leave things for the last minute! ***I would recommend that you allocate 6-8 hours per week in studying for this course (viewing the recordings, reading the textbook chapters, asking questions, etc). You cannot pass this course if you try to cram the material the night before each test/exam. Make sure that you have completed the readings and lecture recordings of each week before the weekend of that week! Evaluation Evaluation Tool Midterm 1 (m/c) Midterm 2 (m/c) Final Exam (m/c)

Dates 30 % 30 % 40 %

July 22 August 5 During the formally scheduled examination period

Lorena Ruci, Carleton University – Summer 2021 – Penultimate version – Subject to change

Academic Integrity in this Course   

Essentially, all of our exams are “open book” – meaning that you are permitted to use your textbook and your lecture notes. During exams, I would strongly advise you to avoid trying to find information online – there is just too much information and too much misinformation for this to be of use (all of our exam questions are focused on our textbook and our lecture material). All course materials, including all of the exam questions are the property of the author (Lorena Ruci) – you do not have permission to share or distribute the course materials. You do not have permission to save, share, or distribute the exam questions. Because this impacts other people’s marks, it is an academic integrity offence to save, share, distribute, or discuss the questions from the exams or quizzes. It is also an academic integrity offence to receive information about the exam questions or answers from another person. When you write an exam it must be you (the student) writing your own exam/quiz. You can study collaboratively (I encourage you to do this), but when it comes time to write your exams/quizzes you must do this yourself, on your own.

Detailed information about Course Evaluation Exams Midterm Exams. The two mid-term exams will consist of multiple-choice questions based on the assigned readings in the text and the lectures. The midterms are non-cumulative. The details of each of the midterms will be shared in Brightspace. Viewing the recorded lectures and reading the textbook are the only ways to learn and do well in this course. The same applies to the FINAL EXAM. Final Exam. The final exam is non-cumulative, however note that some of the material on the final exam, in the last section of our course, is somewhat comprehensive in nature. More details will be shared in Brightspace. For each of the midterms and the final exam, make sure that you have reliable internet connection and a quiet place. Missed & Late Exam Policy:  Petitions to defer the midterm test. If you are unable to write the midterm tests because of an illness or bereavement, you must inform me by email at the latest 24 hours after the examination’s scheduled time. Then, you must produce official documentation of illness or bereavement showing that you were unable to write the test on the day that it was scheduled. No other reason will be accepted and there will be no exceptions! Failure to comply with these instructions may result in a grade of 0%.  Please consult university policies concerning deferred examinations and plagiarism.

During the COVID-19 pandemic conditions, you will be required to fill out the Self-declared Illness Form (available on our course website) and you will need to email this to me (within 24 hours of the missed exam) if you are ill. Please follow the instructions on the Self-declared Illness Form.   

If documentation is not provided, you cannot write a deferral for that exam. Shorter version = contact me if you miss an exam! We do not have the resources to reschedule exams for individuals based on conflicts with work schedules or similar, regular commitments. Please plan your work schedule in advance to ensure that you are able to take exams as scheduled.

Lorena Ruci, Carleton University – Summer 2021 – Penultimate version – Subject to change

Students unable to write a Final Exam because of illness or other circumstances beyond their control may apply within three working days to the Registrar's Office for permission to write a deferred examination. The request must be fully supported by the appropriate documentation. Only deferral petitions submitted to the Registrar's Office will be considered. See Undergraduate Calendar, Article 4.3. For a missed Final Exam – you need to also contact me (Lorena Ruci). Please follow the same procedures and fill out the same form as for a missed midterm.

***Students MUST write all exams in order to get credit for this course. Any makeup exams must be written within 1 week of the missed exam.*** Posting of Exam Results. Midterm grades will be available on the BRIGHTSPACE course Web site. I will send an announcement to the class list when the grades are posted. Final grades will be available on Carleton Central following the completion of the final exam. It can take up to 10 days to complete the marking and for the final grades to find their way through administrative channels, so please be patient. PETITIONS TO DEFER Students unable to write a final examination because of illness or other circumstances beyond their control may apply within three working days to the Registrar's Office for permission to write a deferred examination. The request must be fully and specifically supported by a medical certificate or other relevant documentation. Only deferral petitions submitted to the Registrar's Office will be considered. See Undergraduate Calendar, Article 2.5. ***Standing in a course is determined by the course instructor, subject to the approval of the Chair and Faculty Dean.*** Learning Support Services This service is operated by the Student Academic Success Centre and offers a variety of services designed to support student learning. For example, they offer group study rooms, free drop-in sessions with study skills specialists and writing tutors, free academic skills workshops, networked computers, a tutor referral service, and supportive peer helpers. They are located in the MacOdrum Library. For more information, visit the LSS Website.

