MKT 705 - syllabus - Hospitality and Casino Marketing MKT 705 PDF

Title MKT 705 - syllabus - Hospitality and Casino Marketing MKT 705
Author Jay Simmons
Course Advanced Marketing Analytics
Institution Louisiana State University in Shreveport
Pages 11
File Size 711.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 108
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Hospitality and Casino Marketing MKT 705...


MKT 705 Hospitality and Casino Marketing Syllabus Fall 2020

This information is proprietary to Dr. Minseong Kim. Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing and sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

MKT 705 Hospitality and Casino Marketing (Fall 2020) AP 1 Fall Session Department Address Business and Education Building (Room 301)

Course Professor Professor Name: Minseong Kim, Ph.D. Title: Assistant Professor Phone: 318-797-5182 Email: [email protected] Office hours: Zoom teleconferencing by appointment

Course Description MKT 705 covers the key concepts in marketing of casinos and organizations in the hospitality industry and considers the unique marketing challenges.

Course Objectives At the completion of this course, the student will be able to: ▪ Identify unique marketing challenges due to the nature of the hospitality and tourism industry structure; ▪ Identify consumer characteristics and behavior in hospitality and tourism consumption for segmentation an target marketing; ▪ Explain branding and image development as a competitive strategy; ▪ Apply theoretical knowledge into the practical world in making decisions and judgments in marketing of hospitality and tourism products and organizations.

Materials ▪

No textbook is required for this course. All course material (PPT notes, articles, discussion forums, online links, etc.) will be available online via Moodle on a week-by-week basis.

Attendance and Late Work Policy Requirements for online class attendance and make-up exams, assignments, and other works in this course are consistent with the University’s policies.

Course Expectations and Policies Students must complete all major components as described in the course syllabus/outline in order to pass this course. The course will be administered 100% online and will not meet face to face. Moodle will be used to deliver this course and will provide specific information about course contents which must be completed each week. ▪ All assignments should be uploaded directly into the Moodle system with the provided links. Moodle will be the means I use to grade all assignments, forum postings, and exams, as well as provide feedback on all submitted work.

This information is proprietary to Dr. Minseong Kim. Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing and sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

▪ ▪

Students are expected to do all of the assigned readings, video clips, assignments, and exams on the Moodl system by the end of each week. The regular course week will run from Monday at 12:00 am until Sunday at 11:55 pm (except for Week 7: until Saturday at 11:55 pm). All course times are based on CST (Central Standard Time). Moodle provides th course-related information for Weeks 1-7. Only one week will be available at a time. To access the information for each week, click on the links provided. No assignments will be accepted once a week is closed. Students are required to participate in and complete all course-related activities. Reading the required PPT slides, completing exams on time, and submitting assignments before the deadline are critical to the successful completion of this course. A student who does not participate in the class and complete activities and assignments on time will find it difficult to fulfill his/her course obligations. Student online activity will be monitored. Moodle automatically maintains a log of when students open documents and when they post to discussion boards. It maintains the full text of all postings. Students ar expected to first login no later than the third day of the start of the semester.

Exams (150 points) ▪ ▪

Test material will be derived only from required reading assignments (i.e., PPTs). There will be a total of two (2) examinations. The examinations will consist of multiple-choice and true/false questions only. All course material related to MKT 705 are used in compliance with U.S. Copyright, including a good faith application of fair use. Additionally, these materials are only for the use of students enrolled in this course, for purposes associated with this course, and may not be retained or further disseminated. Only one attempt is permitted. Make-ups are not allowed. Exams are independent student assignments. Outside assistance of any kind and copying/sharing questions in any format are strictly prohibited and will b considered a violation of the LSUS Code of Student Conduct, MBA Honor Code, and copyright law. This is a CLOSED-BOOK EXAM, which means you are NOT ALLOWED to use any resources (other than your own knowledge) to respond to the questions. All exams in the MBA program will be proctored using ProctorU. You are strongly encouraged to review the ProctorU Resources page in the Getting Started section of each Moodle course prior to taking any assessment. Below is a summary.

ProctorU Pretest A pretest is required before you can take your first proctored assessment. The purpose of this ProctorU Pretest is t ensure that all students are aware of the Proctored Test Protocols prior to taking a proctored exam. Completion of the pretest with a grade of 100% is required by the end of the first week. Students who have not taken an assessment using ProctorU are expected to complete the ProctorU Practice Exam prior to their first proctored assessment. This ProctorU Practice Exam simulates a proctored assessment, is located in the MBA Resource Center Moodle course, and is available for scheduling through ProctorU.

Test Entry ProctorU requires a live ID check and live room scan. Students must have a government issued form of identificatio with a picture. If appearance has changed, the student may be asked to supply a second form of picture identification. The first time a student begins a ProctorU exam in the MBA program, the student will be asked to authenticate themselves by answering general questions from public data. This initial authentication process will occur during the first proctored assessment the student takes in any MBA course. The authentication process for subsequent assessments will only require the live ID check and live room scan.

