Movie Case Study PDF

Title Movie Case Study
Course Counseling Practicum
Institution Houston Baptist University
Pages 5
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Mo v i eCa s eSt u d y

Mo v i eCas eSt udy :Pursuit of Happyness Taylor M. Coleman COUN 6321

Mo v i eCa s eSt u d y Identified Client Chr i sGa r d n e ri sa3 4y e a r o l db l a c kAf r i c a nAme r i c a nma l ewh oi sc u r r e n t l y e x p e r i e n c i n gp e r s i s t e n tho me l e s s n e s s . Ch r i sh a sb e e nl i v i n gi nd i ffe r e n tho me l e s ss he l t e r sf o rt h e p a s tt womo n t hswh i l ebe i n gt h es o l ec a r e t a k e ro fhi s6 y e a r o l ds o n ,Ch r i s t o ph e rJ r . Be f o r eCh r i sb e c a meh o me l e s s ,h ewa sl i v i n gi na na p a r t me n twi t hh i swi f ea n ds o nf o r6y e a r s . Ch r i s ’ sj obo fs e l l i n gp o r t a b l eb on ede n s i t ys c a n n e r swa su n s t a bl ed e s p i t ehi sd e s i r ea n dh o p et h a t h i sj o bwo u l db ea bl et ok e e ph i ma n dh i sf a mi l ys t a b l e .Ch r i ss e tag o a lo fs e l l i n ga tl e a s tt h r e e b o n ed e ns i t ys c a n n e r si nh o pe st or e a c hfin a n c i a ls t a b i l i t yt os up p o r th i sf a mi l y .Du et ot h e s t r e s s f ulfin a n c i a ls i t u a t i o n ,Li n d ade c i d e dt os e p a r a t ef r o mh e rf a mi l yt oma k eal i f eo fh e ro wn i nNe wYo r k .Li f ebe c a memo r ed i ffic u l tf o rCh r i sa f t e rh el o s si n c o mef r o mh i swi f e .Ch r i s e v e n t ua l l yb e c a mee v i c t e df r o mh i sa p a r t me n ta n dmo v e di n t oan e a r b yh o t e l . Ch r i swa so n l ya b l e t oma i n t a i nl i v i n ga tt h eho t e lf o rac ou p l eo fmont h s , b u td u et on otb e i n ga b l et op a yh i sb i l lh e l e f ta n dh ea ndh i ss o nwhe r en o wh o me l e s so nt h es t r e e t so fSa nFr a n c i s c o . Ch r i sh a dad i ffic u l t t i mep r o c e s s i n gh ome l e s s n e s sb e c a u s eh eh a sn e v e re x p e r i e n c e dh ome l e s s n e s s . St r e ngt hs Despite his struggles, Chris has many strengths that have allowed him to keep his motivation despite his depression. Chris succeeds at being a good father to Christopher Jr. He has shown this by giving him any food he has first before providing for his own needs, even though it means that Chris does not get all the nutritional foods that he needs. Chris goes to great lengths to keep his son safe and to make sure he has the proper supervision even though he cannot afford it at this time. Whenever Chris has to go somewhere not during daycare hours, he brings his son, Christopher Jr, with him and does not leave him anywhere alone or unsupervised. At this time, Christopher Jr is Chris’s biggest motivation and support system to keep pressing on despite the

Mo v i eCa s eSt u d y odds being against him. Another support that Chris has been able to have is within a local church community. Chris was not always a religious person, but after going through his current state of homelessness, Chris has started to attend church more frequently. Chris has a history of being in the military, and from his military duties, he has learned skills of helping people within the medical field. Chris has gained knowledge from his time in the navy that can be beneficial to his job hunt. He also has the determination and mindset to be able to accomplish anything that he puts his mind to Chris exhibits a high level of resiliency that helps him to continue to pursue his professional and personal goals. Weaknesses Some weaknesses identified that Chris desires to improve on are his depression and anxiety. After his wife left him, which was the main support to him, his depression started to occur. As time went on struggling to pay his bills and eventually becoming homeless, the depression continued to increase and become worse. His battle with depression is a risk that he continues to fight daily. Chris’s depression continues to make him feel like a failing father to his child and makes him doubt that he will be able to get out of homelessness. Chris believes that his lack of being able to sell the bone density scanners and poor choice of investment has led him to be where he is today. Chris often battles his own thoughts and thinks about what he could have done differently so that he would not be in the state of homelessness that he is in now. His constant worry about providing for his son has increased his anxiety and depression levels, which has exacerbated his nutritional and physical symptoms as well. Goals One long-term goal is for Chris to be able to find a job that will bring in enough income to support him and his son. Chris can perfect his resume to the best of his ability to have his

Mo v i eCa s eSt u d y resume stand out to employers. By doing this, employers might be more willing to look at his resume. By working with the career advisor, Chris can also get help with his interviewing skills. Chris will aim to able to learn appropriate interviewing skills that will allow him to learn how to answer questions that potential employers will ask effectively. By gaining this knowledge, Chris will be able to be more prepared before he goes into the interview. While learning these skills, Chris will write down questions that employers might ask on note cards and his answers on the back to practice on his own. This way, he can feel confident and prepared. Chris and I will also role-play mock interviews each week to keep practicing with a person in front of him, so it feels more natural to him. Intervention & Strategy I have used the Systems and Ecosystems Theory to understand my client’s circumstances that he is facing at this time. I have looked into his different systems including, his past relationship with his family, community, and government. Chris has strengths and difficulties from each of these systems. Chris’s family system makes it hard to get through his depressive systems and recovery. He has never been able to have a stable support system from his family due to being in the foster care system. He was brought into the foster care system at the age of 6 and was in and out of homes his entire life. His image of a family support is not the typical image, which brings difficulty being able to keep stable relationships with people. He has been married twice, and his last marriage recently ended as well. Method To measure Chris’s progress on his goals and address his Depressive symptoms, I will utilize the Beck Depression Scale (BDI) to measure Chris’s level of depression and then monitor how much his systems have improved since beginning therapy. This scale ranges from 0-63, and

Mo v i eCa s eSt u d y the higher scores indicate higher levels of depression. I will assess this by asking Chris questions on a bi-weekly basis based upon his symptoms and attitudes. From looking at each assessment scores, I will be able to determine what progress has been made. If his score continues to lower, then we will continue our intervention strategies. If the score remains consistent or increases, then a new intervention will have to be considered. In order to address Chris’ strengths and securing a job, I will utilize the MBTI in order to explore Chris’ personality type to identify different fields of work he may be able to explore according to his strengths. Conclusion My desire for working with Chris, is to assist him in achieving his short term and longterm goals. Chris has been dealing with homelessness for the past four months which has led to depressive symptoms and other challenges. Through goals and interventions agreed upon by Chris and me, it is likely that Chris will be able to overcome his present circumstances. Through therapy, journaling, and career advising, Chris will have a solid plan to able to alleviate some of his difficulties and find a way to have all the basic needs that he deserves....

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