midterm lectures PDF

Title midterm lectures
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Course Science, Technology, and Society
Institution Our Lady of Fatima University
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WEEK 7: THE HUMAN PERSON FLOURISHINGIN TERMS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYSELECTED VIEWS ON TECHNOLOGYARISTOTELIANISM-This views technology as basically a means to an end Aristotle , technology is the organizing of techniques in order to meet the demand that is being posed by humans. -This may seem that...


WEEK 7: THE HUMAN PERSON FLOURISHING IN TERMS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SELECTED VIEWS ON TECHNOLOGY ARISTOTELIANISM -This views technology as basically a means to an end.To Aristotle , technology is the organizing of techniques in order to meet the demand that is being posed by humans. -This may seem that technology is primarily concerned with the product

-According to Heidegger, the instrumental definition of technology encourages us to view technology from different periods of time as not having fundamental differences. -He explained while technology is geared towards meeting a human needs, still there is a difference between older handicraft technologies with modern technology. -As it is, “a saw mill on a secluded valley of the Black Forest is a primitive means compared with hydroelectric plant on the Rhine River”-Heidegger 1977 -Heidegger also agued that “technology is by no means technological” and should not be seen as merely neutral.

TECHNOLOGICAL PESSIMISM Jacques Ellul (1912-1994) - French philosopher -Holds that technology is progressive and beneficial in many ways, it is also doubtful in many ways. -Technological optimism believes that technology is the answer to all man’s problems. According to Ellul’s pessimistic arguments are: 1. technological progress has a price 2. technological progress creates more problems 3. technological progress creates damaging effects 4. technological progress creates unpredictable devastating effects TECHNOLOGICAL PESSIMISM -This view is strongly supported by technologists and engineers and also by ordinary people who believe that technology can alleviate all the difficulties and provide solutions for problems that may come. -The extreme version of this philosophy is technocratism which holds technology as the supreme authority on everything. -Technology is beneficial in many ways but can also be harmful in many ways. EXISTENTIALISM -The main concern of this view is the existence or the mode of being of someone or something which is governed by the norm of authenticity. -This view basically investigate the meaning of existence or being and is always faced with the selection must make with which the existent will commit himself to. Martin Heidegger, a philosopher is one of the most known supporters of this philosophy. Martin Heidegger (1889-1996) on science and technology

-A well-known German philosopher, examined the two usual definitions of technology: means to an end and a human activity, because he believed that this kind of confusing and there are questions to it that we easily overlook. -He called it the instrumental and anthropological definition of technology or simply means by which the human ends are realized. The instrumental definition of technology

-Heidegger further studied Aristotle’s Four Causes and illustrated it using a silver chalice which he said owes its make up from the four causes: Aristotle’s four causes 1. Causa Materialis or the Material Cause (-silver) 2. Causa Formalis or the Formal Cause (-form or shape) 3. Cuasa Finalis or the Final Cause (-the purpose) 4. Causa Efficiens or the Efficient Cause (-agent: silversmith)

HEIDEGGER’S TECHNOLOGY AS A WAY OF REVEALING -Heidegger believed that the genuine substance or the real essence of technology is found in enframing. -To further illustrate this, he gave some examples through contrasting ancient and modern technology. 1. he talked about the ancient windmill 2. he talked about peasant planting seeds only 3. he talked about wooden bridge that is built to join riverbanks.

The mode of revealing in modern technology -Unlock and Expose: It carries the idea that nature will not reveal itself unless challenge is set upon it. -the hydroelectric plant causes the Rhine to produce hydraulic pressure which in turn causes the turbines to work that eventually electricity is produced. ENFRAMING Gathering of the setting-upon challenges to bring the concealed to unconcealment. Also shows the essence of modern technology. Basically putting in order whatever is presented to the man who sets upon the unconcealed but it is a two-way relationship: -man cannot set himself upon unconcealment without unconcealment’s call and the unconcealed will not go into unconcealment without the man responding to its call.

The danger of the nonstop revealing -Revealing opens up a relationship between man and the world but an opening up of something means a closing down of something which means as something is revealed, another is concealed.- ( the rise of a cause-effect understanding of reality closes off an understanding of God as something mysterious and holy)

Another danger is when man falls into a misinterpretation of that which is presented to him. That is when he sees himself in the object before him rather than seeing the object itself.

The society in the face of science and technology -When one looks around him now, he will see that man tends to find his happiness in the works of modern technology. -Heidegger argued that this can be prevented if man will not allow himself to be overwhelmed with the enframing that he was set upon, but he pause for a while and reflect on the value of what is presented anthropological.

The “modes of existence” is fundamentally established by two things: 1. Dasein exist in a world 2. Dasein has a self that it defines as it exist in such world. (Mabaquiao, n.d) -Hence this support human being’s capacity to decide on what is good or bad for them UNDERSTANDING HUMAN FLOURISHING

WEEK 8 HUMAN FLOURISHING -Science and technology has changed human landscape. Man tends to show unlimited contentment-eager to seek better replacement for anything that performs the functions of man. -Robots, machines and other technologies are intended to enhance human condition, or in the future, replace the human functions in the society.

