MT 335 Course Outline-Fall 2019 Centennial College PDF

Title MT 335 Course Outline-Fall 2019 Centennial College
Course Machine Design
Institution Centennial College
Pages 7
File Size 214.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 93
Total Views 133


This course is developed to provide students with the concepts, procedures, data, and decision analysis
techniques necessary to design machine elements commonly found in mechanical devices and systems,
requiring the consideration of the performance requirements of the individual element....


Course Outline School:

Eng. Tech. & Applied Science


Advanced Manufacturing and Automation Technology/Math & Physics (AMAT)

Course Title:

Machine Design 1

Course Code:

MT 335

Course Hours/Credits:



MT 204



Eligible for Prior Learning, Assessment and Recognition:


Originated by:

Basim Clor

Creation Date:

Summer 2014

Revised by:

Basim Clor, Lucian Toma

Revision Date:

Summer 2014

Current Semester:

Fall 2019

Approved by: Chairperson/Dean

Students are expected to review and understand all areas of the course outline. Retain this course outline for future transfer credit applications. A fee may be charged for additional copies. This course outline is available in alternative formats upon request.

MT 335


Machine Design 1

Acknowledgement of Traditional Lands Centennial is proud to be a part of a rich history of education in this province and in this city. We acknowledge that we are on the treaty lands and territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and pay tribute to their legacy and the legacy of all First Peoples of Canada, as we strengthen ties with the communities we serve and build the future through learning and through our graduates. Today the traditional meeting place of Toronto is still home to many Indigenous People from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to work in the communities that have grown in the treaty lands of the Mississaugas. We acknowledge that we are all treaty people and accept our responsibility to honor all our relations.

Course Description This course is developed to provide students with the concepts, procedures, data, and decision analysis techniques necessary to design machine elements commonly found in mechanical devices and systems, requiring the consideration of the performance requirements of the individual element.

Program Outcomes Successful completion of this and other courses in the program culminates in the achievement of the Vocational Learning Outcomes (program outcomes) set by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development in the Program Standard. The VLOs express the learning a student must reliably demonstrate before graduation. To ensure a meaningful learning experience and to better understand how this course and program prepare graduates for success, students are encouraged to review the Program Standard by visiting For apprenticeship-based programs, visit

Course Learning Outcomes The student will reliably demonstrate the ability to: 1. Identify the functions and design requirements for various machine elements 2. Identify and evaluate different kinds of stresses 3. Analyze load-carrying members subjected to combined stresses using Mohr’s circle 4. Identify different types of loading and apply theories of failure 5. Analyze, select, and design columns, fasteners, springs and joints

Essential Employability Skills (EES) The student will reliably demonstrate the ability to*: 1. Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken, and visual form that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of the audience. 3. Execute mathematical operations accurately. 4. Apply a systematic approach to solve problems. 7. Analyze, evaluate, and apply relevant information from a variety of sources. *There are 11 Essential Employability Skills outcomes as per the Ministry Program Standard. Of these 11 outcomes, the following will be assessed in this course.

Global Citizenship and Equity (GC&E) Outcomes THIS COURSE ADHERES TO ALL COLLEGE POLICIES (See College Calendar)


MT 335


Machine Design 1

The student will reliably demonstrate the ability to*: 1. Identify one's roles and responsibilities as a global citizen in personal and professional life. *There are 6 institutional Global Citizenship & Equity outcomes. Of these 6 outcomes, the following will be assessed in this course.

Text and other Instructional/Learning Materials Text Book(s): “Machine Elements in Mechanical Design” by Robert Mott, 4th or 5th Editions

Evaluation Scheme Quizzes: Quizzes covering the major topics GC&E Assignment: Covers the GC&E report and presentation Test #1: Test covering material for weeks 1 to 5 Test #2: Test covering material for weeks 6 to 9 Test #3: Test covering material for weeks 10 to 14 Evaluation Name Quizzes GC&E Assignment Test #1 Test #2 Test #3 Total

CLO(s) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 5 1, 2, 5

EES GCE Weight/100 Outcome(s) Outcome(s) 1, 3, 4, 7 20 1 1 5 1, 3, 4, 7 25 1, 3, 4, 7 25 1, 3, 4, 7 25 100%

If students are unable to write a test they should immediately contact their professor or program Chair for advice. In exceptional and well documented circumstances (e.g. unforeseen family problems, serious illness, or death of a close family member), students may be able to write a make-up test. All submitted work may be reviewed for authenticity and originality utilizing Turnitin®. Students who do not wish to have their work submitted to Turnitin® must, by the end of the second week of class, communicate this in writing to the instructor and make mutually agreeable alternate arrangements. When writing tests, students must be able to produce official College photo identification or they may be refused the right to take the test or test results will be void.

Student Accommodation Students with permanent or temporary accommodations who require academic accommodations are encouraged to register with the Centre for Students with Disabilities (CSD) located at Ashtonbee (L1-04), Progress (C1-03), Morningside (Rm 190), and Story Arts Campus (Rm 284). Documentation outlining the functional limitations of a disability is required; however, interim accommodations pending receipt of documentation may be possible. This service is free and confidential. For more information, please email [email protected].

