N371 Peds Exam 1 Kahoot Practice Questions PDF

Title N371 Peds Exam 1 Kahoot Practice Questions
Author Lindsay Hartwig
Course PEDS
Institution Methodist College of Nursing
Pages 33
File Size 918.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 97
Total Views 138


Kahoot for practice when studying for the first exam. Questions from lecture, ATI, and the book....


9/16/21, 3:17 PM


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A private kahoot Questions (96) 1 - Quiz

The nurse is examining the genitals of a healthy newborn girl. The nurse would observe which normal nding?

20 sec

Swollen Labia Majora Labia adhesions External Genital Lesions Swollen Labia Minora

2 - Quiz

Nurse is assessing a pre-schooler, how she she prepare the child?

20 sec

Allow role play with miniature equipment Use medical terminology Seperate the child from his mom keep medical equipment visible



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3 - Quiz

A nurse is checking vital of a 3 y/o, which value should be reported to the provider?

20 sec

Heart rate 106 Temp 37.2 (99.oF) Respirations 30 Blood pressure 88/54

4 - Quiz

A nurse is assessing a child's ears, what is expected?

20 sec

light reex located at 2o'clock position bony landmarks not visible tympanic membrane is red cerumen is present bilaterally

5 - Quiz

Which should a 6 mo/old infant exhibit?

20 sec

Moro Stepping Plantar Grasp Tonic neck



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6 - Quiz

In a neuro exam of adolescent which should be seen when assessing trigeminal nerve? (SATA)

20 sec

Clench teeth together tightly Identifying smells with each nostril Detect facial touches with eyes closed Looking down and in with the eyes

7 - Quiz

What ndings should be reported to the provider with a 12mo old infant?

20 sec

close anterior fontanel eruption of 6 teeth both weight doubled both length increased by 50%

8 - Quiz

Developmental screen for 10 mo/old, which ne motor skills are expected? (SATA)

20 sec

walks with one hand held grasp rattle by handle puts objects in a container use crude pincer grasp



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9 - Quiz

4 mo/old, what immunizations should they get? SATA

20 sec

IPV (polio) RV (Rotavirus) Varicella PCV (pneumococcal)

10 - Quiz

What foods should be introduced to a 4mo/old rst?

20 sec

strained yellow veggies iron-fortied cereals pureed fruits whole milk

11 - Quiz

Dental care teaching for a 9mo/old. Which conrms understanding?

20 sec

I can give them a warm teething ring to relieve discomfort I should clean their teeth with a wet cool wash cloth I can give Advil for up to 5 days when teething I should put diluted juice in a bottle for the baby to sleep



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12 - Quiz

2.5 y/o toddler, what do you report to the provider?

20 sec

height increase by 3 in the past year head circumference > then chest circumference Anterior and posterior fontanels are closed current weight is 4x birth weight

13 - Quiz

An 18 month old should be able to perform what skill? (SATA)

20 sec

Use a spoon w/o rotation stand on 1 foot Throw a ball overhand walk up and down stairs

14 - Quiz

Appropriate activities for a 2 y/o. What conrms understanding?

20 sec

I will send the favorite stuffed animal if they nap away from home They can stand on one foot for a second He can play on a soccer team He can draw circles



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15 - Quiz

What should be included in guidance for a toddler? SATA

20 sec

Bedtime fears are common Expect behaviors associated with negativism and ritualism develop food habits that prevent cavities annual screenings for PKU are necessary

16 - Quiz

A nurse manager is educating on developmental theory. What should be included?

20 sec

Stress is inevitable Emphasize that one family member changing effects them all Provides guidance to assist families adapting to stress Denes consistencies in how families change

17 - Quiz

What is the parenting style of "My son knows he better do what I say"?

20 sec

Authoritarian Permissive Authoritative Passive



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18 - Quiz

Nurse is performing family assessment. What should be included?SATA

20 sec

Medical Hx Parent's education level Support systems Stressors

19 - Quiz

The mother of a 3yo boy asks the nurse about starting solid foods. What is the most appropriate response by the nurse?

20 sec

It is okay to start pureed solids at this age if fed via the bottle. Infants don't require solid food until 12mo of age Solid foods should be delayed until 6mo when able to handle spoon on own. When tongue extrusion reex disappears at 4-6mo

20 - Quiz

1. The nurse is caring for a 13y/o. Talk about sexual health/ drug abuse, what should be said rst?

20 sec

Do you smoke? Tell me about your activities at school Are you sexually active? I promise not to tell your mother



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21 - Quiz

1. A nurse is caring for a very shy 4y/o girl. The nurse must take the girls’ BP. Which approach is best?

20 sec

May I take your BP? Your sister did a great job when I took her BP Help me take your doll's BP Will you let me put this cuff on your arm?