HUMAN BEING -Biologists describe human as having the attributes of living organisms-including plants and animals. -This designates that human being is a complex matter capable of performing life-sustaining processes. -Human being the highest form of these living organisms, is said to have characteristics which cannot be substantiated through mere science. -Smith (2012) shared that, we can’t turn to science for an answer because in the first place, science identified human with varied opinion and limited evidence.

Blakemore and Greenfield ( 1987; as cited in Bernaldez, 2001) recognized that the possession of intellect distinguishes a human being from another creature. This intellect supports self-consciousness and awareness sufficient for the achievement of human’s function, discovery of truth, and development and mankind. HUMAN BEING ACCORDING TO HEIDEGGER - it was originally the fundamental question of philosophy, which was pursued by the ancient Greek philosophers but later on neglected, if not forgotten, in Western philosophy -Furthermore, he argued that asking for the meaning of the term “being” doesn’t suggest that the “inquirer” has no idea about it because in the first place, the meaning of “being” is associated with the concept of existence, which means that the “inquirer” already has the idea on the term “however vague or incomplete”.The “inquirer” obviously refers to “man” as “being”, focuses to the “what” of human existence. - This somehow justifies human being’s adaptability to environmental changes and ability to manipulate environment in the interest of survival -Heidegger used the term “dasein” which literally means “being there” focuses on the “mode of existence” or the “who” of “Dasein”.

-It has been discussed that human being is endowed with innate abilities and characteristics that let him sustain his function and to survive in the given environment. ARISTOTLE-Aristotle’s teachings suggest that each man’s life has a purpose and that the function of one’s life is to attain that purpose. -For Aristotle, happiness (earthly) is the highest desire and ambition of all human beings. -And to achieve it, one must cultivate the highest virtues within oneself. -Aristotle believed that human beings have a natural desire and capacity to know and understand the truth, to pursue moral excellence, and to instantiate their ideals in the world through action. --Furthermore, these actions are geared towards one’s proper and desired end-flourishing, happiness or eudemonia. EUDEMONIA -Etymologically speaking, eudemonia is consists of Greek words “eu” which means “good” and “daemon” which means “spirit”. -meaning “the state of having good indwelling spirit; a good genius”. -(also known as Eudaemonism) is a Greek word, which refers to state of having a good indwelling spirit of being in a contented state of being healthy, happy and prosperous. -In moral philosophy, eudaimonia is used to refer to the right actions as those that result in the well-being of an individual. EPICURUS -Epicurus (born 341 B.C) was a Greek philosopher who contradicted the metaphysical philosophers. -he believed that balance and temperature were created space for happiness. -His view is not more of how happiness can be defined but more on theory about the real source to experience it.

NIETZSCHE -Friedrich Nietzche (1844-1900) was a German philosopher and cultural critic who published intensively in the 1870s and 1880s. -He is known for his criticisms on psychological analyses that resulted to opposing ideas on the people’s received ideas. -As expected, Nietzche viewed happiness in a different way. For him happiness is an “ideal state of laziness”. --Laziness for him is described as to not have any worries or distress in life. -Philosophers’ views are the evidence of objective sense of how it means to flourish. --It accepts that man’s ultimate desire of living is to flourish and to experience a life of well-being (life that goes well for him). -Flourishing can either be based on the state of mind (e.g mental habit) or a kind of value (e.g insights, outlook).


-Explained that the adjectives good and right are related in meaning, but are not synonyms. It makes no sense to speak of a “right person” when we mean a “good person; or the right action as a meaning for good action.-TRAER (2007) HOW WE CAN DIFFERENTIATE THE TWO TERM THEN? Taking the right action means correctly applying a norm, premise, presupposition, rule, standard, or law. This explains that the term “right” reasons are being used to justify the principle and its application.

Right Action compels fulfilling duties and upholding rights.

-Being good involves having the character and personal qualities that were justified by reason as having moral worth.TAER 2007

-MORALS refer to an individuals own principles regarding RIGHT and WRONG. -In Aristotelean view, “The understandability of the good is based on the idea of what is good for the specific entity under consideration.”


FOR ARISTOTLE -The good is what is good for purposeful, goal-directed entities. -He defines the good proper to human being as the activities in which the life functions specific to human beings are most fully realized.

-It is a DIRECTION, not a DESTINATION” --Achieving happiness and man's own desire and needs commonly gives essence for living a good life. In particular, moral decency and goodness, authenticity, mental health, self-fulfillments, and meaningfulness describes it .”-MARTIN (2012) -“ Every human being aspires to live a good life. Conversely, man's idea of “good life” differs in many dimensions.” -DOTSON (2012)

Being good entails nurturing character and fostering relationship -ACTING RIGHTLY means doing the right thing based on the voice of conscience, otherwise, feeling of guilt, self-reproach, and remorse will be felt. It follows that a person, as a human being, has his own consciousness, of function, survival, and means of having the life he envisioned. -Thus, considering the aspect of human being nature, the term “good” denotes a more objective meaning of “a state or way of being.”

