MGT 368 Aponjon Final Report PDF

Title MGT 368 Aponjon Final Report
Author Mehrab Jami
Course Entrepreneurship
Institution North South University
Pages 40
File Size 1.5 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 407
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Warning: TT: undefined function: 32Executive SummaryAponjon “(আপনজন)” is a Business where we will connect the people of rural area with the specialized doctors available in Dhaka. This process will be conducted via electronic devices such as mobile phones and tablets. At first we will be targeting t...


Executive Summary Aponjon “(আপনজন)” is a Business where we will connect the people of rural area with the specialized doctors available in Dhaka. This process will be conducted via electronic devices such as mobile phones and tablets. At first we will be targeting the Medic that serves as a doctor in the rural areas where hospitals are pretty far away. Those medics are not actual doctors they are just people that took a three months course on primary medicines and now serving as doctors. But as they have a good reputation among the village people out there so they will be our target. The medics cannot serve medicine to every patent and that is where our business will play a significant role. We will recruit the medics as per patient commission basis. If they are unable to serve any patient and the patient need immediate medical attention than the medic will connect the patient with us over the phone. Our doctors will treat them over the phone with the help of the medics. So in this way the patient will be getting quality treatment but in his/her area.

Contents Executive Summary....................................................................................................................................... 1 1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 1 1.

A- Name and Address of Principles: .................................................................................................. 2


B- Nature of the Business: ................................................................................................................ 2


C- Statement of Financing Needed: .................................................................................................. 3


D- Statement of Confidentiality: ....................................................................................................... 3

2. Business Model ......................................................................................................................................... 4 2. A - Business Model Canvas: .................................................................................................................. 4 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2. B- Pricing Model .................................................................................................................................... 5 2. C- Social Goal....................................................................................................................................... 5 2. D- Financial and Economic Sustainability.............................................................................................. 5 2. E- Sustainability ..................................................................................................................................... 5 2. F- Ethical ................................................................................................................................................ 6 3. Business Environment Analysis................................................................................................................. 6 3. A- Future Outlook and Trends: ............................................................................................................. 6 3. B- PESTLE: .............................................................................................................................................. 7 3. C- Porters Five Forces: .......................................................................................................................... 9 3. D- SWOT Analysis: ............................................................................................................................... 10 3. E- Stakeholder Analysis: ...................................................................................................................... 11 3. F- Industry and Market Forecast: ........................................................................................................ 12 4. Description of Venture ............................................................................................................................ 12 4. A- Mission: ..........................................................................................................................................12 4. B- Vision: ............................................................................................................................................. 12 4. C- Service:............................................................................................................................................ 13 4. D- Size of the Business: ....................................................................................................................... 13 4. E- Office Equipment: ........................................................................................................................... 13 4. F- Background of the Entrepreneurs: ................................................................................................. 14 5. Marketing Plan ........................................................................................................................................ 15 5. A- Customer Analysis (Target Customer and Customer Needs) ......................................................... 15 5. B- Service Description: ........................................................................................................................ 16

5. C- Pricing: ............................................................................................................................................ 16 5. D- Advertising and Promotion Plan:.................................................................................................... 16 6. Service Delivery Model Plan....................................................................................................................17 6. A- Distribution: .................................................................................................................................... 17 6. B- Machineries and Equipment:.......................................................................................................... 18 6. C- Name of the Suppliers of Equipment and Machineries:................................................................. 18 7. Operation Plan: ....................................................................................................................................... 19 7. A- Description of Company’s Operation: ............................................................................................ 19 7. B- Action Plan and Timetable: ............................................................................................................. 19 7. C- Flow of Orders for the Service: ....................................................................................................... 20 ................................................................................................................................................................ 20 7. D- Business Location: .......................................................................................................................... 20 7. E- Technological Utilization: ................................................................................................................ 20 8. Organizational Plan: ............................................................................................................................... 21 8. A- Form of Ownership: ........................................................................................................................ 21 8. B- Identification of Partners and Principal Shareholders:................................................................... 22 8. C- Authority of Principals: ................................................................................................................... 23 8. D- Roles and Responsibilities of the Members: .................................................................................. 24 9. Human Resource Management Plan: ..................................................................................................... 25 9. A- Organogram:................................................................................................................................... 25 9. B- Key Employees: ............................................................................................................................. 26 9. Management Team Background: ........................................................................................................ 26 9. D- HR Policies and Procedures: ........................................................................................................... 27 10. Risk Management: ................................................................................................................................ 30 10. Financial Plan: ....................................................................................................................................... 31 10. A-Initial Cost ...................................................................................................................................... 31 10. B- Proforma Income Statement (Monthly) ....................................................................................... 32 10. C- Proforma Cash flow: ..................................................................................................................... 33 10. D-Break Even Analysis: ...................................................................................................................... 34 10. E- Ration Analysis: ............................................................................................................................. 34 Appendix Letter: ......................................................................................................................................... 35 References .................................................................................................................................................. 36

