Course Ethics
Institution Batangas State University
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- Understand the different the 7-step moral reasoning model
- Apply the 7 steps of moral reasoning in his/ her decision making...



Learning Objectives At the end of the topic, students are expected to: a) Understand the different the 7-step moral reasoning model u) Apply the 7 steps of moral reasoning in his/ her decision making.

Learning Content To ensure the reasonableness and neutrality of moral decisions, it is good to follow the seven-step moral reasoning model. These steps can serve as a guide in making best choices in decision makings. 1. Stop and think. Before making any decisions, it is nice to take a moment to think about the following: a. Situation itself b. Your role in the situation c. Other internal/ external factors such as 

People who might get involved in the result of the decision

Potential effects of the decision

2. Clarify Goals. In a decision making, it is essential to determine your goals both short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals are those that need to be accomplished right after or immediately after a decision is made. A long-term goal is that which the result may come out after some times. It is important because that is going to be the basis of what one wishes to accomplish. Sometimes, it requires a sacrifice for someone just to achieve his or her goal whether short or long term one. 3. Determine facts. Make sure that that all essential information is considered before you make a decision. To determine the facts, solve first what you know, then what do you still need to know. Have a heart to accept other information about the subject of your decisionmaking process and make it sure that facts are reliable and credible since these facts would be the basis of your decision. In addition: 4.

a. Consider the reliability and credibility of the people providing the facts. b. Consider the basis of the supposed facts. Evaluate on the basis of honesty, accuracy, and memory. 5. Develop options. Once you know what you the goals are and facts are well considered already, then you can make a list of actions that are possibly be your options. If its about life decision, you can make talk to someone you trust most so you can broaden your perspective and think of new choices. If you can think of only one or two choices, you are probably not thinking hard enough. 6. Consider consequences. After developing options which are possibly your basis of action, you must consider consequences of each option. Filter your choices to determine if any of your options will violate any ethical considerations, and then omit unethical options. Think of its long long-term consequences and act in accordance to the spirit of fairness and justice. Identify who will be affected by your decision and how the decision is a likely to affect them. 7. Choose. After consideration of all the consequences from the options, make a decision now. If you are doubtful of your choice, try the following: a. Talk to people whom you trust. b. Think of someone who you think has the character of good decision maker. c. If people around you found out your decision, would you be comfortable and proud? d. Follow the Golder Rule: treat others the way you want to be treated, and keep your promises. 8. Monitor and modify. Ethical decision makers monitor the effect of their decisions and are willing to modify their decision. Though it takes a lot of humility and courage to do such, it is necessary if the decision had been made has a lot of ethical considerations. Do not hesitate to revise your decisions in light of new developments in the situation....

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