My worldview essay PDF

Title My worldview essay
Author Zunaira Nawaz
Course Introduction to philosophy
Institution York University
Pages 3
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Essay on my World view...


1. Is there a God? I personally believe that there is a God.I was born and raised in an islamic family,and I was told that there is a God. As a kid, I did not pay much attention to these kind of things. When I was almost 7 years old, I started asking questions to my parents and grandparents about the existence of God. I realized many things around me that made my believe stronger in God’s existence. We see the night changes into day,and day turning into a night. How is that happening? It used to make me wonder at night. The brightening stars were also proving that there is a God; who has created this whole universe for us. We can not see him, as we can not see air, but we can feel its existence around us. For example, an organization can not run by itself, there must be someone supervising it. This whole world is like a huge organization, which is under the control of God. Another reason for me to believe, that there is a God, is the creation of human beings. The birth of a human being is such an amazing thing and it is hard to believe that there is no one behind this beautiful creation. The caterpillar growing into a colourful butterfly also amazes me, which also makes me believe in the existence of God. There are so many little creations that makes my beliefs powerful about the existence of God. The sun, moon, ocean, marine animals, etc. are the creations of God. We can say that it is science but how can we say that there is no God? God has also given us a functioning body with the brain to utilize it and think about his creations, and can tell the difference between right or wrong. 2. what is right or wrong? In my opinion some actions are defined right if they are not causing anyone harm; physically and emotionally,but can bring happiness to someone’s life. On the other hand, if something is causing any kind of harm to someone then that is wrong. For example, if you punch someone on their face and act like you did not do anything, that is wrong. It is unethical to hurt someone by any means. I also believe that something ethical is right and unethical actions are wrong. How can we say if some actions are ethical or not? For example, you stole something from a store and you did not get caught, but you will feel guilt for doing it. The reason for you to feel bad is that you did something that you know is not right, whether you did not get caught. I believe that your instincts also tells you the difference between right and wrong. It also depends on the situation to distinguish between right or wrong. Sometimes a person can get caught in a situation when he has to do the right and wrong both at the same time. For example, we know that lying is bad or wrong, but you can not tell someone truth directly at their face that they might get hurt. I believe that sometimes you have to hide the truth for someone's happiness. Sometimes it is very hard to describe what is right or wrong. It can also be dictated by a person’s culture, traditions or their religious beliefs. In some cultures, love marriage is considered wrong. On the other hand, we know that it does not harm anyone but it is still not considered as right. For example, in some parts of india and pakistan, they torture and even kill people because they went against their culture.I believe that it does not make it right to kill someone because of their cultural aspects, but it does make killing someone unethical. Everyone has different opinions about right or wrong, as I mentioned it can also be defined according to one’s culture and traditions. Everyone think and act differently than others, as they all have

discriminate ways of understanding the definition of right and wrong. 3. What is the relationship between your mind/soul and body? I believe that a human body and mind are linked together and they both are not complete without each other. I also believe that if your body is tired, your mind also feels the same energy. I also believe that a human soul leaves his body after his death. After death, a whole new chapter begins and I believe that you will remember everything that you have experienced in your life. The relation in mind and body is very important for me as our body does; what our mind tells us to do. The difference between right or wrong is also presented by our mind. In my opinion, a positive mind keeps our body healthy. What we think is projected by our body, whether we want to show it or not. For example, we can tell by judging a person and tell what he thinks or feels about his life. The happiness of a person depends on his healthy mind and body. A person who is very intelligent, successful in life but is not healthy can also be unhappy about his life. If our mind is not at peace, our body can not be at peace either. For example, if a person is stressed, he would be more likely to eat more and that will disturb the health of the body as well. I believe that if our mind is at its peace, our body will also be able to work at its best. If someone is feeling happy, sad, anxious or stressed, it will be projected through his body. Science also proves that our brain cells generate the information to our body and our reaction depends . For example, if a child touches a hot object, his mind would lead his body to react to it immediately. Moreover, if a person is physically sick then his mind will also be not at rest. Some people might argue that it is not true 4. Do we have free will? Free will is the choice of taking some decisions on your own. We are not bound to do something, it's like our own choice. I believe if we do not have free will then we are just puppets, or in science another possibility could be our damaged brain cells. As a human being, everyone is given a brain to make decisions for yourself. If a person can not make decisions for himself, their life is meaningless. When a child is growing up, he makes the decision of whether he likes something or not. It is part of human nature. If a person makes his own choice, he does not have to blame someone else if it goes wrong. On the other hand, if someone else told him to do the same thing that went wrong, he would feel bad because it was not his own decision. I believe that we live our life on the basis of our free will. We can not even move our fingers without our will. A criminal is responsible for his crimes, it is not science that forces him to do it. A killer would kill a person by his own free will, and more likely to destroy their own lives as well by ending up in jail or sometimes worse. When someone is doing something wrong they know the consequences of it but still choose to do so. They know that they are doing wrong, but still they choose it for themselves. I truly believe that everyone is responsible for what they do. What is the meaning of life? Why God created this whole universe without any meaning of it? Why would he put us all humans in different situations? Why this life is not perfect? It is not possible that he would create this whole universe without any reason. In my opinion, the meaning of

life is to feel good, bad, sorrow, and all other emotions. It also means to live it in the moment and do the right thing. It will also raise the question of what the right thing is; it's what makes you happy without hurting someone. As a child, everything seems perfect; no worries towards the real world, living in your own tiny world. As we start to grow up, we learn the meaning of life.It also means; learning from your mistakes, doing good deeds to others, and spreading positivity for everyone. Everyone sees life differently, some think that we only live once then die, so it does not matter to them if they do something wrong to someone to live their best lives. I believe that there is the consequences of what you do after death as well. How can we be so sure that this is the only time we are gonna live? May be this whole formation of the universe would start again. May be we get to live again or in another universe. We can not be so sure about anything, but the thing that we are sure is present; we are living this life so live it as best as you could possibly be....

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