Module V Edited COMM. Engagement - Copy - Copy PDF

Title Module V Edited COMM. Engagement - Copy - Copy
Author Mael Dublin-Punay
Course Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English
Institution Cebu Technological University
Pages 16
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12CommunityEngagement,Solidarity andCitizenshipQuarter I – Module 5:Community Action ModalitiesAddress : New Imus Ave., Barangay Day-as Cebu CityFIRST QUARTERMODULE VCommunity Action ModalitiesQuarter : First Quarter Content Standard : The learners demonstrate on understanding of integration of soci...


12 Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship Quarter I – Module 5: Community Action Modalities

FIRST QUARTER MODULE V Community Action Modalities

Quarter Content Standard

Performance Standard

Learning Outcomes Competency/Code


: First Quarter : The learners demonstrate on understanding of integration of social science perspective and community action initiative. : The learners shall be able to synthesize the integrative experience of implementing community-action initiatives applying social sciences’ ideas and methods. : Describe the relationship of self in understanding community action : Recognize the value of undertaking community action modalities : Acknowledge interrelationship of self and community in undertaking community action modalities HUMSS_CSC12-IIId-g-7 HUMSS_CSC12-IId-g-8 : Community Action Modalities


What I Know

Persuading people to believe what you believe is very difficult. Our approaches to deal with the situations may not be effective in one one situation, but in another situation, it works. There is always a word of wisdom in every action: ` conquer evil in this word by doing good. ‘

Instruction:Read carefully and choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices. Write in a sheet of paper. 1. It’s an altruistic activity wherein an individual or group freely gives time to benefit another person, group and organization. A. Heroism B. Patriotism C. Self-abnegation D. Volunteerism 2. It’s any activity that increases the understanding, engagement and empowerment of communities in the design and delivery of local services. A. Community action C.Community resilience B. Community building D. Community organizing 3. It’s a way of helping the community to share knowledge, skills and ideas. A. Community action C.Community resilience B. Community building D. Community organizing 4. It’s a way of helping the community to support itself. A. Community action C.Community resilience B. Community building D. Community organizing 5. It’s a way of allowing members with different backgrounds to be considered equally in decisions.. A Authority B. Empowerment C. Entitlement D. Participation 6. Community organizer uses all of the following EXCEPT: A. Crisis Intervention B. Case and class advocacy C. Anecdotal record of the students D. Case management to meet urgent need in a timely manner. 7. All of the following are characteristics of effective advocacy EXCEPT: A.There is clarity as to cause and solution B. The time frame for resolution is uncertain C. The social problems are unbounded D. There is lack of clarity as to cause or solution. 8. When policies compete with each other in the public __________usually determines which policy will be enacted. A. Scientific evidence C. A theory of social justice B. Moral reasoning D. Power alignments


9. When resolving conflict it is essential to make the most eye contact in which of the following circumstances: A. When you are listening B. When you are brainstorming C. When you are problem-solving D. When you are assertively stating your point 10. Reflection in the dialectic process consists of all the following elements, EXCEPT A. Members must consider becoming activists by joining a change agent system B . Members must locate themselves as members of oppressed and oppressor group C. Members must examine how they contribute to and maintain an oppressive status quo D. Members from population groups that have a privileged status are not targets of consciousness raising. 11. Social Problems are treated with Social reform and… A. Social legislation. C. Social science B. Social work D. Social service 12. Social justice is the balance between….. A. Fundamental rights and judicial system B. Individual’s rights and social control C. Society and individual D. Individual and family 13. Social development has failed to make appreciable headway in the Philippines.. The most common reason is : A. Corruption C. Absence of resources B. Absence of rained manpower D. Unwilling beneficiaries 14. Historically social policy relates to EXCEPT: A. About interventions of a socially redistributive justice B. Social regulatory kind C. Social rights kind D. Playing DOTA 15.Social policy relates to .… A. Political development B. Religious development C. Economic development. D. Guidelines for the changing, maintenance or creation of living conditions those are conducive to human welfare

What I Need To Know

This module focuses on the value of undertaking community action modalities and acknowledge interrelationship of self and community in undertaking community action. The concept of human person or personhood is introduced. The understanding of self precedes community action. Otherwise, it’s mere compliance without any meaning at all. Become active to community action without understanding personhood is just a nuisance. Community action modalities is a reflection of trait of human person as social being. It’s the capability to reach out and interact with others and the world.

