Hunger Games script and dialogue PDF

Title Hunger Games script and dialogue
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HUNGER GAMES TRILOGY: VOICE OVER: (ALECK) Winning means fame and fortune. Losing means certain death. I guess I wouldn’t mind dying, but dying means losing the ones I love. VIDEO: (Running in the field; gets the weapon; with “VOICE OVER” ALEZA: Ladies and gentlemen, let the 74th annual hunger games begin!) *end* PAGLI: Puthabidtha Hoonga Gaims! (smiles widely and waves his hand at the center stage; stands at the back) FAT: Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor! Ladies first! Primrose Everdeen. (KIM, sad looking face; will slowly walk and will be guarded but…) ALECK: NO! Prim! NO!(Reaches KIM and pulls back and stands in front of Cathy) I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute! (CJ will come and gets KIM and pulls her away) FAT: That is lovely! But I believe there’s a small matter of introducing the reaping winner and then asking for volunteers, and if one does not come forth we... um... KIM: No, Katniss! No! (KIM wraps her arms around ALECK from behind.) You can’t go! (CJ will come and gets KIM and pulls her away) ALECK: Prim, let go. (KIM does not let go.) Let go! (goes in front) FAT: Well, bravo! That’s the spirit of the Games! (ALECK will be guarded by the GUARDS; FAT will wait for her in front) What’s your name? ALECK: Katniss Everdeen. FAT: I bet that was your sister. (ALECK nods) Come on, everybody! Let’s give a big round of applause to our newest tribute! (no one claps) It’s time to choose our boy tribute!

Peeta Mellark! (afraid face; will be guided by GUARDS) District 12 Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. Well come on you two shake your hands. Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor (no one claps except FAT)(exits all; FAT, lead RAHF and ALECK) *end* ALEZA: “VOICE OVER” *PARADE* (introduce everyone from diff. district) (BGM- people yelling) From district 1, Marvel & Glimmer (MATTHEW and AIRA will walk around the stage; smiles and waves the hand) Distrcit 2, Cato & Clove (ALEXIS and HONEY will walk around the stage; smiles and waves the hand) District 5 (JUVIELYN & RIALINE will walk around the stage; smiles and waves the hand) District 9 (JEN & FLORENCE will walk around the stage; smiles and waves the hand) District 10 (WENDY & CATHY will walk around the stage; smiles and waves the hand) District 11, Thresh & Rue (MARVIN and MICHAELA will walk around the stage; smiles and waves the hand) And last but not the least from District 12, Katniss Everdeen & Peeta Mellark (RAHP try to hold ALECK’S hand but ALECK refuses to.) RAHP: Come on they’ll like it (ALECK giggles on last time, then looks down at RAHF’S hand and they will both raise it and smiles.) ANTHONY: Welcome (pause 2secs) Welcome tributes! We welcome you. We salute the courage and your sacrifice. Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

(BGM- people yelling)(Everybody exit)

PETER: Good luck, girl on fire.


(The platform will rise)

ALECK: We might die tomorrow Haymitch. Do you have any advice?

(Continuation of first video; capsule; agawan ng armas, patayan na!! hahahaha; RAHF will run away-exit; everybody exit)

PAGLI: Don’t Die (sips on your drink) *end* RAHF: That’s all? MATTHEW: Twelve down and eleven to go! PAGLI: Fine. I’ll go into detail. (puts down the drink) Once time hits zero, get the hell out of there. Do not, I repeat, do not risk it by jumping in the mess like morons. Just get out, put as much distance as you can between you and the others and fins a source of water. Got it? ALECK: And after that? PAGLI: Stay alive. (sips again his drink) (everybody exits)

(Sebastian, Honey, Aira and Juvielyn will shout in unison –WOHOOOOO!) ALEXIS: We’d better clear out before the body starts to rot. (RAHF together w/ MATTHEW,SEBASTIAN, HONEY, AIRA, JUVIELYN) HONEY: Hey, look who’s out here. (everybody looks up the tree and see ALECK)

*end* PETER: I believe in you Katniss. (PETER will get the jacket and pins the mockingjay pin) ALECK: Where did you get that? (PETER, shh sign) PETER: Off the outfit you wore on the train. People thought it could be used at an unfair advantage as a weapon. If you twisted the gemstone on it, spikes popped up A poison one too. (steps back) There. You’re all set

MATTHEW: Hey there, district 12. Don’t you want to join us down here? (everybody laughs) JUVIELYN: Come and play with us little you, I want to this dagger of mine. (arrogant look while holding your dagger) ALECK: How’s everything with you? ALEXIS: Well enough. How about yourself? ALECK: It’s a bit warm for my taste. The air’s better up here. Why don’t you climb up and join me?

ALECK: Thank you ALEZA: “VOICE OVER” Prepare for launch PETER: Remember what Haymitch said. Run, find water. The rest will follow. Remember this Katniss. If I were allowed to bet, my money would be on you. ALECK: Truly? CINNA: Truly (Walks Katniss towards the platform that will raise up to the arena soon) ALEZA: “VOICE OVER” Platforms will rise in 3 seconds.

