Mod 8 Laboratory 2 PDF

Title Mod 8 Laboratory 2
Course General Biology
Institution Metropolitan Community College, Nebraska
Pages 5
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Mod 8 Laboratory 2...


Diversity of Life This lab will introduce you to the diversity of life. Life consists of three domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota. Most of the information to complete this lab is found in the Diversity of Life lab PowerPoint. Part 1: Prokaryotes Two of the domains are prokaryotes. Look at the examples of bacteria and archaea and the information about them in the PowerPoint and answer the following questions. 1. What are the characteristics of prokaryotes?

Size range from 0.1-5.0 lrm in diameter, they are shaped like a pill and DNA is found in the central part of the cell. They lack an organized nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. They are pill-shaped, and DNA is found in the central part of the cell. 2. How do the two domains differ? Give specific physical characteristic of each. Prokaryotes are single celled and no organized nucleus compared to eukaryotes which are different in those aspects. Part 2: Eukaryotes

Look at the examples of eukaryotes from a variety of supergroups in the PowerPoints and watch the videos linked in the PowerPoint. Answer the following questions. 1. How do eukaryotes differ from prokaryotes? They have a distinct nucleus that contain the cells genetic material while prokaryotic cells have no nucleus and free floating genetic material. 2. Describe some of the ways that these organisms differ from each other. They have molecular and genetic differences

Part 3: Fungi 1. What supergroup do the Fungi belong to? Unikonta 2. How does the method of obtaining energy of fungi differ from that of plants and animals? Plants make their own food using the energy from the sun (photosynthesis) and fungi get their food from outer sources

3. Describe the “body” structure of a fungus. Made of hyphae (small branching threads) that intertwine making a tangled web 4. How are fungal cells different from plant and animal cells? They don’t have chloroplast and instead have wells that contain chitin 5. Observe the life cycle of a fungus and watch the video in the link in the PowerPoint. List two ways the fungal life cycle is different from the animal life cycle. Fungi reproduce sexually either through cross- or self-fertilization and has two nuclei where as animals produce haploid gametes List one way that the fungal life cycle is the same as the animal life cycle. They can both reproduce sexually and asexually Part 4: Plants 1. What supergroup do the plants belong to? Archaeplastida 2. Plants have evolved to live on land. List two characteristics that allow them to do this.

The process of photosynthesis and that they can use sunlight for energy and produce carbon dioxide 3. Observe the members of the four different groups of plants on the PowerPoint. Fill in the table below about these groups.


Seedless Vascular Plants

Gymnosperm s


Sketch the sporophyte

Sketch the gametophyte

no yes yes Yes Is vascular tissue present? Do they have no no yes Yes seeds? Carried by Through Swims on Swim How does the wind the pollen layer of through the sperm tube moisture water travel to the egg? no no Yes Do they have no flowers? Part 5. Animals Observe the information about how animals are divided into groups and answer the questions below. 1. Give two characteristics of animals. Absence of cell walls and multicellular heterotrophs 2. What are the three types of symmetry? Give an example of a group of animals with each types. Asymmetry - sponges Radial Symmetry - cnidarians Bilateral - animals with complex organs

3. Give an example of a group of animals with no tissues. Sponges 4. Give an example of a group of animals that only has two tissue layers. Coral and jellyfish 5. Describe two ways that Protostomes differ from Deuterostomes. Protostomes are primitive invertebrates while deuterostomes have chordates and echinoderms, and the blastopore in protostomes are developed into the mouth while deuterostomes develop in the anal opening 6. Give an example of a phylum from each group. Protostome - Mollusca, annelida, and arthropoda Deuterostome - Chordata 7. Are you a protostome or a deuterostome? Deuterostome Part 6. Vertebrates 1. Give two characteristics of vertebrates. Notochord, Dorsal hollow nerve cord 2. Observe the fish skeleton and the human skeleton. List several differences between the two. Fish skeleton mouths are open and their vertebrates are at the bottom of the skeleton while humans are in the middle. Human skeleton is much larger than a fish skeleton 3. What adaptations allow amphibians to live on land? They replaced the gills with lungs, and skin that prevents loss of water, and eyelids that allow them to adapt outside of the water

4. Why do amphibians only live in wet habitats? Their skin is a respiratory organ that only functions when its wet 5. What adaptations allow reptiles and birds to live completely on land? Lungs, kidneys, skin 6. Look at the phylogenetic tree of the vertebrates and explain why reptiles is not a monophyletic group. They do not have descendants from a single common ancestor 7. How do mammals differ from reptiles and birds?

Birds and reptiles lay eggs while humans carry eggs inside them, the majority of mammals do not fly 8. What are the advantages of these differences? Mammals are warm blooded that give them the ability to live in habitats that birds and reptiles cannot live Part 7. Finding the Diversity of Life Go outside or look around you house and find four organisms from different groups. Your representatives should include at least two domains (be creative, for one domain you will not be able to see the actual organisms, but you will be able to take a picture of where they can be found), two supergroups, and two animal phyla. Paste your pictures here. Label the pictures to indicate which domain, supergroup, and/or phyla are being represented. TREE LIMB – ARCHAEA - ARCHAEPLASTIDA SPONGE - ESCHERICHIA


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