Mirror Drawing record - Practical notes PDF

Title Mirror Drawing record - Practical notes
Course Clinical Psychology
Institution Amity University
Pages 5
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Practical notes...


Practical no. 4 – MIRROR DRAWING

OBJECTIVE: To determine the transfer of Learning with the help of Mirror Drawing Apparatus


(Introduction of Learning)

The process of learning begins from the birth of the child and continues till his death. When the child is born, his mind is just like a clean slate. As soon as he comes in contact with his environment, he starts reacting and in this process of interaction of the individual and his environment, the foundation of learning are laid down. Learning occupies an important position in the whole field of psychology. Psychology of learning is very important for teachers, parents, animal trainers for all those who are interested in understanding, controlling and predicting behaviour.

Melvin H. Marx defines learning in the following words: “Learning is a relatively enduring change in behaviour which is a function of prior behaviour (usually called practice).” Thus four attributes of learning as a process. 1. Learning is a permanent change in behaviour. 2. Learning is not directly observable. 3. Learning that is result in same change of in behaviour. 4. Learning depends upon practice and experience. Definitions According to Cambridge School Dictionary “how quickly or slowly someone learn a new skill” According to Skinner, “learning is both Acquisition and retention.” According to Kimble, “Learning prefers to more or less permanent change in behaviour which occurs as a result of practice.” According to Munn, “To learn is to modify behaviour.” According to Gates, “Learning is modification of behaviour through experience and training.” According to Crow and Crow, “Learning is the acquisition of habits knowledge and attitude.” According to Pavlov, “Learning is habit formation resulting from conditioning.”

Meaning Transfer of learning stands for the carryover from one act of learning to another or transfer of learning means person’s learning in one situation influences his learning and performance in other situation. Definition of Transfer of Learning According to Crow and Crow, “The carryover of habit, thinking, feeling, working of knowledge or of skills from one learning area to another usually it referred as transfer of training.” According to Guthrie and Power, “Transfer may be defined as a process of extending and applying behaviour.” According to Sorenson, “Transfer refers to the transfer of knowledge training and habits acquired in one situation to another situation.” According to Peterson, “Transfer is generalization, for it is extension of idea to a new field.” Types of Transfer of Training 1. Positive Transfer: - When learning of one activity facilitates the learning of another activity. 2. Negative Transfer: - When previously learnt activity interferes with the learning of another activity. 3. Zero Transfer: - When learning of one activity neither facilitates nor transfers with learning of a new tasks.

Theories of Transfer 1. Theory of mental Discipline: this theory assumes that mind is composed of many independent faculties, which are nothing but the muscles of mind and can be strengthened through exercises. 2. Apperception Theory: apperception is defined as a process of relation new ideas or mental state to a store of old ones or old experiences. 3. Theory of Identical element: this theory asserts that transfer from one situation to another is possible to the extent that there is common or identical element in the situation. 4. Theory of Generalisation: This theory stresses on generalisation of specific experiences and formulation of some rules or principles so that they may be transferred from one situation to another.

Bilateral Transfer Human body is divided into two laterals left and right when training is imparted to one lateral automatically it gets transferred to other lateral it is known as bilateral transfer of training it can be proved. Bi l at er alTr ansf erofLear ni ng, Fr om manyexper i ment si tappear edcl eart hatski l l acqui r edi napar t i cul art ask bypr ac t i ceononehandcanof t enbec ar r i edov ert ot heot herhand( Woodwor t handSchol s ber g, 1971) .Thi s Pr ocessi sknownasBi l at er alT r ans f er .

The skill acquired by learning one kind of a complex movement may be transferred to a similar situation. A person who has learned to drive a car drives a similar car without practice. This kind of transfer is called positive transfer. On the other hand the earlier learning may interfere with the later learning. This is called negative transfer. The effects of positive transfer are determined by showing improvement in performance with left hand when the right hand is given practice. This is called bilateral transfer.

For instance, once a person has learned to shoot a basketball with their right hand it is not difficult to transfer that learning to the left hand. This transfer of learning is made possible by the two-way information traffic that exists through the corpus callosum, the band of fibers in the brain that allows the two hemispheres to communicate and transfer information. A useful and helpful application is that following brain damage some skills and knowledge can be transferred from one area of the brain to another. Experiment of bilateral transfer of training There is a mirror drawing apparaus for this experiment. In this experiment the subject has to trace the figure of a star with his non-preferred hand by looking at the figure in mirror, and then the subject has to trace the figure of a star with his non-preferred hand by looking at the figure in the mirror for number of trials, then at last again the subject has to trace the figure of star with non-preferred hand by looking at the figure in the mirror. The comparison is done with recording of the non preferred hand trials at the starting and at the end to assess the effect of learning

HYPOTHESIS: Learning of Mirror Drawing by Preferred Hand facilitates its learning by the Nonpreferred Hand.


Independent Variable- 1.Change of Hand 2. No of trials

Dependent Variable.- 1. No of errors 2. Time taken

DETAILS OF THE SUBJECT: Name: Age: Gender: Educational Qualification: Religion:

MATERIALS AND APPARTUS REQUIRED: 1. Mirror drawing apparatus (with stylus, counter & battery) 2. Stop clock 3. Writing materials


Psychometric Properties : NO a. Reliability b. Validity c. Norms

PROCEDURE a. Pre arrangements:

b. Instructions: “This is Mirror drawing apparatus. We are going to assess a learning method with this experiment. You have to draw a figure of star shaped by your non-preferred hand by looking in the mirror. After that for the next 10 trials you have to use your preferred hand to trace the star by looking in the mirror. At the end in the last trail again this figure is to be drawn by non-preferred hand the time taken and committed error will be counted in every trail. Now be attentive and start the experiment”.

Actual administration: The experiment is conducted in two series – the condition before training is compared with the condition after training. The mirror drawing apparatus is arranged after connecting it with the stylus, counter and battery or electricity.

PART A I Series: Before training (non preferred hand): The subject is instructed to trace the star pattern in his non-preferred hand looking at the reflection in the mirror. He should trace the pattern with the help of the stylus as fast as possible without touching the edges until he comes back to the starting point. The errors will be committed whenever the subject touches the edges. The subject should trace the pattern in clockwise direction. One trail is given. The time taken by the subject to trace the pattern and the errors committed are noted down Preferred hand: The subject is asked to trace the star pattern in his preferred hand. 5 trials are given. The time taken and the errors committed by the subject are noted down. II Series: After training (non preferred hand): The subject is asked to trace the star pattern in his non-preferred hand. One trial is given. The time taken and the errors committed by the subject are noted down.






(The time taken by the subject and errors committed before training are compared with those of after training.) After the scoring was done, ………..




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