Module 44 - Lecture notes 44 PDF

Title Module 44 - Lecture notes 44
Author Sarah Joy Slater-Smith
Course General Psychology
Institution Olympic College
Pages 3
File Size 46.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Module 44 In-Class Lecture Notes...


Psych 100 FALL QUARTER ‘16 Module 44: ● Schizophrenia- Psych disorder with delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and/or diminished, inappropriate emotional expression ● Split mind in german ● Chief example of a psychotic disorder ● “Word Salad” ● A supportive environment and socialization helps, and 1 in 7 people can make a complete and enduring recovery ● Hallucinations- Sensing things that are only present in the mind ● Positive- Presence of inappropriate behaviour, Negative- Absence of appropriate behaviour ● Flat Affect- Emotionless, a state of no apparent feeling ● Impaired theory of mind- difficulty reading others facial emotions and states of mind ● Motor behaviour ● Chronic Schizophrenia (Process S.)- Comes on in early adulthood and tend to last longer as you age ● Acute (reactive) Can begin at any age and comes from a stressful event ● Dopamine overactivity ● 1 in 100, or with a family member its 1 in 10 ● DID (Formerly Multiple Personality Disorder)- Two or more distinct and alternating personalities ● Personality DIsorders- behaviour patterns that can’t be changed which impairs social functioning


● Antisocial Personality Disorder- lacks conscience for wrongdoing, even towards loved ones. Very smart. ● Anorexia Nervosa- Starvation diet despite being thing ● Bulimia Nervosa- Alternates between binge eating with purging ● Binge-Eating Disorder- Binge-eating followed by guilt minus the purging ● ^Social media and cultural ideals massively affect eating disorders Module 45: ● Biomedical Therapies & Preventing Psych Disorders ● Biomedical therapy- Changing the brain’s functioning by altering its chemistry with drugs ● Affecting circuitry with magnetic impulses ● Primary Care Providers- provide most of the drugs ● Psychopharmacology- Study of drug effects on mind and behaviour ● Anti-anxiety drugs- used to control anxiety and agitation ● Antidepressant Drugs- used to treat depression, anxiety disorders, ocd and ptsd ● Mood-stabilizing drugs- depakote, lithium helps with bipolar and epilepsy ● Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)- Shocking brain to manipulate it and disrupts memories ● Magnetic Stimulation- Deep brain stimulation ● Deep Brain Stimulation - with the implant ● Psychosurgery- cutting away tissue ● Lobotomy- Cutting the nerves connected to the frontal lobes ● Excersizing and being positive helps as well as focusing on good things rather than the negatives ● Social connection



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