CONCEPTS OF BEING GOOD “GOOD” Is commonly used interchangeably with the term “RIGHT”

THE GOOD LIFE -The meaning of this term up to present times remains vague.

Wise men of the past argued with nature and prerequisites of the good life. -Similarly, questions such as “Is a meaningful life also a happy one?” and “Is living with happiness means living a good life?” are still part of the debates even of the philosophers. SOCRATES -“ The unexamined life is not worth living for”, the idea of worthwhile living should be filtered with experience and vice versa. ARISTOTLE -Further elucidated the idea of relating the essence of happiness to achieving well-being and experiencing good life.

STEVE MUELLER (2016) -.. a (desirable) state that is primarily characterized by a high standard of living or the adherence to ethical and moral laws. As such, the term can both be understood as the quest for wealth, material possessions or luxuries and the quest to create a worthwhile, honest and meaningful existence. MARTIN HEIDEGGER -An existentialist philosopher, also has a different view on the aspect of life. -He dealt more on how we live an “authentic life” rather dealing with the “good life”. For Heidegger, living an authentic life means living with deep acceptance on the facticity of “death” and resulting to a “life lived according to what it has clearly decided as its meaning and purpose”.

CAN TECHNOLOGY EVENTUALLY EXTINGUISH HUMANITY? -No one can deny that fact that SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY has a PROFOUND impact on how modern man thinks and appreciates matter. It can be concretely seen in the present conditions of man in the society. The desire to feel satisfaction of research and development through genetic engineering, cloning and the likes opened endless doors for skeptics.

(TIMBREZA, 2013) -On the other hand, man's varied ethical foundations may also differentiate the idea of good life. Some may define it through attaining pleasure (hedonism); others may relate it to peace of mind through minimizing desires and passions (stoicism) and some views are based on professing moderate pleasure, which for them, “anything that is taken in excess is bad” (epicureanism)

HUMANITY CROSS UNIT EXPECTED ADVANTAGE,DISADVANGE and Limitations of Technology IMPORTANCE OF TECHNOLOGY TO HUMANITY -Technology has a profound on every aspects of lives. The way we live, interact changes through technology in the different fields of education, medicine transportations, economy, communications and politics. Advantage of Technology -Life has become easy through science and technology. -Traveling has become faster than before Communicating becomes easier, faster and cheaper it also increase the standard of living. -Man become advanced -The impossible become possible due to the progress in science and technology Disadvantage of Technology -Humans had misused the technology and used in damaging purpose -By the use of technology, man is doing illegal things -New technology like mobile are generating bad consequences to the children. -By means of modern technology, terrorist use it for destructive purpose -Many illness are created due to the development of atomic energy and atom bomb. -Modern technology like nuclear energy have not only affected and other creatures. -Natural beauty is decreasing due to the development of modern technology. LIMITATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY TO HUMANITY FACTORS THAT DEFINED THE LIMITS OF TECHNOLOGY: -LAW OF PHYSICS Through software a flexible medium. The Quantum and Thermodynamics effects, that limits the use of technology


-A software limitation: There are a given computation that we can’t do it, or we cant afford it and sometimes we don’t know how to do it. -David Harel’s delightful book

THE DIFFICULT OF DISTRIBUTION -A distribution system is one in which the failure of a computer you didn’t even know existed can render your computer unusable. THE PROBLEMS OF DESIGN -Web-centric system consist of ten thousands of lines of customs code on top hundreds of thousands lines of middleware code on top of several million lines of operating system code. IMPACTS OF ECONOMICS -According to Barry Boehm in his classic work on: Software Engineering Economics, based upon empirical evidences. HUMANITY -From the latin word “humanitas” which means “human nature, kindness.” -It’s also a word for the qualities that make us human, such as the ability to love and have compassion, be creative and not be a robot or alien. *Humans have come a long way from the cave but how far can they still go? Is there a limit to technological progress? What does this mean for humanity’s distant future? *THE ANSWER: As part of these technological advancement, it hinges on the longevity of human species. To advance far ahead in science and technology and the wisdom to use these, human beings need time. -According to Sagan (2004) todays is a period where he called it “technological adolescence POLICIES AND TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS UNITED STATES of AMERICA -U.S industry technological advancement frequently has been reinforced by congressional initiatives over past 30 and more. -U.S Industrial Competitiveness and Technological Advancement article in 2012

-Increase in economic growth in the contribution to the creation of new goods, new services, new job and new capital because of the advances technology. CANADA, USA, NORTH and SOUTH AMERICA to EUROPE and ASIA-PACIFIC -Scientific developments and technological changes are important drives of current economic performance. PHILIPPINES -The technology market is facing crisis since the economic environment of the developing countries are opposing technology-based institutions. - Research and Development and Technology in the Philippines ETHICAL DILLEMAS -Science and technology as well as research and development enjoy and must continue auto enjoy economy from the state and society. -Technology Permeates every aspects of human life and activity....

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