After going through this module, you are expected to: 1. Discuss human person as social being; 2. Analyze relationship of self and community; and 3. Recognize the importance of undertaking community action modalities.

What’s In

In the previous lesson, we try to differentiate as much as we could the typologies of communities. Knowledge of typologies of communities helps us to understand that each community is distinct yet forging together makes communities stronger.

Analyze the pictures critically and answer the following questions in a sheet of paper.

Pictur Picture e 1

Picture 3

Pictur Picture e 2

Picture 4 There are two things we consider: A. What does the big fish think of itself? What action does it take ? Picture 1: __________________________________________________ Picture 3: __________________________________________________ B. What does the smaller school of fish think of themselves? What actions do they take? Picture 2:__________________________________________________ Picture 4: __________________________________________________ C. In this illustration, is this a perfect model of community action? D. In one sentence, what does it tell to us?

What’s New

Pictures below are 3 historical figures remembered in history fighting for a cause.

Picture 1

Picture 2

Mahatma Gandhi

Martin Luther King Jr.

Picture 3

Nelson Mandela

Picture 1 sing-a-snippet-from-a-force-more-powerful/ Picture 2 Picture 3

Identify the 3 historical figure by countries, what are they fighting for and what means they employ to get the desired result. Answer in a sheet of paper

I am ______from_____, fighting for ________ by means of __________.

I am from ________, fighting for______ by means of ___________

I am from _____ fighting for _______ by means of ______

1. Are there similarities in the cause they are fighting for and the means employed? 2. Can their action be a perfect model for community action modality?

What Is It

As we have the first illustration - the big fish and the smaller school of fish, it appears that the scenario presented is antagonistic, contentious and in polarity. Why don’t we bring the big fish and smaller group of fish together in a dialogue ? The second scenario using the 3 historical figures appears to be dialogical , in a non-violent way.

At this point, some scenarios are presented to analyze community action modalities. Analyze each picture and questions are given for reflection. There is no need to answer in a sheet of paper, simply for reflection.

Picture 1 This picture shows a beggar asking some coins. 1.What have you observed? Is it right to give him a coin? By doing so, are you helping him? 2. Would you give him some coins? By giving him, Is he helped really? Are you not making him dependent on you?

Picture 2 This shows a child in the garbage site for a living. 1. Would you help her in education? 2. Are you taking the responsibility of parents the education of the child?


Picture 3

It’s a Chinese saying ` Teach them how to fish’ 1. Is it not our goal to help people help themselves?

Picture 4

It’s Christ word in the Bible that says love your neigbour as yourself. 1. That I in neighbors, neighbors in ME, Is it not solidarity?

Picture 5

It’s the famous saying of Socrates: ` The unexamined life is not worth living ‘ 1. Is it not that word the very foundation of any undertakings?

In community action modality, in our fight for social justice, there is a way to go through it by educating people in the way of dialogue, not allowing people to be dependent on others as if they can’t do something for themselves. It’s by treating others as my brothers and sisters and examining our lives in fullness, then, community action has a value and and meaning in a deepest sense.

What’s More

ACTIVITY I: MONUMENT OF TRAITS This is to put the learners into considerations that the unexamined life is not worth living for.

Fill in each figure with your traits in a sheet of paper.


1. Can these virtues and traits you posses enough to engage in community action? 2. How do these traits and virtues remain chaste in the corrupt world?


