Chapter Summaries - Summary The Hunger Games PDF

Title Chapter Summaries - Summary The Hunger Games
Course English 114
Institution University of Saskatchewan
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Full chapter summary with vital points in story...


Chapter Summaries - Self reading Saturday, October 7, 2017 2:44 PM

Chapter 1:  The chapter opens with Katniss describing her sister sleeping, and gives a brief explanation of why she hates Buttercup, her sister's cat o It was another mouth to feed, Katniss tried to drown it. Prim was able to nurse it back to health and now it catches mice sometimes -> some sort of food o Mentions that they eat mice and rats that the cat brings back, this shows that they live in extreme poverty  It is the day of the reaping. Katniss's part of District 12 is nicknamed "The Seam", is filled with coal miners and their families. It is on the outskirts of district 12 o In district 12 there are two classes: Seam or merchant class. Pop: 8000  Her father was a miner, was killed in an explosion. Taught her how to hunt  Hunting is technically illegal, she keeps her bow and arrows hidden. Bow is a rarity in the district o The peace keepers in district 12 will "turn a blind eye" to illegal activity like hunting, because they are also in need of food o The idea that the people in the Seam could be armed is a bad thing to the Capitol  Katniss would say controversial things about the issues in district 12 and the capitol when she was younger o Says some about her personality: honest  Introduced to Gale, Katniss's friend whom she feels she can be her true, unfiltered self with. o Met while hunting o They reward themselves with food on the day of the reaping, Prim left goat cheese for Katniss' hunt  Touches on fact that Katniss is "not the forgiving type", her mother shut down when their father died. Katniss became provider for family  Gale suggests they run away before the reaping, Katniss declines. o She chooses to stay and provide for her family  Gale and Katniss sell their hunting/gathering finds at the Hob, the black market in an old warehouse, and to the mayor  While selling strawberries to the mayor's daughter, Gale gets defensive over a statement she makes o He had his name entered into the reaping six times at only twelve years old (first year entered) o Madge does not need to receive tesserae, she has money  Tesserae: receive one year's supply of grain and oil for one person in exchange for your name being entered into the reaping an additional time  This year: Katniss (16) has 20 entries, Gale (18) has 42 entries  Tesserae causes conflict between people, competition with the lesser-off having a disadvantage  Attending the reaping is mandatory unless you are about to die, will be thrown in jail if not attending o Dictatorship? Demonstration of power  Background of country given (pg. 18) o Panem is North America after many disasters and wars. Consists of a Capitol and 13 districts

Uprising against the capitol occurred (the Dark Days), 12 districts defeated, 1 obliterated (district 13)  Treaty of Treason signed, the Hunger Games annually to remind people of what happens when they rebel  Hunger games: two children from each district (1 male 1 female) are sent to an arena to fight to the death over a period of several weeks. The last one standing wins and is awarded fame and fortune, their district is helped throughout the year. The whole thing is televised  District 12 has had two winners over 74 years. Only one alive: Haymitch Abernathy. He is drunk at the reaping  Hunger Games slogan: "May the odds be ever in your favour"  The games (reaping) is about luck  Effie mentions luck Primrose Everdeen is drawn from the girl's pick

Chapter 2:  "Prim was one slip of paper in thousands!" o Mumbling, not fair for 12 year old to be picked  Katniss volunteers as tribute. o People can volunteer to replace the reaped, it is common in some districts but is unheard of in district 12 o While Prim tries to stop Katniss, she tells her, firmly, to let her go. She does not want to be seen as a weak opponent when the reapings are televised  She is already thinking in the mindset that the games aim to create. She wants to survive  Did the "radical thing", family loyalty wilts on reaping day o No one claps for Katniss  Silence is dissent, they do not agree with the games and the situation  The crowd touches three fingers to their lips and holds them in the air  A sign of thanks, admiration, good-bye to someone you love. It is an old are rarely used gesture that may be seen at funerals  District 12 has come together as one?  Peeta Mellark is chosen as the male tribute  Description of Everdeen's lives after father's death o Mother went into depression o Katniss had to provide for family or her and Prim would be put into a community home, she made it look as if their mother was caring for them o Katniss waited until the day she turned 12 and could get tesserae, they were about to starve to death, which is not an uncommon fate in the district  Explanation of why Katniss is upset that Peeta was reaped o He threw her two loaves of burnt bread after his mother yelled at her for looking through their trash can for food  His mom hit him for burning the bread o She never thanked him, and now will not get the chance Chapter 3:  Tributes are taken to separate rooms to say goodbye to the people they love