Lecture Schedule -


Keep in mind that there will be overlap between the textbook and the lectures. I do, however, cover topics in the lectures that refer to new studies, current examples and additional material that are not covered in the textbook. Make sure you do the readings in addition to watching the lectures in order to succeed in this course.


Text Chapters

Lorena Ruci, Carleton University – Summer 2021 – Penultimate version – Subject to change

Introduction to the course Defining Personality and Domains of Knowledge How do we study personality?

July 6

Introduction Chapter 1 Chapter 2

Personality Traits and Taxonomies

Chapter 3

July 13

Personality Dispositions Over Time: Stability, change, and coherence

Chapter 5

July 15

Genetics and Personality

July 20

Physiological approaches to Personality Evolutionary Perspectives on Personality

July 22

Midterm Exam 1. Time: 10 AM-11:30 AM Location: Online, BRIGHTSPACE

July 27

Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality Psychoanalytic approaches: Contemporary issues

July 29

Motives and Personality

July 8

August 3 August 5

Cognitive topics in Personality Emotion and Personality Midterm Exam 2. Time: 10 AM-11:30 AM Location: Online, BRIGHTSPACE.

Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Ch. 1, 2 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 & ALL lecture material Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapters 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & ALL corresponding lecture material

***I will post a lecture after midterm 2***

August 5

Approaches to the Self Personality and Social Interaction

August 10

Sex, Gender and Personality Stress, Coping, Adjustment and Health

August 12

Personality Disorders

August 19-25 Final Exam: During the official examination period.

Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapters 14, 15, 16 & 18, 19, plus ALL corresponding lecture material

This schedule is to be regarded as tentative, although the midterm dates are fixed. Schedule changes may be announced in class or on the course website. Regulations and Information Common to Undergraduate Psychology Courses Lorena Ruci, Carleton University – Summer 2021 – Penultimate version – Subject to change

REQUESTS FOR ACADEMIC ACCOMMODATION You may need special arrangements to meet your academic obligations during the term. For an accommodation request the processes are as follows: Pregnancy: write to me with any requests for academic accommodation during the first two weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the need for accommodation is known to exist. For more details see the Student Guide Religious obligation: write to me with any requests for academic accommodation during the first two weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the need for accommodation is known to exist. For more details see the Student Guide Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: The Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities (PMC) provides services to students with Learning Disabilities (LD), psychiatric/mental health disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), chronic medical conditions, and impairments in mobility, hearing, and vision. If you have a disability requiring academic accommodations in this course, please contact PMC at 613-520-6608 or [email protected] for a formal evaluation. If you are already registered with the PMC, contact your PMC coordinator to send me your Letter of Accommodation at the beginning of the term, and no later than two weeks before the first in-class scheduled test or exam requiring accommodation (if applicable). After requesting accommodation from PMC, meet with me to ensure accommodation arrangements are made. Please consult the PMC website for the deadline to request accommodations for the formally-scheduled exam (if applicable). Survivors of Sexual Violence: As a community, Carleton University is committed to maintaining a positive learning, working and living environment where sexual violence will not be tolerated, and its survivors are supported through academic accommodations as per Carleton's Sexual Violence Policy. For more information about the services available at the university and to obtain information about sexual violence and/or support, visit: Accommodation for Student Activities : Carleton University recognizes the substantial benefits, both to the individual student and for the university, that result from a student participating in activities beyond the classroom experience. Reasonable accommodation must be provided to students who compete or perform at the national or international level. Please contact your instructor with any requests for academic accommodation during the first two weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the need for accommodation is known to exist. PETITIONS TO DEFER Students unable to write a final examination because of illness or other circumstances beyond their control may apply within three working days to the Registrar's Office for permission to write a deferred examination. The request must be fully supported by the appropriate documentation. Only deferral petitions submitted to the Registrar's Office will be considered. See Undergraduate Calendar, Article 4.3. WITHDRAWAL WITHOUT ACADEMIC PENALTY The last day to withdraw from an Early Summer course, without academic penalty, is June 18, 2021. The last day to withdraw from a Full/Late Summer courses, without academic penalty, is August 16, 2021. Students may withdraw on or before the last day of classes. WDN: For students who withdraw after the full fee adjustment date in each term the term WDN will be a permanent notation that appears on their official transcript. OFFICIAL FINAL EXAMINATION PERIOD Early/Full Summer courses: June 21-27, 2021. Late/Full Summer courses: August 19-25, 2021 (may include evenings & Saturdays or Sundays) For more information on the important dates and deadlines of the academic year, consult the Carleton 2020-2021 Calendar. GRADING SYSTEM The grading system is described in the Undergraduate Calendar section 5.4. PLAGIARISM The University Senate defines plagiarism as “presenting, whether intentional or not, the ideas, expression of idea...

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