22 - Quiz

The nurse is conducting a physical examination of a healthy 6 year old. Which action should the nurse do rst?

20 sec

Observe the skin for overall color and characteristics Tap the knee with a reex hammer Palpate the skin for texture and hydration Auscultate the heart, lungs, and abdomen

23 - Quiz

Assessing an infant’s reexes. The nurse places his thumb to the ball of the infant’s foot to elicit which reex?

20 sec

Parachute Plantar Grasp Babinski Palmar Grasp



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24 - Quiz

Child who is showing signs of anaphylaxis. What action takes priority?

20 sec

Taking a problem focused history Stabilizing the child's physical status Obtain a complete detailed history Getting the hx from providers

25 - Quiz

Physical examination of an uncooperative preschooler. To encourage deep breathing during lung auscultation what to say?

20 sec

You must deep breathe You cannot listen until I hear your breathing Do you think you can blow out my light bulb? Do you want your mom to listen?

26 - Quiz

5y/o boy visits the pediatric ofce with an URI. Which would give the nurse the most information about development?

20 sec

play a game talk to child about the teddy bear ask the 10y/o sibling use a screening tool during a f/u visit



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27 - Quiz

Sleeping 5 mo old girl is being held by the mom when the nurse comes in to do a PE. What assessment should be rst?

20 sec

Listen to bowel sounds counting the HR checking the temp look in the ears

28 - Quiz

5y/o, the nurse asks the girl to stand still, eyes closed & arms down by her side. She immediately begins to lean why?

20 sec

poor coordinator and balance Further testing is needed for cerebellar dysfunction negative Rhomberg test Further testing for inner ear issue

29 - Quiz

The mother of a 3mo boy asks the nurse about starting solid foods. What is the most appropriate response by the nurse?

30 sec

It's ok to start pureed solids at this age if fed via the bottle. Infants don't require solid food until 12mo. Solid foods should be delayed until 6mo, handle a spoon on his own. The tongue extrusion reex disappears at age 4-6mo,



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30 - Quiz

The father of 2mo girl is expressing concern that his infant may be getting spoiled. What is the nurse's best response?

30 sec

She just needs love and attention. Don't worry; she's too young to spoil. Consistently meeting the infant's needs helps pro9mote a sense of trust. Infants need to be fed and cleaned; if you a\ needs are met, just let cry. Consistency in meeting needs is important, holding too much will spoil her.

31 - Quiz

Parents of an 8mo girl express concern that she cries when left with the babysitter. How does the nurse explain?

30 sec

Crying when left with the sitter may indicate hard building trust. Stranger anxiety should not occur until toddlerhood; Separation anxiety is normal at this age; the infant recognizes parents Perhaps the sitter doesn't meet the infant's needs; pick new one

32 - Quiz

The nurse is providing anticipatory guidance to the mother of a 6mo. What is the best instruction regarding oral health?

30 sec

Start brushing the teeth after all the baby teeth come in. Use a washcloth with toothpaste to clean her mouth. Clean your baby's gums, then new teeth, with a washcloth. Rinse your baby's mouth with water after every feeding.



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33 - Quiz

A 9mo infant's mother is questioning why cow's milk is not recommended in the rst year, its much cheaper than formula.

30 sec

substitute cow's milk for formula at this age as he is so close to 1 yr. Cow's milk is poor in iron and not provide proper balance of nutrients As long as whole milk rather than skim she can start cow's milk in infancy If the mother cannot afford formula, she should dilute it to last longer.

34 - Quiz

caring for hospitalized 30mo who is resistant to care, angry, yells no all the time. The nurse identies this toddler

30 sec

problematic, as it interferes with needed nursing care normal for this stage of growth and development normal because the child is hospitalized and out of his routine

35 - Quiz

15mo is concerned abt a speech delay. She understands what she says sometimes follows commands but only uses 1-2 words.

30 sec

The toddler should have a developmental eval asap If the mother would read to the child, then speech would develop faster Receptive language normally develops earlier than expressive language The mother should ask her child's physician for a speech therapy eval



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36 - Quiz

A 2yo is having a temper tantrum. What advice should the nurse give the mother?

30 sec

For safety reasons, the toddler should be restrained during the tantrum Punishment should be initiated, as tantrums should be controlled The mother should promise the toddler a reward if the tantrum stops The tantrum should be ignored as long as the toddler is safe

37 - Quiz

What is the best advice about nutrition for the toddler?

