MBA 705 the Company and KEY personnel PDF

Title MBA 705 the Company and KEY personnel
Course Business administration
Institution Shu-Te University
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Key elements of building a company with key personnel to achieve a foundation of like minded people to help establish and maintain a business...


Running head: MAE FARM LLC 4

MAE Farm LLC: The Company and Key Personnel Rasheedah Morish MBA 705 Southern New Hampshire University

MAE Farm LLC The Company and Key Personnel The main objective of MAE farm LLC is to rear quality grass-finished beef cattle. The farms aim at promoting sustainable living and prevent nitrogen pollution. Also, the company's purpose is to ensure a safe water system by rearing grass-finished beef cattle that are free of harmful pesticides, hormones, and fertilizers. Additionally, MAE farm LLC focuses on meeting the demands of the customers. This paper will analyze MAE farm LLC's core competencies, corporate culture, key roles, qualifications, and responsibilities of the cross-functional business implementation team and then contingency plan should the team composition proposed need to be modified. Organization's Core Competencies The core competencies are the defining abilities, products, and services that give a business a competitive edge. MAE farm LLC firm aims at producing quality grass-fed beef. The following are the organization's core competencies. Authentic and High-Quality Beef One key goal of the MAE farm LLC farm is to maintain the authenticity and quality of beef. Grass-fed beef is healthier when it has balanced fatty acids in comparison to grain-fed meat. According to Hwang and Joo (2017), grass-finished beef is rich in carotenoids, omega 3,

vitamins, and conjugated linoleic acids. These nutritional components enhance their quality and authenticity. Additionally, the grass-fed cattle are not injected with any growth hormones. The cattle feed purely on grass. It is usually free of pesticides and fertilizers that can alter the quality of beef. When animals get sick, they are given the required medication and separated from the herd to prevent chemicals and antibiotics excreted by the ill animal from coming into contact with the soil. Additionally, the organic food fed to the cattle is reared without pesticides and fertilizers to ensure beef quality. Therefore, one significant core competency of the organization is the production of quality and authentic meat. Support and Promotion of a Sustainable Environment Another important goal of MAE farm LLC is to support and promote an ecological environment by reducing pollution. According to Provenza et al. (2019), approximately 80% of the antibiotics manufactured in the U.S. are served to farm animals. These antibiotics return to the soil, thus destroying beneficial organisms and bacteria. When it rains, these harmful antibiotics are eroded into the water causing pollution. Grass-finished animals significantly contribute to balanced, clean water systems, healthy plants, and fertile soils. Therefore, support and promotion of a sustainable environment is another core competency of the MAE farm LLC. Own Production of Grass and Hay To ensure the authenticity and quality of beef MAE farm LLC produces its grass and hay. The farm has a large parcel of land in which the cattle graze freely. This ensures that the cattle grow in their natural habitat to produce lean and quality meat. Also, fertilizers and pesticides, which affect the quality of beef when the cattle ingests, are not used in the growing process of the grass and hay fed to the cattle. Hence, the own production of grass and hay is an additional core competency of MAE farm LLC. The Corporate Culture for Successful Implementation The corporate culture influences the activities of the company. Gao (2017) noted that corporate culture significantly affects the performance and success of the organization. Therefore, it is essential for the management and the stakeholders to critically evaluate and assess the most influential corporate culture to ensure its business success. For MAE farm LLC, the corporate culture that will offer the best possible implementation is the market culture. Usually, the primary focus of the market culture is growth and competition. According to Gao (2017), the essential defining qualities of the market culture are product differentiation, control, and stability. The market culture will ensure that MAE farm LLC produces a high-quality product to enhance market growth, competition, and success. According to Smith et al. (2016), intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs are inherently motivated to achieve success, take new challenges, look for new opportunities and make innovations. Exploring this culture will ensure that MAE farm LLC achieves success, makes innovations, and challenges producing authentic and quality beef.