Katniss immediately tells her mom and sister how to budget/survive Is strict with her mother in the fact that she cannot "leave again", as she did when her father died. "maybe it is a sickness, but not one we can afford" o Katniss tells Prim that she will try to win, she tells both her mom and sister that she loves them o Peeta's father comes to see Katniss and gives her cookies, a luxury they could never afford  Says he'll make sure Prim is eating o Madge gives Katniss the gold pin that she was wearing on her dress earlier that day, it has a small bird on it o Gale tells Katniss to make sure she tries to get/make a bow and arrows Education in distrcit 12 consists of coal-mining and a weekly lecture on allegiance to the capitol They board the tribute train- very fancy Katniss gets to look at the pin Madge gave her and sees that the bird is a Mockingjay o Hybrid between a mockingbird and a Jabberjay  A "slap in the face" to the Capitol  Weapon they created that was used against them o Her father used to sing to the mockingjays, they could mimick entire songs "table manners" They watch the reapings on TV, Effie advises the two that Haymitch (their mentor) is their life line in the game o He sets up sponsorships and gifts that can arrive 

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Chapter 4:  Peeta insists on helping Haymitch, Katniss sees that he is kind o A kind enemy is worse than an unkind one, she decides to have nothing to do with Peeta from now on  Tosses his father's cookies  Explanation of dandelions after Katniss' father's death o Ate dandelions, found entries from him about what plants can be eaten o Working up her courage to hunt by herself, catching rabbits and stealing eggs  Katniss roots o Food helped her mother step up  Katniss struggles with trust from her mother  Katniss and Peeta "fight" Haymitch and make him realize they are willing to fight.  Haymitch says he will help them if they don't interfere with his drinking  Mountains were a huge geological advantage to the Capitol during the rebellion  Has decided that Peeta is trying to kill her (strategizing for the games) Chapter 5:  Katniss arrives at the Capitol and meets her styling team o They wax her body, a new experience to her as she has no need to look good in district 12 o Cinna: oddly normal o Katniss compares the meal she is given in the Capitol to how much it would take to make a bad version of it at home  She struggles every day with food but people die for the capitol every year

Cinna takes note Her costume for the opening ceremonies will be a black body suit, and she will be lit on (synthetic) fire Tributes ride in chariots to the city circle, then are taken to the training arena o The people in the capitol actually pay attention to their cart, which isn't typical of district 12 tributes  Glimmer of hope o The other tributes glare at them when the ride is over, they had a lot of the televised attention on them o

Chapter 6:  Katniss and Peeta are brought to the training centre o Has a tower with 12 floors, one for each district  During supper, they touch on a few things o Costume and hand-holding had the right touch of rebellion  Other tributes were not friendly with each other, have already began the games and are waiting to kill each other  Katniss and Peeta are acting friendly, are not giving into the fear and coldness that the games aim to induce o Katniss mentions that she recognizes an avox  Someone who committed a crime and had their tongues cut, are now slaves for the capitol  Katniss and Gale were in the woods and saw the girl and a boy, who was with her, be taken by a hovercraft. The boy died, the girl lost her vocal abilities  "I wonder if she'll enjoy watching me die" Chapter 7:  Katniss begins having nightmares o The avox girl, her mother withdrawn and unreachable, Prim emaciated and terrified, and her father in the mine explosion  Katniss is still listening to Haymitch's advice to follow orders, and she trusts Cinna as a stylist and mentor-type  Training: three days for tributes to train together and be evaluated by the Gamemakers on the last afternoon (show off skills)  Peeta tells Haymitch about Katniss' skills with a bow and arrow o She gets defensive, thinks he is trying to out her o Peeta tells Katniss that his mom believed Katniss will win the games  Katniss believes him, sees hurt in his eyes and tone  Haymitch tells them to learn new skills in training, don't show your main skill until private session with Gamemakers  Wants Peeta and Katniss to be by each other's side whenever they are in public  "She has no idea, the effect she can have" o She cannot tell if Peeta means it in a good way or a bad one o "I have kept track of the boy with the bread"  Tributes from districts 1, 2, and 4 are typically referred to as "Careers" in district 12. wealthier districts


