Music Melody and Rhythm WK2 PDF

Title Music Melody and Rhythm WK2
Course Music Appreciation
Institution University of the Cumberlands
Pages 2
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1. Describe the Shape of Melody as it pertains to highs and lows a. Are most of the notes low? i. In Shape of You, I found that most of the notes were higher. The melody would be considered the primary voice, and in this case, it is Ed Sheeran. I discovered that his voice is very high in this song, and it stays steady throughout. In Largo, most of the notes were lower. You can tell it that b. Are there low notes and high notes? i. Largo starts to be very low notes but then progresses and gets higher as you get toward the 2:00 mark. I feel that Ed Sheeran delivered mostly high notes in the melody of Shape of You. 2. Describe the Shape of Melody as it pertains from one note to the next. a. Does the melody jump around or move easily from one note to the next or mixed? i. In Shape of You, I honestly cannot decide if it is disjunct or conjunct. I feel that there were some parts of the melody that really went smoothly together, but in other parts, it seemed very choppy. In Largo, I think the entire thing was very smooth. I never felt that it was choppy or disorganized in any way. Overall, I definitely think Shape of You is more mixed from one note to the next, and Largo is much smoother. 3. Describe the Mood of the Melody a. Does it sound happy, sad, serious, fun, etc.? Describe why i. Shape of You: I think that Ed Sheeran did a great job of making this song feel upbeat and happy. It is a sound that makes you want to have fun and smile. I think his voice has higher notes, which makes it happier for me. I feel that if he was singing in a deeper voice, this would really affect the sound of it. ii. Largo: I got more of a sad and serious vibe from this piece. It was not anything that I would choose to listen to while getting ready for a night out. I think a big part of it seeming serious is the low notes that are used. They don’t make me want to move around, and happier music makes me want to do this. 4. Describe the Rhythms Complexity a. Does the rhythm repeat regularly? i. I found that the rhythm of Shape of You was consistent throughout the whole song. It didn’t change, and if it did, it was so slight that I did not notice it. In Largo, the rhythm changed up a bit toward the end of the 1:00 portion, and it started to pick up by a small amount. b. Does it make you want to get up and dance or tap your feet? i. Personally, I found the song Shape of You to be very annoying. I am not a fan of the rhythm of it, nor the melody, so it did not make me want how to dance. However, it is catchy, and the rhythm is active, and it made me tap my feet for a brief second. The Largo piece did not make me want to move around at all. In fact, it made me want to lay down and nap. c. Does the rhythm change? Is it irregular? Steady beat?

d. Shape of You has a very steady rhythm. I noticed that if you block out the lyrics, it sounds almost the same the entire 4:00 minutes. Largo is definitely active through the piece. You can see when it starts to change. However, it stays pretty steady. e. Are you bored? Is the rhythm slow? i. I honestly was bored with both of these pieces. The Shape of You rhythm was boring and too similar for me to enjoy. I felt that it got repetitive after just 20 seconds of listening, and it made me want to turn it off. Largo also was boring to me, but for a different reason. I thought that it was a little too slow for me. I enjoy the music I can bob my head to, and I didn’t feel it in this piece. 5. What is your overall impression about the beat? i. I found that the beat was overall steady in Shape of You. It was easy to keep up once I understood the beat. I also do not feel like it changed much, so once I understood it, I could keep up. I found Largo hard to follow. I was not sure where it was going next, so I couldn’t really tap my foot to keep up. It was very free. b. Does the beat slow down or speed up? i. Shape of You started out the same as it finished. I don’t think it slowed down at all; if anything, it sped up a bit throughout. Largo started to speed up compared to when I first started listening. c. Is the rhythm of voices different from the instruments? i. I thought that Ed Sheeran’s voice did not match with the rhythm well at all. At some points, it did, but it was not very often. It sometimes felt that the rhythm was overpowering his voice. 6. What is your overall impression of the music you are hearing? i. Overall, I was not a fan of either of these pieces. I enjoyed hearing the Largo piece for the first time because I was not sure what to expect. It definitely felt like the music I would play while taking a nap or studying. ii. I have always disliked Shape of You. Something about the song had always bothered me, and I thought it was just because I don’t like Ed Sheeran. However, when doing this assignment, I realized that I did not care for the rhythm of the song, and that is why I did not like it. iii. I enjoyed listening to both of these because I was able to compare and contrast two completely different pieces. They had more in common than I assumed they would have, and that was fun to figure out....

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