This information is proprietary to Dr. Minseong Kim. Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing and sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

Students are strongly encouraged to pre-schedule their assessment well in advance of the time desired. Students should expect up to 30 minutes of authentication process procedures to begin every exam. Connecting to a proctoring representative for the authentication process of every exam may take up to 10 minutes plus the actual authentication process for every exam may take up to 20 minutes, if students have pre-scheduled their assessment Students who choose not to pre-schedule their assessment should allocate a minimum of one hour to access a proctor, which will be added to the time described above. I would like to encourage you to schedule your proctorin session at least 72 hours in advance to avoid any technical issues (e.g., no available spots).

Last Access vs. Close Time The last time students will be allowed to login to access and take an exam with ProctorU in Moodle is based on the length of the exam plus 30 minutes. The last access time allows students time to complete the live ID check and liv room scan and then have the full amount of time to complete the exam. ProctorU will prevent entry into an exam after the last time to enter (length of the exam plus 30 minutes). Below are examples of last access times for exams: ▪ If your exam lasts for 30 minutes, you must log into ProctorU and Moodle no later than 60 minutes before the test end time to access and take the exam. ▪ If your exam lasts for 1 hour, you must log into ProctorU and Moodle no later than 90 minutes before the test end time to access and take the exam. ▪ If your exam lasts 2 hours, you must log into ProctorU and Moodle no later than 150 minutes prior to the test end time to access and take the exam. The close time for the exam indicates a final time the exam must be completed in Moodle. The close time is NOT the same as the last access time. At the designated close time for the exam (final time to complete the exam), Moodle will submit any open exams and close the exam at that point in time. Students are responsible for understanding the difference between the last access time and the close time of each exam in the MBA program.

Certifications (150 points) There will be three certificates certified by IFITT (INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR IT AND TRAVEL & TOURISM ▪ Module 2: Tourism – Marketing and Promotion (1-2 hours) - certification (50 points) ▪ Module 4: Tourism – Introduction to Travel Patterns and Destinations (1-2 hours) - certification (50 points) ▪ Module 5: Tourism – Introduction to Retail Travel Sales (1-2 hours) - certification (50 points) All courses are free to enroll, study, and complete. To successfully complete the above certificate courses, you need to achieve 80% of higher in each course assessment. Once you have completed the above certificate courses, you have the option to acquire an official certificate (this is optional), which can be included in your CV, professional social media profiles (e.g., LinkedIn), and job applications. Thus, you DO NOT need to acquire and submit an officia certificate for this assignment. Please simply take a screenshot or print your Learner Achievement Verification a a pdf, clearly demonstrating your name and your achievement in the certificate courses. Then, submit the file to the Moodle system. The three certificates of completion account for 150 points in total. Special Note: There are more free tourism and hospitality certificate courses, such as “Hospitality Management Studies – Hotel Operations” and “Hospitality Management Studies – Food and Beverage Services.” Please feel free to take other courses you are interested in to develop your career in the hospitality industry (this is optional). A detailed instruction will be provided under “Getting Started” on Moodle.

This information is proprietary to Dr. Minseong Kim. Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing and sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

Discussion Forums (255 points) ▪

You will need to participate in a discussion forum in order to demonstrate your comprehension of, as well as your ability to apply the course material you have learned to a real case or world. Your participation in each discussion forum will be worth 25 points and you will be asked to participate in 9 discussion forums for a total of 225 points toward your final grade. Discussion forums will open on Mondays at 12:00 am CST and close on Sundays at 11:55 pm CST. However, please be advised that your initial post is due Thursday and your response to a classmate is due Sunday. Your first response to a classmate is required for credit while additional responses (or second and third responses) are optional and will not be graded. Discussion forum responses not submitted by the deadline will get a penalty (see the Course Policies). General expectations for discussion forum o Prior to posting to the discussion forum, be sure that you read the given PPT slides and article and/or view the given video clip. o Conduct your own research to further familiarize yourself with the given discussion topic in order to formulate a sound response. o Excellent discussion posts will indicate that you have done your due diligence and will ultimately provide a “value added” response. o Participation quality can be enhanced and improved by linking work and life experiences to the topic at hand, referring and/or linking to previously discussed concepts, providing full justifications for arguments and avoiding minimalist responses (e.g. “I agree” or “I don’t think so” or “maybe”). o Participation quantity AND quality are integral to excellent discussion posts (more than 200 words). While you are required to meet both quantity (word count) and quality standards, a qualitatively sound response is integral to an excellent discussion post. o To earn the maximum number of points for your posts, your responses must be consistent with the kind of depth commensurate with that of a master’s level student. o You should clearly and thoroughly address every aspect of the discussion requirement with the appropriate amount of detail that removes any ambiguity about your position on an issue. o Engaging in analytical thinking is a must at this level as it demonstrates an understanding of each side of an issue well enough to impartially think on both sides of the issue. o Use relevant, credible external sources to support your arguments as your opinion on an issue is simply an opinion and not evidence. Keep in mind Wikipedia is not a credible source but may lead you to reliable sources through its own use of references (more than 1 reference). Also, citing a dictionary to help define a related term is not considered sufficient external research. o Be accurate when you use information as evidence and incorporate relevant course information as justification for your arguments. o Please ensure that your responses do not include spelling and grammatical errors – use spell-check or other software programs if need be.