They train their whole lives to volunteer as tribute in the games. The winners are usually from one of the three districts Peeta and Katniss stick together for the three days of training o Katniss discovers Peeta has a talent for camouflage, as he decorates the cakes in the bakery o Peeta excels at hand-to-hand combat and Katniss "sweeps the edible plants test without blinking an eye" o They avoid the archery and weight lifting stations, saving them for the private sessions Peeta notices the small girl from district 11 watching them as they train o Her name is Rue  Rue is a small yellow flower that grows in meadows  She is reminded of Prim. Both are names of flowers, both are young and scared of the games  She is clever with plants, can climb, has good aim Katniss demonstrates her abilities with the bow and arrow, but the game makers are barely paying attention as she is the very last of 24 tributes to go o She is "being upstaged by a dead pig" o She shoots an arrow at the pig, hits the apple in its mouth which is pinned against the wall o She then leaves without being dismissed

Chapter 8:  Katniss is worried that her temper in front of the gamemakers will ruin her chances of sponsorship in the games with a low score, or that her family will be punished for her actions  Cinna and Haymitch reassure Katniss that she will only be punished in the arena for her actions, they will not bother to do anything to Prim or her mother  Peeta receives a score of 8, and Katniss scores an 11 o "Guess they liked your temper", they have a show to put on  Background on Katniss and Gale, the first time they met while reflecting on the differences between a Sunday in the Capitol and a Sunday in district 12 o She had "struggled in the woods for about 6 months" before she met Gale there  She was admiring his snares, they were the same her father had used  Gale's father died in the same explosion that Katniss' father had died in o They began hunting together, sharing knowledge, and eventually became a team  Made sure each other's families were fed o Gale gave her a sense of security that had left when her father died o They became confidants, and someone that Katniss could open up to about things she could not say inside of the fence  A friend  Katniss goes down to supper, and learns Peeta has been "asked to be coached separately" Chapter 9:  Katniss feels betrayed, convinces herself she never should have put trust in Peeta  Haymitch and Effie coach Peeta and Katniss separately o Both are coaching Katniss on how to present herself. Manners, personality, etc o Haymitch wants Katniss to be bubbly, happy, humble

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Katniss takes her anger out by throwing plates, the redheaded avox girl helps her clean up, takes care of her o Katniss apologizes to her, says she should have tried to save her, but the avox girl "says" (infers) she shouldn't have Cinna gets Katniss into another outfit for her interview, this time a fire pattern made of gemstones on a silk dress o He tells her to be herself, because she is not hostile and cold towards people who are not Haymitch  The Capitol and the Gamemakers love her Touches on the different signs of success o In district 12, being old is an acheivement because the life expectancy is low, a round belly indicates that you are not starving  In the capitol, everyone wants to look young and be thin Katniss's interview seems to go well with the crowd o She mentions that she swore to her sister that she would fight hard to win Peeta's interview angle is humour, but then he says that the girl he has a crush on came to the games with him

Chapter 10 (Beginning of Part 2):  The team assures Katniss that Peeta's confession of love will help her in the games to get sponsors o She is mad that she wasn't in on the plan, but her reaction would have been spoiled if she had known o "it's all how its perceived" o The star-crossed lovers play has everyone in the Capitol talking about them  Katniss pushed Peeta into a vase, his hands are injured o Feels as if Peeta keeps doing her favours, feels as if she owes him  Watching the replay, Katniss says she was made beautiful by Cinna's hands, desirable by Peeta's, and tragic by circumstance  After dinner, Katniss cannot fall asleep, she goes to the roof and finds Peeta already there o They both cannot sleep. o Peeta says he knows he is not a good contender, that he will die  He says he wants to die as himself. Maintain his identity. He does not want to be perceived as a monster by the gamemakers. He wants to show them that he's not just a piece in their games, that they do not own him  In the morning, the final dressing will be done below the arena o A tracker is placed in the tributes arms before the games start  Katniss eats as much as she can before the games, but it is not appetizing  Cinna puts the mockingjay pin on Katniss's clothes before she enters the arena  Haymitch's advice: run away from the cornucopia and the other tributes, find water, and stay alive  Katniss is launched into the arena, and the seventy-fourth hunger games begin Chapter 11:  Required to stand on the metal plate for sixty seconds, land mines will blow up if anyone leaves before the gong sounds

