Script AND Dialogue FOR MOCK Meeting ASM403 PDF

Title Script AND Dialogue FOR MOCK Meeting ASM403
Author Najiha Asmadi
Course Communication
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 4
File Size 65.7 KB
File Type PDF
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mock meeting script asm 403 2021/2022...


SCRIPT AND DIALOGUE FOR MOCK MEETING ASM403 Miss Ain: Assalamualaikum and good morning everyone. Thank you for attending our meeting today. Since our company is still under renovation, we have to proceed our meeting through online for about a month. So far, are you guys okay working from home? Miss Najiha: So far, it is fine for me, Miss Ain. Everything is going well and under control. Miss Amira: Same goes to me, Miss Ain. Everything is fine. Miss Ain: Alright good to hear that. Anything just let me know okay? (everyone nods) Okay now, without delaying times, is everyone present in today’s meeting, Miss Amira? Miss Amira: Miss Ain, we have received an apologize from Mr Rayyan. He is not able to attend today’s meeting as he is having an important appointment with the Vice Manager from Ethereal Consulting Sdn Bhd. Miss Ain: All right then. Just update to him later the detailed of our today’s meeting so that he can catch up with everything. Um, Miss Amira, you have emailed the minutes of previous meeting to everyone right? Miss Amira: Yes Miss Ain. I have emailed it yesterday. Miss Ain: Okay good. Now can all of you please check the minutes of previous meeting? (everyone is checking minutes of previous meeting) If there is no problem, shall I now sign the minutes of the previous meeting as correct? (everyone nods) So, I assume that we all agree with the minutes. (signs) Okay now since there is no matter arising for the minutes, can we proceed to the next agenda that need to be discussed today? Miss Izzah: Sure, Miss Ain. During our last meeting, we have decided to go to an Island. Therefore, I have did some research and have made a short list of Island that are suitable for our company Family Day which are Kapas Island, Redang Island,

Tioman Island and also Perhentian Island. These Islands are the best place that I can suggest due to their environment. Miss Ain: That’s good Miss Izzah. All the Islands listed are well-known and I am sure that some of us have been there at least once. So, may I know when is the specific date that we can held this company Family Day? Miss Amira: Based on our company schedule, the best date that we can proceed this event is on 15th until 16 th January 2022. This is due to, on that month, it is not too hectic and the dates are on weekend so we are on our weekend break. Miss Izzah: Ah, hearing that, I want to share my thoughts. Since the date is on 15 th until 16th January next year, I think Kapas Island is better for our Family Day event. This is because, we are going in a big group and so far what I know about Kapas Island is they are giving the cheapest package for group trips. Miss Nurin: It is a good idea, Miss Izzah. Plus, we still have more than a month to proceed our family day, therefore, we can book the hotel online. So, we can save our budget for the hotel since early booking can have discounts. Miss Ain: Okay, I agree with all the ideas. So, it has been decided that we will holding our Family Day at Kapas Island for 2 days 1 night from 15 th until 16th of January 2022. Everyone agree or do anyone have different opinion? Miss Amira: No Miss Ain. The ideas are great since we can have beautiful scenery, comfortable environment and also can save cost. Miss Najiha: Right? I think the same too. Miss Ain: Okay nice. But before that, can we hear about our budget for this company’s Family Day from Miss Nurin? Miss Nurin: Sure Miss Ain, I will proceed to explain about our budget on this event. For your information, our company has achieved our target and the profit has increasing unexpectedly. After every calculation that has been done by the Finance Department, we can spend around RM 5,000 for this company Family Day. But for accommodation, I suggest we collect RM 70 from all the staff that able to join this event.

Miss Ain: Okay, perfect. I will add RM 3,000 personally for this event to top up anything that is worth. Don’t forget to remind me about this, Miss Amira. Miss Amira: Noted, Miss Ain. Miss Ain: Alright good. Let’s proceed to the next agenda. Oh, it is about activities. Who’s in charge in planning activities? Can you please explain what will we do for these two days one night event? Miss Najiha: Miss Ain, actually Mr Rayyan is in charge in organizing activities but since he is not able to attend today’s meeting therefore, I will take over. Miss Ain: It’s fine, you can proceed. Miss Najiha: Actually, there is a long list of activities that we want to be done but since we are only going to held this event for two days one night, we think that only these activities can be fit into our schedule which are hiking, jungle tracking, volleyball, snorkelling, pass balloons that are contain water into the bucket, fill in the water in the bottle by only using hands, find a candy currency in flour, kayak and play musical chair. But I will discuss the suitable activities with Mr Rayyan again since the date and place are just decided. Miss Ain: Okay, that’s very interesting. Please do so and organize them into schedule perfectly okay? Miss Najiha: Will do, Miss Ain. Oh also, I would like to know the budget for food since Miss Izzah and I would like to organize a barbecue party at night. If we had enough budget, we can proceed what we had planned before and order everything needed. Miss Nurin: Oh, sorry I forgot. About the budget, we will provide around RM 1,000 for food and RM 3,000 for our activities there. But, since Miss Ain decided to top up another RM 3,000, I think we can add around RM 500 to RM 1,000 more for food. Miss Izzah: Okay, thank you Miss Nurin. So, can I suggest our idea? Miss Ain: Of course, please do so.

Miss Izzah: Miss Najiha and I also planned to hold a birthday celebration for staff that having their birthday on that month. Miss Najiha has given a list of participants’ date of birth and name to implement our suggestion. What do you think Miss Ain? Miss Ain: Okay, it’s a really good idea Miss Izzah and Miss Najiha. I like it as we can give them a token of appreciation. And I think we can also organize some awards to give to the employees. This will attract many or maybe all of them to join this event. Miss Amira: I agree with that idea. I will be in charge in planning the awards. Miss Ain: Okay Miss Amira, thank you. So, any other suggestions before we end our today’s meeting?


Okay I assume everyone is satisfied with everything that has been discussed. Please update all the information to Miss Amira and make sure everything has been prepared enough before we attend the next meeting. If anyone suddenly want to add anything, please update to Miss Amira okay? And Miss Nurin, I would like you to calculate the overall budget that will be used on the event and let me know. Miss Nurin: Okay Miss Ain, I will email the overall budget to your secretary later. Miss Ain: Alright, thank you. Also, Miss Najiha, can you please update the number of staff that are confirm and available on the decided date and will join this company’s Family Day before we go to the next meeting? Miss Najiha: Okay Miss Ain, I will update that to your secretary as soon as possible. Miss Ain: Thank you. Well then, Miss Amira, when do we meet again? Miss Amira: On 20th December, two weeks after today, still in the same platform. Miss Ain: All right, it would be enough time for us to work on our assigned task and come up with some positive feedback. So, it’s 20 th December, 9.00 am in the same platform. Okay now you may get back to your work and please update any information to Miss Amira from time to time before we go for the next meeting. Let’s close our meeting today. Thank you everyone for the cooperation. You may leave the room now....

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