Monetary Policy (29020) Final Exam PDF

Title Monetary Policy (29020) Final Exam
Author Kyle Givero
Course Financial Management (FinMan)
Institution Gordon College (Philippines)
Pages 3
File Size 208.9 KB
File Type PDF
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Final Examination Monetary Policy (29030)Name: Date: May 26, 2021Direction: Use this form in answering the questions. Answer the following questions comprehensively.: Your answers must be turned in ON or Before 5:30PM today, May 26 2021. Late submission will be having a deduction of 5pts for every m...


Final Examination Monetary Policy (29030)


Date: May 26, 2021

Direction: Use this form in answering the questions. Answer the following questions comprehensively. : Your answers must be turned in ON or Before 5:30PM today, May 26 2021. Late submission will be having a deduction of 5pts for every minutes. Also need to attach your plagiarism results screen shot. Plagiarism results with 25 similarity index or lower than 75% originality will be considered

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1) Discuss the four (4) major Roles of Monetary Policy in a developing economy of the country. (10pts each) 2) Discuss the three (3) measures or actions by the monetary policy for the purpose of stabilizing the price level in the economy. (10pts each) 3) Explain the 3 components of PILLAR I of Basel II (10pts each) 4) Discuss the four (4) requisites for approving Foreign Bank in the Philippines. (10pts each) 5) Discuss the four (4) factors that affects consumption. (10pts each) 6) Explain the four (4) major instruments being used by monetary policy in controlling money and credit in the economy. (10pts each) Answers: 1. 1. Appropriate Adjustment between Demand for and Supply of Money, 2. Price Stability, 3. Credit Control, 4. Creation and Expansion of Financial Institutions. Economic development brings about rising interest for cash on the grounds that the development of economy and a comparing withdrawal of the resource area enormously increment the exchange interest for cash. maintenance of stability in the domestic level of prices and exchange rates is a significant state of monetary development. In any case, financial advancement prompts inflationary pressing factors in immature nations because of an assortment of underlying rigidities and lopsided characteristics. 2. Monetary policy, measures utilized by governments to impact monetary action, explicitly by controlling the provisions of cash and credit and by modifying interest rates. The typical objectives of monetary policy are to accomplish or keep up full employments, to accomplish or keep a high pace of monetary development, and to settle costs and wages. 3. The first pillar deals with maintenance of regulatory capital calculated for three major components of risk that a bank faces: credit risk , operational risk, and market risk. Other risks are not considered fully quantifiable at this stage. A. CREDIT RISK. is basically characterized as the potential that a bank borrower or counterparty will neglect to meet its commitments as per concurred terms. The

objective of credit risk management is to expand a bank's danger changed rate of return by keeping up credit risk openness inside adequate boundaries. B. OPERATIONAL RISK. is characterized as the risk of misfortune coming about because of deficient or failed interior cycles, individuals, controls, frameworks or from outside occasions. C. MARKET RISK. is the risk of losses on monetary speculations brought about by antagonistic value development. Instances of market risks are: changes in value costs or product costs, interest rates moves or foreign exchange variances.

4. Ensure geographic portrayal and complementation, consider exchange and investments between the Philippines and the nation of consolidation of the foreign bank, study the exhibited limit, worldwide standing for monetary advancements and stability in a serious climate of the candidate and ultimately to make sure the correspondence rights are delighted in by Philippine bank in the applicant countries. In the action of this force, the Monetary Board will accept such measures as may be essential to ensure that reliably the control of the resources or assets of the entire monetary system is held by local banks which are at any rate predominant part asserted by Filipinos; prevent a common business area position by one bank or the assembly of monetary power in any event one money related establishments, or in associations, collaborations, affiliations, social occasions 5. THE RATE OF INTEREST. Saving straightforwardly relies upon interest. At the point when the interest rate rises saving will increment and consumption will fall. As such, at high rates of interest individuals regularly abridge their consumption intentionally to save more. Along these lines interest rate influences the concumption spending in a roundabout way SALES EFFORTS. Through different deals advancement measures, like publicizing, it is possible to expand the interest for buyer merchandise. By and by, publicizing shifts buyer interest starting with one item then onto the next. CAPITAL GAINS. Keynes brought up that, consumption spending may be impacted by capital gains. This infers that genuine consumption is impacted by the load of wealth. RELATIVE PRICE. Changes in relative price can just move interest starting with one item then onto the next. However, now and again, relative price changes may influence total consumption. 6. RESERVE REQUIREMENT. The reserve requirement alludes to the cash banks should keep close by for the time being. They can either keep the save in their vaults or at the central bank. A low reserve requirement permits banks to loan a greater amount of their deposits. It's expansionary in light of the fact that it makes credit. OPEN MARKET OPERATIONS. When national banks purchase or sell securities. These are purchased from or offered to the country's central banks. At the point when the central bank purchases securities, it adds money to the banks' reserves. That gives them more cash to loan. DISCOUNT RATE. The discount rate is the rate that central banks charge their part banks to acquire at its markdown window. Because it's higher than the fed finances rate, banks possibly utilize this in the event that they can't get assets from different banks INTEREST RATE ON EXCESS RESERVES. The Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, and the European Central Bank pay revenue on any excess reserves held by banks. If

the Fed needs banks to loan more, it brings down the rate paid on excess reserves. In the event that it needs banks to loan less, it raises the rate.


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