Modern Romance Chapter 6, 7, Conclusion DQ PDF

Title Modern Romance Chapter 6, 7, Conclusion DQ
Course Sociology Of The Family
Institution Drexel University
Pages 2
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Kaity Chen SOC 221 Modern Romance Chapter 6, 7, Conclusion DQ 1. What parts of the book intrigued you, sparked your interest, irritated you...or made you laugh? When Ansari and his team explored different trends in dating from contrasting countries was most intriguing. It was interesting to see that people with different cultures and upbringings can have such opposite views on dating. It made more curious of how other parts of the world live their daily lives. Love seemed like a normal process of meeting someone, courting, dating and then hopefully marriage but it’s a lot harder and more diversified in other parts of the world. People in the U.S. may try to meet partners through bars, parties or mutual friends but other countries have formal locations or simply, just on the streets. The story of the girl that got humiliated with her sext to her boyfriend made me irritated. She sent him the picture because she trusted him and their relationship but he showed it to everyone at the party to embarrass her. She seemed serious about the relationship but for him, it seemed like a joke. When someone reveals something very private, it means there is trust in the relationship but it took a second for her boyfriend to break it. I viewed this person negatively and it made sad for the girl. Ansari’s writing style is casual but informative and straight to the point. The book was really easy to understand which made reading it and retaining the information much easier. The laid back and casual tone helped bring humor into certain parts. The chapter about texting was my favorite. The different ways people text and try to “make moves” on the other person is hilarious. Ansari voices out his true feelings and his sarcastic remarks speak to me. His response is very true to how people are which makes the reader relate more to him. The book was more fun than I expected. I associated Ansari with his more comical personality so I did expect it to be funny. However, the research he presents is tested and I learned a lot from him. 2. Toward the end, Ansari says this: “The main thing I've learned from this research is that we’re all in it together.” What exactly does he mean? Do you agree...or not? We are all living in this world and are part of society. We have learned how to live and react to certain situations. We have also personally experienced life and those experiences can aid research. Perhaps you feel that you’re the only one with relationship problems, but in reality everyone feels the same way. You don’t need to be afraid that you’re suffering alone. Many people are clueless about dating or even making choices. Therefore, don’t feel distressed, you will find a way and live life happily even if you don’t live happily ever after with someone. I agree that we are all in this together. People need to stop being so focused on their own small problems when the world is so big. Your one problem is nothing compared to what the world has to offer. I feel encouraged to be stronger to overcome my obstacles. 3. What advice would YOU offer those in the dating world based on what you have learned throughout the course? Genuinity and being yourself is important. It is alright to date many people to gain experience but be respectful and care about the other person and the relationship. Being straight

to the point is good but if it is in a sexual context, perhaps there should be some second thoughts. Communication and honesty will help sort problems as well as giving a chance for misunderstandings to be explained. Lastly, enjoy the moments with your partner but also have separate time to yourself for more reflection and growth....

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