MOCK Meeting Instruction PDF

Title MOCK Meeting Instruction
Author Aliff Haikal
Course networking
Institution Kolej Profesional Mara Indera Mahkota
Pages 7
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File Type PDF
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TASK 1 - MOCK MEETING Instructions: •

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Submit these documents to the lecturer during your mock interview test • Notice of meeting • Agenda of meeting Submit the minutes of the meeting to the lecturer a week after MOCK MEETING held. In your group, • Appoint the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee Members (you can create any additional position if necessary). • •

All members must participate and play their roles during the meeting. All members will be assessed in terms of: • Personality/manners • Fluency/confidence • Language skills • Ideas/input/content • Appropriate of conduct • Participation

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The duration for the meeting is 15-20 minutes. All documents must be submitted using •

Font : Arial, size 11

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Align : justified Assignment cover contains : • group members’ names • title of document • name of club/society • class • lecturer’s name • date of submission.


: Diploma in Computer Networking

Class Group Number

: DCN 5B :3

Club Name

: Elite Genshin Club

Role Chairman Secretary Treasurer Committee Member Committee Member


* Submit this form together with the memo and agenda to your lecturer during the mock meeting.


17 Dhanmondi R/A, Road No. 2, Dhaka-1205 Notice of the Fifth Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the fifth annual general meeting of the Elite Genshin Club will be held on Thursday, the November 28, 2020 at 10.00 a.m. at 1, Shahbag C/A, Dhaka to transact the following business:

AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Planning activities after the Esport Tournament Discussion of Marketing Plans on the main event Consider the solution for the tournament Schedule adjustments for the tournament Consultation with management Question round

By Order of the Board (MUHAMMAD ALIFF HAIKAL BIN HEAZZERY) Club Secretary Dated: November 16, 2020

Elite Genshin Club Monthly Board Meeting

28 November 2020 Opening Meeting called to order at 10:00 a.m. by the secretary Muhammad Aliff Haikal bin Heazzery in The Doom on 28 November 2020 Members present: Mohamad Imran bin Razali, Chairman Muhammad Aliff Haikal bin Heazzery, Secretary Muhammad Daniel Hakim bin Kamarolzaman, Treasurer Nashrul Izzat bin Abdul Karim Ahmad, Committee Member Ahmad Al-Amin bin Azuha, Committee Member Members absent: (none) Approval of agendas: 

The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.

Approval of minutes: 

Motion: Approve minutes from 16 November 2020 board meeting.

Business From Previous Meeting Esport Tournament Report: The sponsor had a budget trouble and had to be replaced with Razor Corporation. The upcoming esport tournament have been negotiated by all of the club members and was distributed by Aliff Haikal. He ran through the list of activies that will be held after the event. The date of the tournament was incorrect and Aliff had taken the task to rewrite the date. The total donation for the esport tournament had a miscalculation and was corrected by Daniel. New Business Marketing Plan for Esport Tournament: Al-Amin motion to add curtains on the stage as an enclosure for the tournament but was seconded by Daniel. Izzat motion to serves beverages for the audiences on the tournament. His motion was seconded and passed for the next meeting. Additions to the Agenda Daniel motion that the lightshow on the stage for the tournament we’re dim. His motion was discussed and passed. Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. by Chairman Mohamad Imran bin Razali Minutes submitted by

: Muhammad Aliff Haikal bin Heazzery

Approved by

: Muhammad Daniel Hakim bin Kamarolzaman, Treasurer

Formal Meeting Dialogue Chairman’s Address Imran: “I am glad to welcome all board members to the fourth meeting of the Elite Genshin Club. Thank you, thank you for being present in this meeting. Can we call this meeting to order?” All: “Yes.” Apologies For Absence Imran: “Are there any apologies for absence for today’s meeting?” Alif: “No, Mr Chairman.” Minutes of Last Meeting Imran: “Thank You, can we proceed to the next item, regarding of the minutes from the previous meeting?” All: “Yes.” Imran: “Are there any amendment?” Aliff: “I can remember most of the stuff we did. We decided when the tournament would be held on. We said we would choose the activities we planned on doing after the event has ended.” Imran: “Are there any other amendments beside that?” Daniel: “Yes, based on the previous meeting, on item 4.1, the date of the tournament is actually on 16th December not 16th November.” Aliff: “Okay, I will take noted and change the date.” Imran: “Is there anything else that anybody wants to add?” Daniel: “There has been a slight miscalculation on our donation. I think we have $750.00 total donation instead of $650.00 for the esport tournament.” Imran: “Thank you, can someone propose the minutes be passed as a true record?” Aliff: “I propose the minutes to be passed as a true record.” Izzat: “I second the motion.” Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes Imran: “Let’s move on to to the next topic. Any matters arising?” Aliff: “Yes, Mr Chairman. I would like to ask on the progression of the gaming tournament which has been proposed in the previous meeting. Have all the arrangement been matter?”

Daniel: “Yes, all preparation have almost 90% done. That 10% is on progress in preparation of the gift for the contestant. Al-Amin: “I have heard that we have a slight problem with our current sponsor in the tournament league. Is there any solution to overcome this situation?” Imran: “Yes, it is true that we have slight problems with our current sponsor, though it has been settled by replacing them with our new sponsor from Razer Corporation. Izzat: “Mr Chairman, I have managed the gift for the contenders. I have ordered our special club uniform for every staffs. It still on packing process. I will complete that before event occurs.” Al-Amin: “Besides that, the budgets for the gifts are recruiting.” Imran: “Thank you for the information, anything else anybody wants to add?” Al-Amin: “We talked about purchasing club shirts at the last meeting. I think that we should purchase shirts for all club members from the checking account. Imran: “Is there any discussion?” Aliff: “No, Mr Chairman.” Any Other Business Imran: “Shall we close this discussion for now and continue to any other business? Daniel: “Yes, Mr Chairman. The total cost of the building for the tournament is really in a poor rate. For example, the lightshow on the stage we’re dim and had to be replaced with a new one. It would took the repairman about two days to take matters into action.” Al-Amin: “The problem right now is that the repairman is not attending to fix the problem. This is important for the audience and the contestant to be able to participate in the tournament without any problem.” Izzat: “I motion that we should replace the recent repairman to not make matters worse.” Imran: “Okay, I shall hire a new repairman soon before the tournament occurs. Al-Amin: “I make a motion that we make curtains for the stage as an enclosure after the tournament.” Aliff: “I like that idea.” Daniel: “I’ll second that.” Izzat: “I motion that we sell more merchandise and prepare some food and beverages for the audience.” Imran: “Let’s discuss about that on the next meeting. Anything else to add?” Aliff: “No, Mr Chairman.”

Date, Time and Venue for Next Meeting Imran: “Does anyone have any other business or announcements? Well, I guess we will stop the meeting now. See you at the next meeting. Secretary, when is our next meeting will be held?” Aliff : “Mr. Chairman, for the next meeting will on 12.12.2012, Wednesday, 2.00 p.m. at meeting room. I will send notice if there is any changes.” All: “Yes, sure.” Imran: “Okay. Anything else? Any question? Comment? No? well then, thank you for coming. Will someone propose the meeting be adjourned?” Close Aliff: “Yes, I proposed the meeting to be adjourned.” Imran: “Treasurer?” Daniel: “I second the motion.” Imran: “Thank You. The meeting is adjourned. Have a nice day.” All: “Thank you!”...

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