Microbiology Exam #1 given at midterm PDF

Title Microbiology Exam #1 given at midterm
Course Microbiology
Institution Johns Hopkins University
Pages 15
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First Microbiology Exam given at midterm with answers...


The two functions of bacterial appendages are A. Attachment and protection B. Attachment and motility C. Motility and slime production D. Energy reactions and synthesis E. Protection and motility - B. Attachment and motility Bacterial cells could have any of the following appendages except A. Flagella B. Cilia C. Fimbriae D. Periplasmic flagella (axial filaments) E. Sex pili - B. Cilia The basal body of a flagellum is anchored into the A. B. C. D. E.

Hook Outer membrane Cell wall Peptidoglycan layer Cell membrane - E. Cell membrane

The term that refers to the presence of flagella all over the cell surface is A. Amphitrichous B. Atrichous C. Lophotrichous D. Monotrichous

E. Peritrichous - E. Peritrichous The term that refers to the presence of a tuft of flagella emerging from the same site is A. Amphitrichous B. Atrichous C. Lophotrichous D. Monotrichous E. Peritrichous - C. Lophotrichous The term that refers to flagella at both poles is A. Amphitrichous B. Atrichous C. Lophotrichous D. Monotrichous E. Peritrichous - A. Amphitrichous Chemo taxis refers to the ability to A. Move in response to light B. Move in response to a chemical C. Not move in response to a chemical D. Transport desired molecules into cell E. None of the choices are correct - B. Move in response to a chemical A nutrient binds to receptors near the basal body. This will result in A. Clockwise rotation of flagella B. Counter clockwise rotation of flagella C. Inhibition of flagella rotation

D. Numerous tumbles E. None of the choices are correct - B. Counter clockwise rotation of flagella A bacterial cell exhibiting chemo taxis probably has A. Fimbriae B. A capsule C. Thylakoids D. Flagella E. Met achromatic granules - B. A capsule Movement of a cell toward a chemical stimulus is termed A. Photo taxis B. Taxis C. Chemotaxis D. Tumble E. None of the choices are correct - C. Chemotaxis The short, numerous appendages used by some bacterial cells for adhering to surfaces are called A. Flagella B. Cilia C. Fimbriae D. Periplasmic flagella (axial filaments) E. Sex pili - C. Fimbriae The transfer of genes during bacterial conjugation

involves rigid, tubular appendages called A. Flagella B. Cilia C. Fimbriae D. Periplasmic flagella (axial filaments) E. Sex pili - E. Sex pili Which structure protects bacteria from being phagocytized? A. Slime layer B. Fimbriae C. Cell membrane D. Capsule E. All of the choices are correct - D. Capsule The outcome of the Gram stain is based on differences in the cell's A. Ribosomes B. Inclusions C. Cell wall D. Cell membrane E. Flagella - C. Cell wall Which order below reflects the correct procedure for Gram staining? A. Alcohol/acetone-Crystal violet-Safranin-Iodine B. Crystal violet-Alcohol/acetone-Iodine-Safranin C. Crystal violet-Iodine-Alcohol/acetone-Safranin D. Iodine-Safranin-Crystal violet-Alcohol/acetone E. Alcohol/acetone-Safranin-Crystal violet-Iodine

- C. Crystal violet-Iodine-Alcohol/acetone-Safranin The cell _____ can be composed of three layers: the membrane, the cell wall and the outer membrane. A. Glycocalyx B. Envelope C. Pathogenic package D. Slime coat E. None of the choices are correct - B. Envelope During the Gram stain, gram _____ cells decolorize when the alcohol is applied. A. Positive B. Negative C. Both positive and negative D. Neither positive nor negative - B. Negative If bacteria living in salty seawater were displaced to a freshwater environment, the cell structure that would prevent the cells from rupturing is the A. Endospore B. Cell wall C. Cell membrane D. Capsule E. Slime layer - B. Cell wall Peptidoglycan is a unique macromolecule found in

bacterial A. Cell walls B. Cell membranes C. Capsules D. Slime layers E. Inclusions - A. Cell walls A prokaryotic cell wall that has primarily peptidoglycan with small amounts of teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acid is A. Gram negative B. Gram positive C. Archaea D. Spheroplast E. Acid fast - B. Gram positive The difference in cell wall structure of Mycobacterium and Nocardia compared to the typical gram positive bacterial cell wall structure is A. More peptidoglycan B. Predominance of unique, waxy, lipids C. Easily decolorized D. Presence of lipopolysaccharide E. All of the choices are correct - A. More peptidoglycan The periplasmic space is A. Larger in gram positive bacteria B. Made up of lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids

C. An important reaction site for substances entering and leaving the cell D. Where peptidoglycan is located E. Absent in gram negative bacteria - C. An important reaction site for substances entering and leaving the cell _____ is a macromolecule containing alternating N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid cross-linked by short peptide fragments. A. My colic acid B. Outer membrane protein C. Peptidoglycan D. Lysozyme E. None of the choices are correct - C. Peptidoglycan The enzyme _____, that is found in tears and saliva, can hydrolyze the bonds in the glycan chains of certain bacterial cell walls. A. Penicillinase B. Lysozyme C. Peptidase D. All of the choices are correct E. None of the choices are correct - B. Lysozyme Lysozyme is most effective against A. Gram negative organisms B. Gram positive organisms C. Mycoplasmas