Notably, a significant goal of MAE farm LLC is to be the best in the industry by producing quality and authentic beef. The market culture ensures that the employees and the management work towards achieving success and attaining profits. Hence, the market culture is the most effective for this business since it focuses on product differentiation, growth, competition, control, and stability. The market culture will ensure that MAE farm LLC remains focused on producing quality grass-fed beef to maintain its competitive edge and attain success. Key Roles, Responsibilities, and Qualifications A cross-functional team is a group of individuals whose members have varying skills but work towards a common goal. Marshall (2017) noted that a cross-functional team includes people from different fields of specialization who ensure they achieve their goals and objectives. For example, MAE farm LLC will have key players to ensure that the farm produces quality and authentic beef. The following is a list of the members of the cross-functional implementation team with their crucial roles, responsibilities, and qualification. Farm manager Key role: Oversee the activities on the farm Responsibilities: Schedule employees shifts Address employees' concerns Oversee the day-to-day activities of the farm Provide excellent leadership and interpersonal skills Qualifications: A minimum of a college degree in animal science Training in business management or administration Extensive experience in a farming-related field 2. Herdsmen Key role: Monitoring the wellbeing of the cattle Responsibilities Keeping detailed health and production records Trimming hooves of the cattle Feeding then calves

Observing the key features and symptoms of the cattle Working closely with the veterinarians Maintaining rotational grazing patterns of the cattle Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in the livestock-related field such as animal science Experience working with cattle Livestock marketing director Key role: Promoting and marketing MAE farm LLC beef product. Responsibilities: Promote and market MAE farm LLC beef products Identify new markets for the product Design and implement effective marketing strategies Identify possible challenges for MAE farm LLC and develop practical solutions Qualifications: Advanced degree in marketing or business administration Experience in facilitating investment and partnership in livestock market system Excellent leadership and interpersonal skills My role in this process is to ensure that the cross-functional team is effective and efficient in carrying out their duties and responsibilities. I will oversee the execution of various tasks and responsibilities to promote the success of MAE farm LLC. Additionally, I will encourage team collaboration to enhance teamwork and work efficiency.

A Contingency Plan A contingency plan is essential in preparing the business for a situation that can adversely affect the business. According to Marshall (2017), in business, the management should have a contingency plan that helps guide and direct the company's activities. The following is an outline of a contingency plan should the proposed team composition need to be modified. It outlines critical risks and their probability, impact, and preparation.

Key risks Probability Impact Preparation Inability to find qualified personnel who have previously worked with grass-fed cattle

There is a likelihood that the farm can lack qualified personnel who have experience in grassfeed cattle farming Lack of qualified personnel to carry out the various activities on the farm hence affecting the progress of the farm Networking with hiring farms to locate and hire qualified personnel. Inadequate staffing

The selected number of team members can be inadequate Production of poor meat quality

Hire more staff members as herdsmen with relevant qualifications to fill various positions Employee's turnover

-Employees can resign from their position without notice Increased operational cost in hiring and training new employees Identify reasons for high turnover rate and provide possible solutions Need for more professional staff

Need for more professional staff like veterinarians Lack of professionalism in quality beef production

Presence of an interdisciplinary team.

Conclusion In conclusion, MAE farm LLC's core competencies are; production quality beef, supporting and promoting a sustainable environment, and producing own grass and hay. The corporate culture that best suits the organization is market culture. They will ensure that MAE farm LLC makes innovations, achieves success, and positively takes on the challenges of producing high-quality beef. MAE farm LLC will have an interdisciplinary team comprised of a farm manager, herders, and livestock marketing director to ensure the business's success. In addition, the organization will have a contingency plan that will help the management modify the cross-functional business team.

References Gao, Y. (2017). Business leaders' personal values, and organizational culture, and market orientation.. Hwang, Y., & Joo, S. (2017). Fatty acid profiles, meat quality, and sensory palatability of grainfed and grass-fed beef from Hanwoo, American, and Australian crossbred cattle. Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources, 37(2), 153-161. Marshall, S. (2017). Leading and managing strategic change. In Strategic leadership of change in higher education. Provenza, F. D., Kronberg, S. L., & Gregorini, P. (2019). Is Grassfed meat and dairy better for human and environmental health? Frontiers in Nutrition, 6. Smith, L., Rees, P., & Murray, N. (2016). Turning entrepreneurs into intrapreneurs: Thomas Cook, a case-study. ....

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