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Katniss debates running for a bow and arrow only forty yards from her, but is distracted by Peeta and misses the sound of the gong. She manages to get a loaf of bread, a sheet of plastic, and an orange backpack o Girl from district 2 threw a knife at her, which hit the backpack. (she now has a knife, too) Lost the bread while fighting with boy from district 9 (who died from knife) Eleven tributes die on the first day: thirteen are still competing o They broadcast the faces/tributes into the sky at the end of the day for the other's to see Backpack contains: sleeping bag, crackers, dried beef, a wire coil, matches, bottle of iodine, and an empty water bottle She knows she must find water soon, eats some pine to tie her over Katniss sets a couple snares for rabbits, and perches herself high in a tree to sleep o Secures herself and sleeping bag to the tree with her belt o Sleeping bag is priceless in arena, other's are currently freezing Faces flash, Peeta has survived the first day o She is dreading coming face to face with him in the arena o Is conflicted about how she feels towards him  His winning would be best after hers A girl makes a fire near where Katniss has stayed for the night o Dumb to light a fire at night, is very obvious. Katniss stays in the tree, buckled in o A pack of what Katniss guesses are career tributes kill the girl, celebrate o They then come towards where Katniss is concealed, and argue about whether or not she is dead, as they haven't heard a cannon go off yet o Katniss almost falls out of the tree, she hears Peeta's voice saying he will go finish the girl off so they can move on Peeta has teamed up with career tributes

Chapter 12:  Katniss thinks that Peeta was shaking his head at her, telling her not to go for weapons was because that was his plan o His face is beaten, he is limping. He threw himself into the middle of things  Some careers want to kill Peeta, but others want him to lead them to Katniss  Katniss is not seen by careers, eventually comes down from tree to eat a rabbit she snared o Is hoping sponsors will see that she is worth giving gifts to, will not be baited  Goes to find water, trying to hide emotions for now  Katniss finds berries, but is not certain of what they are. Takes all of her strength to throw them away  Eventually, Katniss finds water. She purifies it with iodine, eats some rabbit and then sleeps in a tree  No tributes died that day, but she awakens the next morning to a huge forest fire headed towards her Chapter 13:  The gamemakers started the fire. The balls of fire are flying at her. o The audience got bored, gamemakers started the fire to get tributes (maybe just Katniss, the girl who was on fire) closer to the others to encourage face-to-face confrontation and kills

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Gamemakers kill once in a while, to establish power, but want tributes to kill each other When the fire is done, Katniss believes she must be near someone Injured her calf and her hands in the fire Eventually, the fire stops. Katniss finds a pool and cools her burns. She falls asleep as the careers have found her o Manages to climb up a tree before they catch her, but they know where she is Cato and Glimmer (district 1?) try to climb the tree to get to Katniss, but both fail o Peeta says to leave her, they'll deal with her in the morning Katniss has retrieved a bow from Glimmer's shot Katniss settles into her sleeping bag and sees Rue in a tree next to her, she points at something above them

Chapter 14:  Rue is pointing to a wasps nest above them o Could be very unordinary wasps, this is the hunger games o Likely a mutt, tracker jackers  Venomous sting that causes hallucinations, some people die instantly  Will attack anyone who tries to kill them  Katniss realizes that the tracker jackers have been sedated by the smoke, and decides to saw through the branch it is attached to while the anthem is playing to release it down on her enemies o She gets 3/4's of the way through when the anthem stops, so she halts her work, deciding to finish in the morning  When she gets back down to her perch, she has found her first sponsor gift. o An ointment for her burns: it would have taken multiple sponsors to buy it for her. It is a very high tech balm  In the morning, Katniss warns Rue that she is going to cut down the branch; Rue leaves to avoid the stings o She cuts the branch, and gets stung by three tracker jackers o The careers scatter, and run towards the lake o Katniss climbs down and runs in the opposite direction, until she realizes that Glimmer is still near the tree with the bow and arrows o Katniss turns around and retrieves the bow and arrows from Glimme...

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