My Soul Pants for the Lord PDF

Title My Soul Pants for the Lord
Author Anthony Hopkins
Course Literature Of The Old Testament
Institution University of Toledo
Pages 6
File Size 292 KB
File Type PDF
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My Soul Pants for the Lord!!

This is an essay tha thatt I reall really y lo lov ve the most. Psalms 42:1 state states s as the deer pants after the w wa ater brook, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul a att this ttimes imes will always crav crave e ffor or yo you u Lord. T There here was a period o off time when I used to crav crave e ffor or marijuana and other mind altering substa substances nces fro from m 1972-1990. I prayed to God on Ma May y 2, 1990 at 7:00PM to remo remov ve my desir desire e to smok smoke e marijuana, cr crack, ack, and alco alcohol. hol. I was sincere in my prayer prayers s to God because I w was as tired of being sic sick k and tired of the high cost of lo low w living.

Ne Nex xt, I want to inf infor or orm me ev ver eryone yone tha thatt I no longer ha hav ve a desire to smok smoke e marijuana and drink alcoho alcohol. l. I reall really y feel good about myself because I do not connect with people fro from m my past anymore. I want to inf infor or orm me ever ver veryone yone tha thatt a har hartt is a deer deer.. My soul desires to hear the v voice oice of God ever ery y day of my life life.. I want to inf infor or orm me ev ver eryone yone tha thatt I am praying to God ev ever er ery y single day in or order der my nieces and nephews could stop drinking alcohol. Also, I w want ant to say tha thatt my soul pan pants ts fo forr the Lor Lord d because I w want ant better things ffor or myself myself.. I want to sa say y tha thatt this Bible v ver er erse se reall really y enables me to get things together together.. I want to inf infor or orm me ev ver eryone yone tha thatt my lif life e has changed ffor or the better better.. I ha have ve a real job right no now w. My soul thir thirst st ffor or the Almighty God. My soul crav craves es the Lor Lord de ev ver ery y sing single le day because I ha hav ve new objectiv objectives es for m my y lif life. e. Fur Further ther ther,, I want to say tha thatt my soul crav craves es the Lor Lord d because I belong to Him. My destina destination tion is heav heaven en because I hav have e made the right amends ffor or the Lord. I pr pray ay ev ever er ery y single day of the week. I write in inside side of my jour journal nal all of the time. I also apologize to people tha thatt I ha hav ve hur hurtt in my past. Ther here e are some of my family member members s who hav have e not made amends to me per personally sonally sonally.. I hav have e to forgive o other ther thers s whe when n they continue to wrong me. I will admit that I had done wrong ffor or over 35 y year ear ears. s. I hav have e been c clean lean and sober since Ma May y 2, 1990. I am v ver er ery y pr proud oud of myself ffor or remaining c clean lean and sober in spite of all of my per personal sonal problems.

Moreov Moreover er er,, I want to say tha thatt my soul still desires ffor or the Lor Lord d each and e ev ver ery y sing single le day of my lif life. e. My Spirit is c clean lean right no now w. I am still pow power er erless less o over ver people people,, places, and things. At least according to Alcoholics Anonymous on page 417 Acceptance A. A.Bi gBook–Accept ancei st heanswert oALL ofmypr obl emst oday.WhenIam di st ur bed,i ti sbecauseIfindsome per son,pl ace,t hi ngorsi t uat i on-somef actofmyl i f e-unaccept abl et o me,andIcanfindnoser eni t yunt i lIacceptt hatper son,pl ace,t hi ng, orsi t uat i onasbei ngexact l yt hewayi ti ssupposedt obeatt hi s moment .Not hi ng,absol ut el ynot hi ng,happensi nGod' swor l dby mi st ake.Unt i lIcoul dacceptmyal cohol i sm,Icoul dnotst aysober ; unl essIacceptmyl i f ecompl et el yonl i f e' st er ms,Icannotbehappy.I needt oconcent r at enotsomuchonwhatneedst obechangedi nt he wor l dasonwhatneedst obechangedi nmeandi nmyat t i t udes. Al so,Iwantt osayt hatwheni tcomest odeal i ngot herpeopl e,I havet omakedi r ectamendsandpr ayf ort hem aswel lasbet her ef or t hem i nal lwayspossi bl e.Ir eal l yhavechangedawhol el otsi nce 1990.Iwi l ladmi tt hatImi ghthaveament ali l l ness,butGodl ovesme.

Godgotmyback.Mysoulpant sf ort heLi vi ngGodever ysi ngl e daybecauseHei swi l l i ngt ohel pmeoutofanysi t uat i on.Iwantt osay t hatever yoneshoul dhavet hei rsoult hi r staf t erHi mf ort her estof t hei rl i f e.Mysoulcr avesf ort heHol ySpi r i tt hati si nsi deofmet ohel p met odot her i ghtt hi ngsever ydayofmyl i f e.Ihavet ot r yt ost i l l r esol veal lofmyi ssueswi t hot herpeopl et hatIhavenotseeni na gr eatnumberofyear s.Il ovet heLor dGodsomucht hati ti sHewho gi vesmeHi sbr eat hofl i f e.Mysoult hi r stf ort heLor dGodbecause t hi swor l di schangi ngsof ast .Iwi l lal waysneedHi shel pf orasl ong asIl i ve. Fi nal l y,Iwantt osayt hatIam achangedman.Mysoult hi r stf or mor eknowl edgeandwi sdom f r om t heLi vi ngGod.Il oveHi m so mucht hatIam wi l l i ngt odot her i ghtt hi ngsi nmyper sonall i f e.Iwi l l sayt hatIst r i vef orspi r i t ualpr ogr essr at hert hanspi r i t ualper f ect i on. Onl yoneper sonwasper f ectandt hati sJesusChr i st .Myj obi st o shar et heGospelwi t hot her swhoar enotsaved.Iam l i vi ngt heGr eat Commi ssi on.Il oveever yone! !Iknow t hatIam amor t alman,who haveal otofcommonsense.Iam amanwhohasal otofknowl edge andexper i encef r om l i vi ngl i f e.

In Conc Concllusion, I w want ant to say tha thatt I lo lov ve e ever ver veryone yone who I am in contact with. I am willing to do without money ju just st to help out other people. I kno know w tha thatt my mother mother,, grandmother randmothers, s, aunts, and unc uncles les taught me ho how w to become a per person son wh who o sho shows ws unconditional lo lov ve tow towar ar ards ds other others. s. I will admit tha thatt there was a time when I was v ver er ery y ang angrr y at those who hur hurtt me in the past. Right no now w, I pra pray y ffor or the same people who hav have e hur hurtt me, and ffor or orgiv giv give ee ev ver eryone yone who injure me in any way way.. I am a per person son who easil easily y forgiv forgive e other others s all of the time. I reall really y do not ar argue gue with anyone. I want to sa say y that I kno know w that I still ha have ve a long w way ay to go in my jour journey ney for peace e ev ver erlasting. lasting. Please continue to pray for me and all of my ffamily amily member members s and friends. Please also pray for those tha thatt I kno know w and those I do not kno know w. I lo love ve y you ou v ver er ery y much much..

My name is Anthony J Joseph oseph Hopkins and I am from Dayton, Ohio Ohio.. I ha hav ve been writing for a total of 9 years. I ha hav ve a total of 350 Blogs tha thatt I ha hav ve written on my own. I lo love ve tto o write because it helps me to cope with a mental illness. I lo lov ve to read, write, tr trav av avel, el, and use the computer computer.. Please stay strong e ev ver yone!! I lo lov ve all of you....

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