More to Class - Lecture notes 5 PDF

Title More to Class - Lecture notes 5
Course Programming Technique II
Institution Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Pages 3
File Size 105.3 KB
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Programming Technique 2: More to Classes Static Member Variable • Static member variable: shared by all the data in the class, it is NOT stored in an object data • o it is stored before any data is created o must declare outside the class o private: o static int objectCount; // inside class (no init...


Programming Technique 2: More to Classes Static Member Variable •

Static member variable: shared by all the data in the class, it is NOT stored in an object data


it is stored before any data is created


must declare outside the class




static int objectCount; // inside class (no initialization)


int Tree::objectCount = 0; //outside class (initialize to 0)

Normally static member variable is used to count the number of functions being called

we can set static variable to be incremented in constructor so that every time an object is created, the number will increase by 1

Static member function cannot access any non-static member data in class

When static function is created, it is called before any instances of classes are defined

Friend= function / class that is not member of the class but can access the private members of that class

Friend can be stand-alone function or member function of other class / entire another class o

Format :: friend ReturnType FunctionName ( ParameterTypeList )

Copy Constructor : called when an object is initialized with another object’s data. o

format almost same as normal constructor but it has reference object




StudentTestScores( const StudentTestScores &obj)


{ studentName = obj.studentName; }


put const because copy constructor copy argument data only, cannot change data


put reference to prevent the copy constructor from calling itself infinite time


copy constructor is done so that the data in obj.studentName wont destroy/ corrupt the data in copy constructor studentName

overloaded operator: o








postfix ++ operator has dummy parameter : o

FeetInches FeetInches::operator++(int)


the one in the bracket is dummy parameter, computer will know this is postfix when they see it

For prefix, the bracket won’t have variable : o

FeetInches FeetInches::operator++( )

prefix : n=++m o

increment m first, then assign


if initially n and m =0, then this code will produce n=1, m=1

postfix : n=m++ o

assign m first then increment m


this code will produce n=0, m=1

To convert an int type to double or etc. (double d=int c)

Aggregation: used when a class need to access another class's instance

default constructor → initialize the data to 0

constructor→ set each data to its type

Diagram o

aggregation =white diamond shape


composition =black diamond shape

Composition cannot live on its own, once the composed class collapse, it dies too

Aggregation can live on its own, once the aggregated class collapse, it still can function

Aggregation use pointer * object, call function by '→ ' o

at the main function need to dynamically allocate the pointer

ex: Student *prefect=new Student ("Ali"); //Ali is stored in prefect data

Composition didn’t use pointer, just use object straight away call function

Association use pointer *object also but just normal '=' assign, didn’t use ' → '...

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