MKTG 3360 Case Study Chapter 9 PDF

Title MKTG 3360 Case Study Chapter 9
Author Shaylee Lin
Course Buyer Behavior
Institution Lamar University
Pages 2
File Size 69.5 KB
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Shaylee Lin Furnishing an Experience CS 9-1 Evaluate the shopping experience at Jordan’s. Why is it so successful? The shopping experience at Jordan’s Furniture is so successful because of the atmospherics. Atmospherics is defined as the use of space and physical features in store design to evoke certain effects in buyers. The atmospherics that Jordan’s Furniture uses has created a friendly, comfortable, and fun environment. Every store offers food, music, shows, and “surprises.” You can watch the latest 3-D IMAX movies at Jordan’s Furniture before you pick out a new piece of furniture. Jordan’s Furniture also portrays a good store image to their shoppers. Store image is defined as a store’s “personality” composed of such attributes as location, merchandise suitability, and the knowledge and congeniality of the sales staff. Jordan’s Furniture’s store image is known for being different compared to most “ordinary” furniture stores. The company’s slogan is “not just a store…an experience.” This company holds true to their slogan by providing a more comfortable and fun experience while shopping at their store. Jordan’s Furniture appeals to their customers by having regular sales. All consumers love a good sale. Even if the sale is not really a significant difference, it makes consumers think that it is because of the word “sale.” Jordan’s Furniture also is known for running unusual promotions such as the Red Sox pitch perfect promotion. In this promotion, Jordan’s said, “if you buy anything that day, they would give away furniture if the Red Sox pitch a perfect game from July to September of 2013.” Overall, I think the shopping experience at Jordan’s Furniture is so successful because of the atmospherics, store image, and great sales. This company continues to be innovative, welcoming, and creative resulting in a successful shopping experience for their consumers. CS 9-2 If Jordan’s were building a new location near colleges, what might they include in their stores to draw young customers? If Jordan’s Furniture were to build a new location near colleges, they should include student discounts and/or advertisements that appeal to tired, broke, and busy college students. College students do not always have a steady income like the average adult, so offering student discounts would be an incentive for them. Since college students may not have a lot to spend, they are going to walk in the store with a mental budget. Mental budget is defined as consumers’ preset expectations of how much they intend to spend on a shopping trip. By offering discounts or even student sales exclusively for them, you are increasing their chances of being able to purchase more. College students are also people who are concerned about fitting in and what is “cool” nowadays. By creating advertisements, specifically for them, you could encourage them to come in the store. I think the best way would be to create advertisements that make the college students feel like they will be successful, relaxed, and portrayed as “cool.” If the college students think that they too can be like the people in your ad, then this could result in impulse buying. Impulse buying is defined as a process that occurs when the consumer experiences a sudden urge to purchase an item that he or she cannot resist. Since college students are so young, all they care

about is looking cool and getting what they want. Most college students do not actually think through their purchases, so encouraging them to impulse buy is a good strategy. CS 9-3 How has Jordan’s used the brand community around the Boston Red Sox to its’ advantage? What other communities could it use? Jordan’s Furniture used the brand community around the Boston Red Sox to their advantage, by appearing in a commercial, with a former Red Sox pitcher and offering a promotion that had to do with the Red Sox games. In this promotion, Jordan’s said, “if you buy anything that day, they would give away furniture if the Red Sox pitch a perfect game from July to September of 2013.” This appeals to regular customers due to the possible outcome of free furniture, but it appeals to the Boston Red Sox brand community even more because of the involvement of the former pitcher. Brand community is defined as a set of consumers who share a set of social relationships based on usage or interest in a product. The Boston Red Sox brand community may have never shopped as Jordan’s Furniture before or ever considered it, but because of the involvement of the former pitcher, now they are interested. With this promotion, Jordan’s could be recruiting lifetime customers, who they may have never appealed to by regular advertisement tactics. Jordan’s Furniture could also throw a brandfest with the Boston Red Sox team. Brandfest is defined as a corporate-sponsored event intended to promote strong brand loyalty among customers. This would help the owners to “bond” with other fans/enthusiasts and strengthen their knowledge, about the team or the products they offer. Other communities that Jordan’s Furniture could use would be Mustang groups, church youth groups, couponers, other sports teams, or even gamers. I feel that any community could be used to their advantage if they approach the situation the correct way. By using brand communities, Jordan’s Furniture will greatly benefit because it builds brand loyalty and customers tend to forgive problems such as service lapses, recalls, or product failures....

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