1. Introduction Aponjon “(আপনজন)” is a Business where we will connect the people of rural area with the specialized doctors available in Dhaka. This process will be conducted via electronic devices such as mobile phones and tablets. At first we will be targeting the Medic that serves as a doctor in the rural areas where hospitals are pretty far away. Those medics are not actual doctors they are just people that took a three months course on primary medicines and now serving as doctors. But as they have a good reputation among the village people out there so they will be our target. The medics cannot serve medicine to every patent and that is where our business will play a significant role. We will recruit the medics as per patient commission basis. If they are unable to serve any patient and the patient need immediate medical attention than the medic will connect the patient with us over the phone. Our doctors will treat them over the phone with the help of the medics. So in this way the patient will be getting quality treatment but in his/her area. In Bangladesh 67% of our people lives in the village/rural areas but most of the health care and also the doctors are in urban areas. If we put it in number it will be something like 1 doctor for 10 thousand village people whereas 15 doctors for 1 person in the urban area. So this is an untapped opportunity of business so our business can easily be sustainable and also it is an opportunity to serve the rural people of Bangladesh with the minimum cost that they can afford. We will be connecting the dots for better rural healthcare. Aponjon will provide affordable, high quality primary care in the villages of Bangladesh


1. A- Name and Address of Principles: “Aponjon”

Address: 

Head Office- House#34, Road#3A Motijheel, Dakhshin Khan, Dhaka1222

Operation- Durgapur Upazila, Netrokona.

The business plan has been developed by 5 individuals who’d hold the ownership of the business. However, the distribution of shares is not equal for all the owners. The name and address of the principals are given below:



1. Habib Redwan Rafi

Road#99, House#15/A, Gulshan-2, Dhaka.

2. Ashikul Islam Siam

House 03/Ka, Nikunja 2, Khilkhet, Dhaka

3. Afrida Ashrafi

House 69, Road 13, Sector 11, Uttara, Dhaka.

4. Sheikh Moshiur

House 23, Block F, Pallabi, Mirpur, Dhaka.

Rahman 5. Sheikh Sayma Siddika

House 167, Road 03, Eastern Housing, Dhaka

1. B- Nature of the Business: Aponjon will be a telehealth based company. But it will not be as the normal telehealth companies that are already available. It has its uniqueness to stand out among the rest. We will be focusing on only the problems that can be solve over the phone. Not the critical problems which will need immediate medical attention, in those cases we will refer the patient to go to the nearest doctor that is expert on that field. 2|Page

As we will be based on tele communication our cost of service will be very less. And for the starting part we will be working with part time doctors along with some specialist that will be working with us on our head office serving the people on the rural areas. Healthcare is a very critical site to administer, as people’s life will be in danger if we do something wrong. So our total company is based on the patient satisfaction. We will emphasis on that part. With greater patient satisfaction we will have greater brand value. And this thing matters in the healthcare sector as people will bring and refer other At first we will be targeting the areas in Netrokona as there are several remote villages over there. And later we will expand to other villages too.

