My Masterpiece Moment+Unedited Student Samples+202020 B PDF

Title My Masterpiece Moment+Unedited Student Samples+202020 B
Author Geifry Cordero
Course Introduction to Pastoral Counseling
Institution Liberty University
Pages 2
File Size 102.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 38
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Download My Masterpiece Moment+Unedited Student Samples+202020 B PDF


Unedited Student Samples (2) of My Masterpiece Moment (MMM). Post your MMM as a Thread in the Question & Answer Center. Doing so fosters a visible and viable connection with classmates and this timely subject matter.

Sample 1: 

What’s this? (relates to something heard for the first time)

In regards to the book Masterpiece by Dr. Ken Nichols there are a variety of things that interest me as I read. I’ve heard most of if not all of what was mentioned in this book before. It was the first time, however, that I really understood that God loves me and accepts me, and I don’t half to put on a fake mask in front of him (Nichols, 2017, p. 13-17; Nichols, 2017, p. 43-48). God sees the worst of me, yet still accepts me (Nichols, 2017, p. 13-17). The reason that I really heard this for the first time when reading Masterpiece was because it felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest. I realize that all the negative condescending thoughts and criticisms produced from my failures were not of God, but were one of or some combination of the flesh, the world, and the enemy speaking in my mind and heart (Nichols, 2017, p. 27-31). 

So What?! (relates to something affirming, convincing and/or convicting)

One of the things I found affirming in the masterpiece book is that I’m loved and accepted before God just as I am (Nichols, 2017, p. 43-48). The reason this is important is because, like the author, I have a conscience that is overactive (Nichols, 2017, p. 73-74). Due to the fact that I have a conscience that is overactive I usually cause myself to enter into an extreme state of self-criticism and evaluation that sometimes leads me to think that overly critical evaluation is coming from God when it’s actually the enemy and/or myself being too critical of myself (Nichols, 2017, p. 27-31). I don’t have to prove anything I am already accepted by God, and he is changing me through a slow and steady process into his masterpiece (Nichols, 2017, p. 65-67). 

What’s Best Next?? (relates to attitudes and/or actions that must cut-out, corrected, commenced or continued)

I found that I need to correct, and/or maintain a greater focus on in my life where the growth principles that Dr. Nichols lists in his growth principles section in chapter four. These growth principles of Dr. Nichols are as follows: “cultivate a positive attitude,… define your purpose,… go the extra mile,… live enthusiastically, … get involved, stay involved,… maintain physical health,… think accurately,… keep the faith,… [and] learn from defeat” (p. 67-71). Out of all these growth principles, however, the two that I need the most work on currently in my life are to learn how to live enthusiastically, and get and stay involved in a local community church/congregation. If I can find a local congregation in which to get and stay involved in and were I can serve others I would become more enthusiastic in serving God and his kingdom (Nichols, 2017, p. 67-71). Thus, hopefully leading to greater development in the other areas of the growth principles that Dr. Nichols describes in his book. Nichols, K. (2017). Masterpiece: Seeing yourself as God’s work of art changes everything! Lynchburg, VA: Liberty University Press. NOTE: I’ve attached my short answers from Masterpiece

Sample 2: Masterpiece Moment- Journal Week 1- Jan 22-28 1) What’s this? One of the things that Masterpiece pointed out and I had never thought of before was the concept of Moses probably thinking his “masterpiece” was over, even before the Lord used Him to go back into Egypt to lead the Israelites out of captivity. On pages 35-36 Nichols points out that Moses fled Egypt and became a shepherd. I have never thought before that Moses probably believed that the rest of his life was going to be defined by sheep herding – little did he know the Lord has such a larger plan. This made me gain a new perspective of my life, but the lives of others as well. Many times we think that a season of our life is going to define the totality of it and will never end; however, God always has a purpose and a bigger plan. 2) So what?! In chapter 4 Nichols states, “Our obedience isn’t a bargaining chip to get God to bless us; it’s a response of a grateful child to a loving, wise parent. We don’t obey to be blessed; we obey because we’re blessed!”(63). This was convicting to me, because the Lord used this to make me reflect on my desire to please everyone, which even shows up in my relationship with God. Of course, I want to obey Him simply because He loves me and I love Him, but this statement served as a great reminder that many times I get caught up in this idea that if I do the “radical” for the sake of Jesus, He will love me more. 3) What’s Best Next? This book has served as a great reminder of who the Lord is, and even who I am in Him. I want to apply the lesson of sitting in the truth of my identity in Christ every day of my life. Growing up in church I have always been taught that my identity is always found in the Lord; however, in the mundane routine of life I can easily forget to remember this, and I simply go through the motions without much thought. My desire is that I keep my heart and mind fixed on who the Lord is and who He says that I am in light of what Jesus has done, so that I do not get caught in the lies of the world and the lies of the enemy. Nichols, K. (2017). Masterpiece. Forest, VA: ALIVE Counseling Ministries. PS: See attached short answers from Masterpiece...

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