Use of Dictionaries •

Dictionary use is not permitted in test or examination settings.



MT 335


Machine Design 1

Program or School Policies Testing: a) No additional time will be allowed for any student who comes late to any test. b) No student will be allowed to leave during the first half-hour of any test. c) Unless otherwise stated, no written or other aids may be used during tests. Any student who is found using or having used unauthorized aids will be given a mark of zero for that test. Furthermore, a final grade of “F” may be given in this course. Every incident of cheating will be reported to the Campus Inquiry Officer and may entail serious consequences. d) There will be no rewrites of term tests (or exams where applicable). e) If a particular test cannot be written because of documented medical or compassionate reasons, a makeup test will be scheduled within 5 business days of the date of the evaluation. A mark of zero will be recorded in all cases where no reason (supported by official documentation) acceptable to the professor is provided within 5 business days of the date of the evaluation. f) All classroom instruction (that require calculators) will be based on the Sharp EL-520. During tests and examinations, students may use an equivalent scientific calculator; however, programmable and/or graphing calculators are prohibited. No other electronic devices will be permitted. Quizzes: a) Quizzes can consist of online, in-class announced/unannounced quizzes and/or take home quizzes (assignments). b) Attendance for classes is mandatory since unannounced quizzes can be given. c) Dates for announced quizzes will be communicated in class. d) There are no makeups for quizzes missed or extension of deadlines for online quizzes. Attendance: Students are required to maintain a 70% attendance level in order to be eligible to complete any course recovery options.

Course Policies NOTE: Students must adhere to the Test Cover Sheet Protocols.

College Policies Students should familiarize themselves with all College Policies that cover academic matters and student conduct. All students and employees have the right to study and work in an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment and promotes respect and equity. Centennial policies ensure all incidents of harassment, discrimination, bullying and violence will be addressed and responded to accordingly. Academic honesty is integral to the learning process and a necessary ingredient of academic integrity. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, plagiarism, and impersonation. All of these occur when the work of others is presented by a student as their own and/or without citing sources of information. Breaches of academic honesty may result in a failing grade on the assignment/course, suspension or expulsion from the college. THIS COURSE ADHERES TO ALL COLLEGE POLICIES (See College Calendar)


MT 335


Machine Design 1

For more information on these and other policies, please visit Students enrolled in a joint or collaborative program are subject to the partner institution's academic policies.

PLAR Process This course is eligible for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR). PLAR is a process by which course credit may be granted for past learning acquired through work or other life experiences. The PLAR process involves completing an assessment (portfolio, test, assignment, etc.) that reliably demonstrates achievement of the course learning outcomes. Contact the academic school to obtain information on the PLAR process and the required assessment. This course outline and its associated weekly topical(s) may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the prior permission of Centennial College.



MT 335


Machine Design 1

Topical Outline (subject to change): Week 1 2


Topics Material properties and material classification Stress and deformation analysis Deflection due to bending Combined stresses and Mohr’s circle


Appraise and classify engineering materials

Lectures and in-class discussion

Chapter 3

Review the principles of stress and deformation analysis

Lectures and in-class solution of problems

Chapter 4

Chapter 5


Design for different types of loading

Chapter 5


Test #1



Material covered in weeks 1 to 5 Chapter 6

GC&E Assignment



Threaded fasteners

Chapter 18


Test #2

Material covered in weeks 6 to 9 Chapter 19

Bolted joints

Evaluation Name

Chapter 20

Determine stresses under combined loading using Mohr’s circle

Lectures, in-class solution of problems, and assignment of homework problems Identify and determine fatigue strength Lectures and in-class solution of problems Characterize and apply the various theories of Lectures, in-class failure in machine design solution of problems, and assignment of homework problems Appraise understanding of material Written Test Determine column load capacity,design columns Identify GC&E role

Lectures, in-class solution of problems, and assignment of homework problems

Select suitable fasteners for practical situations Appraise understanding of material

Descriptive presentation Lectures and in-class solution of problems Written Test

Analyze helical springs, design helical compression springs Analyze and design bolted joints

Lectures, in-class solution of problems, and assignment of homework problems Lectures and in-class solution of problems



Test #1

Quiz Test #2 Quiz


MT 335






GC&E report presentations Welded joints


Test #3

Evaluation Date

Calculate the deflection of beams

Fatigue strength


Instructional Strategies

Chapter 2


10-11 Helical springs

Weekly Learning Outcome(s)


Chapter 20 Material covered in weeks 10 to 14

Weekly Learning Outcome(s) Identify role and responsibilities as a global citizen Analyze and design welded joints Appraise understanding of material


Machine Design 1

Instructional Strategies Student presentations Lectures and in-class solution of problems Written Test

Evaluation Name GC&E Assignment

Evaluation Date

Test #3


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