This information is proprietary to Dr. Minseong Kim. Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing and sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

o As a final thought, please know that it is easy for us to recognize when we receive work which has been done speedily with little thought and substance. o The format of your post must follow the General American Psychological Association (APA) Guidelines shown at All information presented in your post should be properly cited. Group discussion post allocation o Response to the assigned topic: ➢ Provide your personal opinion and reaction to the topic. In other words, tell me what you initially think about the topic (5 pts) ➢ Then reformulate your response (argue with yourself a bit about your personal biases) based on what you are learning in the text, assigned readings, and/or other literature to support your response (14 pts) and provide at least one reference (1 pt) o Respond to something someone else posted: ➢ Do one of the following (5 pts): 1. Provide new/additional information (literature, resources, expert opinion, etc.) that relates to the person’s post; 2. Share an alternate view/perspective that relates to the person’s post; 3. Share an incident/experience that relates to the person’s post

Discussion Forum Grading Rubric ▪

For more detailed information about the discussion forum grading rubric, please refer to the Grading Rubric for Discussion Forum pdf posted under “Getting Started” on Moodle.

Evaluation and Grading Assignments/Assessments Course Components Points Introduction Video in FLIPGRID (the instruction will be posted on Moodle) 10 Exams (75 pts x 2) 150 Certifications (50 pts x 3) 150 Discussion Forums (25 pts x 9) 225 Total 535 Note: Percentages above may be subject to change based on the instructor’s assessment of the class progress. Grading In determining the final course grade, the following scale is used: 481 pts – 535 pts = A 428 pts – 480 pts = B 375 pts – 427 pts = C 321 pts – 374 pts = D Below 320 pts = F ▪ Friendly Reminder: Grades are earned, not awarded. They are a means to an end, not an end in themselves.

This information is proprietary to Dr. Minseong Kim. Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing and sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

Attendance and Late Work Policy Requirements for online class attendance and make-up exams, assignments, and other work in this course are consistent with the University’s policies. Students with prior knowledge of an excused absence must arrange to submit assignments prior to the due date. Documentation must be provided to the instructor for an excused absence. Excused absences include, but are not limited to, personal illness, family illness or death, jury duty, religious holiday, and official University activities. Absences will be excused at the instructor’s discretion. Permit for absence from the instructor is needed before taking a leave. A penalty will be enforced if a student fails to submit an assignment by the deadline (without prior notification and documentation): ▪ Assignments that are 1 to 2 hours late will receive a one letter grade deduction (i.e. if you have an “A” assignment then it will be scored no higher than a "B"). ▪ Assignments that are 2 to 3 hours late will receive a two-letter grade deduction (i.e. if you have an "A" assignment then it will be scored no higher than a "C"). ▪ Assignments submitted more than 3 hours past due will not be graded and will receive a zero.

No Return Policy At LSUS, a major value associated with our MBA Program is AACSB accreditation, which means that we exhibit the highest standards of academic excellence and integrity. The No Return policy states that professors will not provide review options for individual quizzes, assessments, or exams. Professors will share general results, but graded tests will not be returned. In addition, professors will review quiz and exam results to ensure question quality and overal question performance.

Class Policies Students are expected to be professional in online class, which requires them to: ▪ Participate in online discussions and answer questions when posted by the instructor. They are also require to participate in additional online activities including sending/receiving email as needed and navigating and conducting research over the World Wide Web.

Propriety Course Information The LSUS School of Business considers course information to be proprietary to the professor of the course. Violatin this intellectual property protection by scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing and sharing course information is considered an infraction of the MBA Honor Code and LSUS Code of Student Conduct.

Netiquette Policy Students are responsible for everything presented and discussed online. Therefore, each student should follow these guidelines: ▪ Ethical standards extend to matters of academic integrity and behavioral conduct. In particular, students ar expected to demonstrate the highest level of respect for fellow students and instructors in emails, forum posts, and group interactions. Disrespectful comments, inciting language, or cyberbullying of anyone in a LSUS course is a violation of the LSUS Code of Student Conduct. ▪ Pay attention to what is said and how it is said; be courteous and respectful to everyone. ▪ Adhere to formal spelling, punctuation, and grammar rules and avoid writing in “text language.” ▪ Utilize complete sentence; avoid the use of all upper-case letters as it indicates “shouting.”

This information is proprietary to Dr. Minseong Kim. Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing and sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

Email Etiquette Email is the primary mode of communication in this course. If you have any questions about the course and course content, please email me directly at [email protected] and I will respond within 24 hours. For all questions related to the discussion forums and assignment grades, please contact your academic coach (i.e., you can find the coach’s email address from “Who to Ask” under the “Welcome to Hospitality and Casino Marketing ” on Moodle). The academic coaches will strive to grade and respond to all assignments, that were turned in on time, within one week on the Moodle system (Discussion Forums: Wednesday night; Certificates: Thursday ni...

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