Mock quizes for behaviral science course PDF

Title Mock quizes for behaviral science course
Author Anonymous User
Course Human Behavior Organization
Institution Notre Dame University
Pages 2
File Size 68 KB
File Type PDF
Total Views 138


i hope this can help you practice, if we had the same course, or syllabus. blank quizzes like this helped me comprehend the topic more....


Is created tensions that were nearly unbearable, it generated from fromm a lifelong tendency to see events from more than one perspective: He is trained in Freudian psychoanalysis: Fromm’s ____________________ assumes that humanity’s separation from the natural world has produced feelings of loneliness & isolation that is called ____________________: Was born on: Which humans have no powerful instincts to adapt to a changing world; they acquired the facility to reason a condition from referred to as ________________________: 5 HUMAN NEEDS: It can move only to people toward a reunion w/ the natural world: It is the drive for reunion w/ another person/ other persons: Is a willingness & ability to respond: Human being are driven by the need for __________________, defined as the urge to rise above a passive & accidental existence & into the realm of purposefulness & freedom: Is the type of relationship, that is satisfying to both partners: The type of people where in search with domineering people: 3 BASIC TYPES OF RELATEDNESS: Which Fromm believed the only route by w/c a person can become united w/ the world & at the same time achieve individuality & integrity: 4 BASIC ELEMENTS OF GENUINE LOVE: -

A person who loves others responds to their physical & psychological needs, _________ them for who they are: It can be sought through either positive or negative approaches:

It is the need to establish roots or to feel at home again in the world: Fromm argued that humans are the only species to use _________________________, is to kill for reasons other than survival: People may also seek rootedness through the non-productive strategy __________________, a tenacious reluctance to move beyond the protective security provided by one’s mother: He held that the mother was the central figure in these ancient social groups: It enable people to organize the various stimuli’s that impinge on them: It is classified as both blessing & a curse; is responsible for feelings of isolation & loneliness: It focuses peoples energies in a single direction, enables us to transcendence our isolated existence & confers meaning to our lives: Is the tendency to give up the independence of one’s own individual self & to fuse one’s self w/ somebody/something outside oneself: 3 MECHANISMS OF ESCAPE: It is more neurotic & more socially harmful; is aimed at reducing basic anxiety through achieving unity w/ another person or persons: Is rooted in the feelings of aloneness, isolation, & powerlessness; it does not depend on a continuous relationship w/ another person; rather it seeks to do away w/ other people: It results from basic feelings of powerlessness & is aimed at joining the self to a more powerful person or institution: When people are free from the security of being one w/ the mother, both social & an individual level, this burden of freedom results an __________________, the feeling of being alone in the world:

Individuals & nations (can) employ destructiveness as a mechanism of __________: It represents a successful solution to the human dilemma of being part of the natural world & yet separate from it: It is frequently seen in small children & in artist who have little or no tendency to conform to whatever others want them to be: According to fromm, ________ & ________ are the twin components of positive freedom: It is by spontaneous & full expression of both their rational & their emotional potentialities: People who __________ try to escape a sense of loneliness & isolation by giving up their individuality & becoming whatever other people desire them to be: People can break off the cycle of conformity & powerlessness only by achieving _______________________: It is the most important of acquired qualities of personality; is defined as the relatively permanent system of all noninstinctual strivings through w/ man relates himself to human & natural world: It is the totality of inheritedand acquired psychic qualities w/ are characteristics of one individual & w/ make the individual unique: Is a persons relatively permanently way of relating to people & things: They prefer to steal or plagiarize rather than create: 2 TYPES OF RELATING TO THE WORLD:

It is the relating to the world via relating to self & others: They relate by acquiring & using things: They believe that the source of all good is outside themselves: It is always a blend or combination of several orientations, even though one orientation is dominant:

They feel that the source of all good lies outside themselves & that the only way they can relate is to receive things,; inc. love, knowledge, material possesions: Fromm believed that ___________ is a substitute of instincts: Fromm used the term nonproductive to suggest strategies that fail to move people closer to positive freedom, They are not entirely negative each has both a negative & positive aspect: 4 NONPRODUCTIVE ORIENTATIONS: -

They seek to save that w/c they have already obtained; they hold everything inside & don not let go of anything; similar to freuds anal character: They are the type of people w/o a future & have no permanent principles or values; is an outgrowth oof modern commerce in w/c trade is no longer personal but carried out by large, faceless corporations: 3 DIMENSION OF PRODUCTIVE ORIENTATION: It is a passionate love of life & all that is alive; they desire to further all life: w/c cannot be separated from productive work & love; motivated by a concerned interest in another person or object: 3 SEVERE PERSONALITY DISORDERS: Is the extreme dependence on the mother/mothe surrogate; is an exaggerated form of the more common & more benign mother fixation: It is the crucial & fundamental than any sexual interest that may develop during the Oedipal period: Fromm’s own therapy system:...

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