D. Cyanobacteria E. Archea - B. Gram positive organisms All of the following structures contribute to the ability of pathogenic bacteria to cause disease except the A. Inclusions B. Fimbriae C. Capsule D. Slime layer E. Outer membrane of gram negative cell walls - A. Inclusions Lipopolysaccharide is an important cell wall component of A. Gram negative bacteria B. Gram positive bacteria C. Acid fast bacteria D. Mycoplasmas E. Protoplasts - A. Gram negative bacteria The site/s for most ATP synthesis in prokaryotic cells is/are the A. Ribosomes B. Mitochondria C. Cell wall D. Inclusions E. Cell membrane - E. Cell membrane Gram negative organisms

A. Are more susceptible to antibiotics than gram positive organisms B. Are less susceptible to antibiotics than gram positive organisms C. Stain purple in the gram stain D. Encompass all pathogens E. None of the choices are correct - B. Are less susceptible to antibiotics than gram positive organisms Which of the following is not a function of a prokaryote cell membrane? A. Transport B. Secretion C. Cellular respiration D. Macromolecule synthesis E. Antigens and receptors - E. Antigens and receptors Which of the following is not true of the outer membrane? A. The upper most layer is made of lipopolysaccharides B. The inner most layer is a phospholipid bilayer C. The porin proteins create channels through the outer membrane D. Gram positive bacteria have an outer membrane E. The lipid portion of the lipopolysaccharide layer is an endotoxin - D. Gram positive bacteria have an outer membrane

All bacterial cells have A. One or more chromosomes B. One or more fimbriae C. The ability to produce endospores D. Capsules E. Flagella - A. One or more chromosomes The most immediate result of destruction of a cell's ribosomes would be A. Material would not be able to cross the cell membrane B. Protein synthesis would stop C. Destruction of the cell's DNA D. Formation of glycogen inclusions E. Loss of capsule - B. Protein syntesis would stop The bacterial chromosome A. Is located in the cell membrane B. Contains all the cell's plasmids C. Is part of the nucleoid D. Forms a single linear strand of DNA E. All of the choices are correct - C. Is part of the nucleoid Which of the following is mismatched? A. Ribosomes - protein synthesis B. Inclusions - excess cell nutrients and materials

C. Plasmids - genes essential for growth and metabolism D. Nucleoid - hereditary material E. Cytoplasm - dense, gelatinous solution - C. Plasmids- genes essential for growth and metabolism Magnetosomes are A. Infoldings of the cell membrane B. Termed met achromatic granules C. Responsible for the heat resistance of endospores D. Composed of magnetic iron oxide particles E. Found in all bacteria - D. Composed of magnetic iron oxide particles Plasmids A. Are found in all bacteria B. Are essential for survival C. Cannot be passed between organisms D. Cannot be passed on to progeny E. Are often the site of pathogenic genes - E. Are often the site of pathogenic genes The function of bacterial endospores is A. Convert gaseous nitrogen to a usable form for plants B. Reproduction and growth C. Protection of genetic material during harsh conditions

D. Storage of excess cell materials E. Sites for photosynthesis - C. Protection of genetic material during harsh conditions Chemical analysis of a bacterial cell structure detects calcium dipicolinic acid. What is the identity of this structure? A. Cell wall B. Capsule C. Slime layer D. Nucleoid E. Endospore - E. Endospore Endospores are A. Metabolically inactive B. Resistant to heat and chemical destruction C. Resistant to destruction by radiation D. Living structures E. All of the choices are correct - E. All of the choices are correct Which term is not used to describe bacterial cell shapes? A. Coccus B. Tetrad C. Vibrio D. Rod E. Spirochete - B. Tetrad An irregular cluster of spherical cells would be

called a/an A. Palisades B. Sarcina C. Staphylococcus D. Streptococcus E. Spirilla - C. Staphylococcus A chain of rod-shaped cells would be called a/an A. Streptobacillus B. Staphylobacillus C. Streptococcus D. Staphylococcus E. Palisades - A. Streptobacillus Two major structures that allow bacteria to adhere to surfaces are ___ and ___. A. Pili, ribosomes B. Fimbrae, capsules C. Lipopolysaccharides, techoic acids D. Actin filaments, phospholipid membrane(s) - B. Fimbrae, capsules Archaea do not have the typical peptidoglycan structure found in bacterial cell walls. True or False. - True The first cells on earth were probably archaea. True or False. - True Prokaryotes include bacteria and viruses.

True or False. - False Flagella move in a whip-like motion. True or False. - False True pili used for conjugation are only found on gram negative bacteria. True or False. - True If during the gram stain procedure, the bacterial cells were viewed immediately after crystal violet was applied, gram positive cells would be purple but gram negative cells would be colorless. True or False. - False The cell envelope of gram positive bacteria has two layers: a thick cell wall and the cell membrane. True or False. - True Gram negative bacteria do not have peptidoglycan in their cell walls. True or False. - False The region between the bacterial cell membrane and the cell wall is called the outer membrane. True or False. - False The prokaryotic cell membrane is a site for many enzymes and metabolic reactions.

True or False - True The prokaryote cell membrane is made of the same materials as the eukaryote cell membrane. True or False. - True Boiling water (100°C) can normally destroy endospores. True or False. - False...

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