Complete the table below and answer in a sheet of paper


Altruistic Traits

In School

At Home

Ex. Collaborative

Wearing ID, donning prescribed school uniform

Attending to washing clothes


In The Community Follow the mandate of the barangay: segregate trash according to biogradable, non-biogradable.





What I Have Learned

The following statements are important concept in this module.. 1. In community action modality,as first illustrated in a big fish and smaller school of fish, is not to create disparity and polarity. 2. The 3 great historical figures are models in fighting the unjust system through a non-violent way ( dialogue ). 3. Examination of one’s self is the foundation of community action modality. by knowing self, it can easily launch a community action. 4. In engaging community, dole out and making people dependent are not help in areal sense, true help is to help them help themselves.

What I Can Do


Relate an experience reflective of the saying: `Circumstances often dictate what you finally do in life, but you dictate well it be done ‘Anonymous. Write in a sheet of paper.


This is to enhance your understanding of your capacity in engaging community action. Instruction: Read carefully and choose the letter of the best from the given choices. 1. It’s self-giving for others without any expecting in return. A. Charity B. Fortitude C. Generosity D. Hope 2. It’s ability to discern by the use of reason. A. Compassion B.Discipline C. Prudence

D.. Temperance

3. It’s ability to sustain strong will in the face of difficulty or danger. A. Courage B. Honor C. Humility D. Kindness 4. It’s persistent and careful work with high degree of dedication and commitment. A. Diligence B. Excellence C. Gratitude D. Loyalty

5. It’s ability to be willing to consider the wide variety of ideas, arguments and information. A. Assertiveness C. Open-mindedness B. Authority-centered D. Closed-mindedness 6. He is known in South Africa fighting for the abolition of apartheid policyracial discrimination of the blacks. A. Mahatma Gandhi C. Nelson Mandela B. Martin Luther King Jr. D. Julious Nyerere 7. It’s the greatest of commandment of Christ. A. Honor your father and mother C. Love your neighbor as yourself B. You shall not kill D. You shall not tell a lie. 8. He fought for the equal treatments of the black people in United States of America. A. Winston Churchill C. George Washington B. Martin Luther King Jr. D. Thomas Paine 9. A famous statement `` An unexamined life is not worth living ‘’ is attributed to ______________. A. Aristotle B. Confucius C.Plato D. Socrates 10. What is Jose Rizal’s most significant legacy to the Filipinos at present time ? A. His achievements B. His literary works C. His idea of non-violent revolution D. His ideas on patriotism and nationalism 11. An old saying `` Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish , you’ll feed him for a lifetime’’ is attributed to ________________ A. Confucius B. Mencius C. Plato D. Socrates 12. Which of the following is a profile of a person likely to use accommodation as a conflict management style? A. A person who has a very short temper B. A person with a high need for approval C. A person with a need to prove that he is the most valuable member of the team D. A person who likes debating and thinks that the best result will be gained from finding common ground.

13. Which of the following is an example of negative communication? A. Telling a person to calm down after a fight. B. Shouting at the person to show your authority. C. Asking the person to speak up because you can’t hear him/her. D. Politely refusing entry to a person who doesn’t meet the entry requirements.

14. Which of the following method is correct when dealing with a conflict situation ? A. Speaking quietly C. Not letting the person speak B. Speaking slowly D. Showing empathy 15. The first thing to do when resolving conflict with someone else is to… A. Assertively but diplomatically state your perspective. B. Brainstorm possible solutions to the problem C. Listen to their perspective D. Slap some sense to them

Additional Activities

In this module, what we present is to offer a positive, constructive and diplomatic way of resolving a conflict. Employing to violence as a means of resolving a conflict is improper and inappropriate. For your activity, share your experience in a situation that you are in conflict either with your parents, siblings, classmates and others. How would you resolve the conflict in a very diplomatic way ? Write your answer in a sheet of paper.


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