30 sec

Encourage cup drinking and give water between meals and snacks Encourage unlimited milk intake, toddlers need to protein for growth Avoid sugar- fruit drinks and allow as much natural fruit juice as desired Allow the toddler unlimited access to the sippy cup to ensure hydration

38 - Quiz

To gain cooperation from a toddler, what is the best approach by the nurse?

30 sec

immediately pick the toddler up from the mother's lap Kneel in front of the toddler while he or she is on the mother's lap Do the nursing tasks quickly so the toddler can pay Ask the toddler if it is ok if you being the needed task



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39 - Quiz

a hospitalized 4yo who insists on having the nurse perform everything on imaginary friend rst. This is ...

30 sec

problematic; the child is old enough to begin to have a basis in reality normal, because the child is hospitalized and out of her routine normal for this stage of growth and development problematic, as it interferes with needed nursing care

40 - Quiz

a 3yo is concerned about speech. Child is hesitating at the beginning of sentences and repeating consonant sounds.

30 sec

Hesitancy and dysuency are normal during this period of development Reading to the child will help model appropriate speech Expressive language concerns warrant a developmental evaluation The mother should ask her child's physician for a speech therapy evaluation

41 - Quiz

Promote sleep in a pre-schooler. What indicates understanding of teaching?

20 sec

I will sleep in bed with child if she wakes up in the middle night I will let me kid watch TV for 30 min before bed The child can stay up an extra 2 hours on weekends I will keep a dim lamp on in my kids room at night



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42 - Quiz

Well child visit on a 5y/o. What immunization should he get? (SATA)

20 sec


43 - Quiz

The mother of a 4yo asks for advice on using time-out for discipline with her child. What advice should the nurse give?

30 sec

If spanking is not working, then time-out is not likely to be helpful Place the child in time-out for 4 minutes Use time-out only if removing privileges is unsuccessful The child should stay in time-out until crying ceases

44 - Quiz

Promoting nutrition in preschoolers. What should be included?

30 sec

saturated fats = 20% of total caloric intake 2 servings of fruits and veggies 1,800 calories per day 8g of daily protein



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45 - Quiz

Developmental screen on a 3 y/o. What should they be able to do?

30 sec

Ride a tricycle Hop on one foot Jump rope Throw a ball overhead

46 - Quiz

Preschoolers says they need to leave because their doll is scared to be home alone. What part is preoperational thought?

30 sec

Egocentrism Centration Animism Magical Thinking

47 - Quiz

What should be included in a preadolescence and prebubescence convo?

30 sec

Initial physiological changes occur in early childhood Changes in height and weight occur slowly growth difference between boys and girls becomes evident sexual maturation is highly visible in boys



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48 - Quiz

Well child visit for a kid receiving 11-12 y/o immunizations. What should be administered? (SATA)

30 sec


49 - Quiz

Age appropriate activities for a 6 y/o?

30 sec

Jumping rope Playing card games jigsaw puzzles competitive sports

50 - Quiz

What information should be included in a safety for school-age children seminar? SATA

30 sec

Wear a helmet Firearm safety Seat belts Gating stairs



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51 - Quiz

What indicates understanding about the expected puberty in girls?

30 sec

They stop growing 2 years after menarche They gain 65lbs during puberty menstruation is before breast development they grow more than 10 inches during puberty

52 - Quiz

What screenings should be done for a 13 y/o? SATA

30 sec

Blood lead level Scoliosis BMI Weight

53 - Quiz

What condition increases sleep requirement during adolescents?

30 sec

sleep terrors rapid growth increased zinc level facial hair growth



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54 - Quiz

What is the rst manifestation of sexual maturation in boys?

30 sec

Pubic hair growth vocal changes testicular enlargement facial hair growth

55 - Quiz

What should be done when giving a ue vaccine to a toddler?

30 sec

subQ in abdomen 20-g needle divide the med into 2 injections place the child supine

56 - Quiz

IM injection in a child, what muscle is contraindicated?

30 sec

Deltoid Ventrogluteal Vastus Lateralis Dorsogluteal



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57 - Quiz

What should be taught to a parent about giving oral meds to an infant? SATA

30 sec

Ask the pharmacy for avoring Use the nipple of a bottle to administer Hold the baby in a semi-reclining position Administer with a universal dropper

58 - Quiz

What should a nurse due when they are giving meds to a toddler? (SATA)

30 sec

have them pick and hold a toy have the caregiver administer offer juice after the med calculate safe dosage

59 - Quiz

What should the nurse do if an infant needs otic medication?

30 sec

hold the infant upright pull the pinna down and back hyperextend their neck make sure the med is cool



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60 - Quiz

What interventions should be done wi...

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