Microevolution vs Macroevolution biology worksheet 2021 PDF

Title Microevolution vs Macroevolution biology worksheet 2021
Course Bioinformatics
Institution Ferris State University
Pages 3
File Size 122.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 82
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Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection

Analyse how an accumulation of micro-evolutionary changes can drive

evolutionary changes and speciation over time, for example: 

Evolution of the horse

Evolution of the platypus What is Microevolution? Microevolution refers to the small changes that occur within a species due to mutations in genes resulting in new alleles. Over a long time, many microevolutionary changes will result in a macro-evolutionary change which is an evolution on a larger scale which is what we are better at noticing. Click on the following link and complete the activities that follow. https://artofsmart.com.au/hsctogether/microevolutionary-changes/ 1. Watch the video on Defining Microevolution and Macroevolution. Questio



n no 1

Describe the

evolution is the change in the characteristics of a species over several generations and relies on the process of natural selection.

concept of evolution 2

What is speciation?

the evolutionary process by which populations evolve to become distinct species


Define evolution

the process by which different kinds of living organism are believed to have developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth


2 Types of

Convergent and divergent

evolution 5

What is microevolution? Give one example


(beetles) Describe the

evolutionary change within a species or small group of organisms, especially over a short period one example : antibiotic resistance 1. Gene flow:

factors that affect allele frequency in a 7

gene pool. What is a species?



2. Natural selection 3. Mutation 4. Genetic drift These factors force evolution and contribute to it a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.

Define macroevolution

studying patterns on the tree of life above the species level, and inferring the processes that are likely to have generated these patterns

If a new species


evolves the new species can successfully reproduce with their ancestors? True or False? 10

Summary of events that lead to macroevolution

Often microevolution can lead to macroevolution as changes become more pronounced and two distinct species emerge. Both are caused by mutation, genetic drift, gene flow or natural selection

5. Watch video on Evolution of the Horse and make dot point notes.

Concept of evolution: 1. Different bacterial individuals were exposed to different selection pressures

2. This led to the development of new species 3. The new species developed into new species

Type of evolution: 1. Micro evolution – the small-scale variation of allele frequencies in the gene pool of a species 2. Macro evolution – The variation in allele frequencies at or above species level

6. Watch video on Evolution of the Platypus and make dot point notes. -

One of the last mammals who lay eggs


Many other monotremes have been extinct


People believe platypus survived living in Australia as it was invaded by marsupials by having a bill


Their bill allows them to hunt for food in an interesting way


The flat surface of the bill means the electroreceptors are spread out which makes the platypus accurately work out the direction of the electro signal...

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