ALEXIS: I think I will. (He will climb but he’ll fall) What the hell?(Attempt again and falls off; AIRA will push ALEXIS aside and tries to climb off) AIRA: Move over, idiot. (She tries but she also fall) RAHF: Just let her stay up there. It’s not like she’s going anywhere. We’ll deal with her in the morning. (They will stay under the tree where ALECK stays waiting for her to come down so they can kill her)

(ALECK will stay up at the tree; MICHAELA will help her and points at beehive; ALECK will follow her and boom! Hahaha;)

ALECK: Rue! Rue! (ALECK looks around who threw that dagger and saw no one, she felt sad) NOOOOOOOOO! (and tears came running down her cheeks; she gave a sign)

HONEY: Tracker jackers! JUVIELYN: The lake! To the lake! (JUVIELYN, HONEY, ALEXIS, RAHF, MATTHEW will run as soon as they get their things; AIRA will be left and the bee will sting her and dies) (ALECK will come down and the bee will also sting her) ALECK: What’s happening to me? (ALECK gets dizzy and fainted; MICHAELA will saw her and help her) (everybody exit except ALECK and MICHAELA) *end* (ALECK will suddenly wake up) (ALECK will wake up and MICHAELA will look at her. They will plan something…) ALECK: You know what, not only them can form alliances MICHAELA:

You want me for an ally?

ALECK: Why not? You saved me from those tracker jackers.

(video of three finger sign of ALECK; ANTHONY is watching and smirk and laugh; walks out) (everybody exit; ALECK will stay) *end* ALEZA: “VOICEOVER” Congratulations to our last 6 contenders! There has been a change in rules. Both tributes from the same district may be declared victors if they are the last two alive. Good luck to all! (ALECK’s eyes widen and…) ALECK: Peeta! (pick up her things and runs) Peeta! (looks around with sad eyes) Peeta! Where are you? ALECK: (whispers) Peeta? Where are you? (holds the bow and arrow) RAHF: You here to finish me off, sweetheart? (ALECK will look and make sure it is him) ALECK: Is that you? (walks slowly toward RAHF) RAHF: Well don’t step on me. ALECK: Hey, you okay? (RAHF-hmm *nods)

MICHAELA: You weren’t joking about wanting me for an ally?

ALECK: You’re not going to die.

ALECK: No, I mean it.

RAHF: Says who?

MICHAELA: Okay it’s a deal. (shakes hand) We need a plan, Katniss. I have a few ideas (whisper the ideas)

ALECK: Says me. We’re on the same team now, you know.

ALECK: We need to get through this trap and when you hear my clap (demonstrate a clap) you will stay here and wait for me, okay?

RAHF: So I heard. Nice of you to find what’s left of me. Let me tell you something. (Leans closely) Remember, we’re madly in love, so you can kiss me whenever you feel like

(MICHAELA will nod)

ALECK: (laughs) Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind. Let’s get you cleaned up

(as soon as MICHAELA stood up, she was hit by a dagger and dies)


MICHAELA: Katniss!

HONEY: Where’s your boyfriend, district 12? Still hanging on?

ALECK: He’s out there right now. Hunting Cato. Peeta!

ALECK: Why didn’t you whistle? Are you alright?

(HONEY will clamps her hand over ALECK)


HONEY: Liar. He’s nearly dead. Cato knows where he cut him. We’re going to kill you district 12. Your pathetic, useless little ally. What’s her name? Rue? Well I think we’ll let the nature take care of little lover boy of yours. Want to blow one last kiss to lover boy?

ALECK: Don’t make me worry about you again, I thought Cato have killed you.

No I’m fine. Are you okay?

RAHF: All right.

(ALECK was about to fight her but MARVIN came and pins HONEY down)

(berries and some foods are placed near them; JUVIELYN will get their foods especially the berries and she will eat them while running but suddenly she collapse)

MARVIN: What did you do to that little girl? You killed her?

ALECK: Did you hear that? I think that may have been Foxface.

HONEY: No! No, it wasn’t me!

RAHF: Wait… What? Come on up here, before they took the chance to kill us

MARVIN: I heard you. You killed her! ALECK: No, Peeta. You kill her. HONEY: No! No, I- I- Cato! Cato! (MARVIN picks a rock inside his pocket and slams it into the side of HONEY’s head; ALEXIS will come) ALEXIS: Clove! Clove! (shouting from a far *backstage*) MARVIN: This one time. Just this one time, I’ll let you go.

RAHF: What? I haven’t seen her since the first day. How could I have killed her? ALECK: Think about it. She’s clever. She took something we were preparing for ourselves. You picked the berries, so you killed her. She took the berries. RAHF: I don’t get it. They’re just berries ALECK: They’re nightlock. They kill you.

ALEXIS: Clove! (Coming closer) MARVIN: You better go, fire girl. (ALECK will get the bag beside HONEY; ALEXIS kneeled over HONEY’s body; ALEXIS will beat up MARVIN; ALECK will run) (everybody exit) *end* ALECK: Peeta! Peeta! Where are you?!

RAHF: It feel like I cheated. I’m sorry Katniss. I really thought they were the same ones you’d gathered. *end* (As ALECK and RAHF were walking, RAHF was slashed by ALEXIS; ALECK draws back her arrow; ALEXIS holds RAHF like his hostage; RAHF kicks ALEXIS knees and fightscene;ALECK shoots ALEXIS;RAHF run to ALECK)

(walks from backstage) RAHF: I don’t want to die like Cato RAHF: Oh, hey Katniss! I found some berries!

ALECK: (picks up the knife) me! You try to live with it

Then you kill

ALECK: What are you doing? You were supposed to meet me over here, not running around the woods!

RAHF: You know I can’t. (Gets the knife to ALECK and throws it)

RAHF: I found some berries down by the stream.

ALECK: Stop being coward. We both know this is it.

RAHF: Fine. I’ll die first anyways ALECK: No you can’t kill yourself. Like I said, you die, I do too (gives RAHF a berries) ALECK: On the count of three. (RAHF will nod and kiss ALECK’s forehead for the last time) ALECK: One

RAHF: two

ALECK: three

ALEZA: “VOICEOVER” STOP! Both of you Katniss and Peeta are the winner of this game. *HUNGER GAMES PART 1 ends*...

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