1. C- Statement of Financing Needed: According to the estimations made for our financial need, a total start-up amount of 75,00,000 Bdt would be required to turn the plan into success. We are going to pursue Equity Financing and the whole amount of investment will be provided by the partners. Every partner will invest 12.5% of the total amount which means the investment amount would be 9.375 lakhs per partner apart from Habib Redwan Rafi who’s going to invest 50% and converts to be a total of 37,50,000 Bdt. When the business reaches the growth stage and the owners decide to expand further, debt financing would be pursued.

1. D- Statement of Confidentiality: We are maintaining high confidentiality of this business plan as all the components of the entire plan is highly classified and contains valuable information. The audience and readers are requested not to share any information of the business plan without the consent of all the owners. Besides, the information should be kept away from other as the disclosure of these firsthand information might be the cause of negative impact in the business


2. Business Model 2. A - Business Model Canvas:


2. B- Pricing Model The pricing of “Aponjon” is going to be priced using “honest pricing strategy”. To provide quality and effective medical service it is going to be reasonable compared to traditional medical service which are available in the country. 2. C- Social Goal The social goal of “Aponjon” is to provide the rural people with quality healthcare within a moment and with a reasonable price. This will enable them to get better healthcare within their living area.

2. D- Financial and Economic Sustainability Bangladesh continues to be one of the 57 countries with a serious shortage of trained doctors, paramedics, nurses and midwives despite attempt for increased production in the recent years. Bangladesh Health Watch reported in 2008 that there were only three doctor and two nurses per 10,000 population. The presence of the limited number of qualified service providers is highly urban-centered, with 86% of the doctors; and 75% of the nurses are based in urban areas where only 20% of the population lives. Rural health service delivery is dominated by informallytrained village doctors and drug-sellers practicing modern medicine. Contact rate with qualified healthcare providers is low and highly inequitable in terms of socioeconomic status of the patients and place of residence. The first port of call for the poor is the informally trained village doctors and drug retailers who make their living by selling drugs. They quite often use more than necessary and inappropriate drugs for treating patients. Thus for the shortage of qualified healthcare providers and their geographic mal-distribution, access to quality healthcare by the people in general and the disadvantaged section of people in particular is constrained. Given the current level of production of trained health workforce, it is very unlikely that the situation will change drastically in the near future.

2. E- Sustainability The government of Bangladesh has taken a program for initiating improved e-Health for enduring quality health. In 2011, the Government of Bangladesh approved the 5-year long Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Development Program (HPNSDP) 2011-2016 for 5|Page

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW). The HPNSDP 2011-2016 comprises 32 operational plans, of which one is the e-Health. Despite of these initiatives there are several parts of the country where people still are not getting better medical and healthcare facilities. The main reason behind this condition is that their hospital facilities are poor and the lack of expert doctors in the rural region area. This is an indicator that our business will make an impact on revolutionizing the rural health care since we are providing expert doctor consultation facilities by using only the phones

2. F- Ethical Our service are going to be provided by expert doctors who are well trained in their designated field. We will ensure proper service for each of the patient within our best capabilities. By ensuring better health care we believe our business will bring a positive change in the society.

3. Business Environment Analysis 3. A- Future Outlook and Trends: Healthcare in Bangladesh is provided in three major categories. The type of service a patient need is determined by the medical necessity. The service categories are defined as follows. The primary care is given to people in need of general health care. This type of care is commonly provided by family practice, pediatrics, internal medicine, and sometimes gynecologist. The secondary care is more intensive in nature than the previous one. It is provided by certified physicians upon requests from the primary physicians with help from firms like the Maryland Health Insurance. Hospitals like Dhaka Medical College Hospitals, BIRDEM treat people needing secondary care. The type of specialized consultative care, tertiary health care, is facilitated by specialists working in a center that has personnel and facilities for investigation and treatment of special health problems. There is a growing popularity of getting into the medical profession in Bangladesh. Albeit that trend, the country still remains among the 57 countries recognized by WHO in 2006 for having a severe scarcity of trained medical professionals.


According to reports of MOHFW published in 2012 and 2013, there are currently 64,434 registered doctors, 6,034 registered dentists, and 27,000 midwives. The figures indicate a physician density of 0.036%. Another recent report of WHO says that for every 1000 people in Bangladesh, there are only 0....

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