Myths of Innovation -Chp 9-14 PDF

Title Myths of Innovation -Chp 9-14
Course Recent Advances in Technology
Institution Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
Pages 4
File Size 102.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Myths of Innovation -Chp 9-14...


1. Describe an example of a prototype discussed in the book that led to a highly profitable innovation and product. Answer - The prototype mentioned in the text, which was converted to a highly profitable innovation, was a wooden model of palm piolet. Berkun talks about how Hawkins framed the goals by going to the small shop in his garage and spent hours sewing and carving (Berkun, 2007, p.134). Hawkins did small innovation, followed baby steps in the innovation by installing no keyboard because of the screen size. Hawkins and the team focussed on the core elements necessary for successful innovation, which made the greatness of the Pilot possible (p.134).

2. The text suggests that innovation happens randomly and that anyone can stumble across a new breakthrough. Do you think this might happen to you one day? Answer - I believe that one stumbles upon new breakthrough ideas every day but tends to ignore it because of a busy life schedule. We keep going on as planned and pretend we didn't see or think what we thought we did (Berkun, 2007, p.136). I personally have stumbled upon innovative ideas in my life, sometimes I have ignored it, thinking about the fact that it won't be of no use and sometimes tried working on that innovative idea. Everyone should think Critically about things, A perfect example would be our ancestors if they would not have to think critically, questioned new things we might not be having anything in today's world then.

3. Do great ideas still need to be pitched, or can they sell themselves? Offer an example from the text. Answer - Any new idea, great ones of simple, needs an excellent pitch to sell the concept to common public or investors. People need to understand the reason behind the idea or the innovation and why they should spend money or time on the idea. Humankind in today's world is busy in their life, and they rarely care about a new idea or question them, so putting a new idea out in public will not do any good unless you have answered the unanswered questions of the people. Berkun talks about how the Wright brothers pitched their idea about aeroplanes to the potential investors. They pitched their idea while addressing the needs of that era that was the end of the war (p. 140).

4. Name one good innovation that, in your view, had many bad side effects (list what they were).

Answer - There is plenty of innovation that had many adverse effects in this world. Nuclear Energy, Technological Innovation and also advancement or new innovation in the textile industry. Technological Innovations like Air Conditioners and Refrigerators have had a terrible effect on our environment by spreading CFC (Chlorofluorocarbon), which is leading carbon in Global Warming. Air Conditioners are increasing the temperature of our environment, affecting the artic life and environment as a whole. Berkun talks about how all innovations have good and bad impacts regardless of the intention of the innovator (Berkun, 2007, p.143).

5. The book suggests that one needs some expertise to innovate. How does the book suggest one to develop such expert knowledge before becoming an innovator? Answer - Berkun suggests that to develop an expertise in knowledge of becoming an innovator, one must spend more time writing and talking about it than actually doing it. To become an innovator, one must make things for other people. Providing proper attention to the innovation may help a person in finding small errors and becoming an expert in that innovative idea.

6. What other prerequisites are there for one to become an innovator? Answer - "Without good communication, trust is unlikely if not impossible (Berkun, 2007, p.171)". A person needs to have excellent soft skills because pitching an idea to an audience is one of the most critical steps in innovation. Working in a team is also an essential requirement before becoming an innovator, one must trust the team. Ability to identify and to take the risk. One needs to get past their obsession with epiphany (p.159).

7. The author has included a transcript of a talk he gave in one of the assigned chapters. What was his main point (s) in that section of the text? Answer - The author has talked about many factors which lead the innovation to the success which were putting trust in the team, being a good leader who has the willingness to take risk, but the most essential point that he focussed on was the language and words. "Words are important and possibly dangerous for everyone." Using simple words attract more people instead of fancier words, which are much more challenging to understand by everyday people, Even in the script, the author has said that without excellent communication, trust is unlikely. Having knowledge about the idea and then presenting that idea in a friendly language using basic words is more likely to make the concept sell more.

References Berkun, S. (2007). The myths of innovation. Beijing: O'Reilly....

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