Nature of Humanity Essay PDF

Title Nature of Humanity Essay
Author James Tatum
Course Christian Worldview
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 7
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Running head: NATURE OF HUMANITY 1

Nature of Humanity James Tatum Grand Canyon University


Human nature is defined as the general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioral traits of mankind, regarded as shared by all human beings. As human beings, we often find ourselves trying to solve the mysteries of human nature and human purpose. We live in an imperfect world, but why is that? These are questions we have been searching for since the dawn of time. One of the biggest questions we are faced with today is human purpose. Many people have found their human person in Christ Jesus, the savior of humanity. However, there are also some who do not believe in him. The true purpose of life has not been discovered just yet. Or if it has, it is different for each person. To most people however, the human purpose involves doing everything in their power to make the world a better place. This is true for both Christians and non-Christians alike. In the case of the Christians, it is no secret that they believe they were created in the image of God. Most Christians believe they were created in the image of their God because they were meant to serve him and glorify his name in all that they do. That is what human purpose means to Christians. Although God created plants, animals, and all other living things, human beings were special to him. The reason being is that of all God’s creations, human beings were the ones God chose to breath the breath of life into [ CITATION Dan \l 1033 ]. As previously stated, God created human beings so that they would glorify his name in everything they do on Earth. The easiest way to glorify God’s name is through worship. There are different kinds of worship. Worship can be done by way of song, prayer, preaching, giving, and communion. Worship has been a part of human purpose of Christians since the dawn of creation so long ago. God is making his presence known to his people through all these forms of worship and has

NATURE OF HUMANITY 3 since the dawn of creation. This was put on display in the Book of Genesis when God was communicating to Adam and Eve what he expected of them [ CITATION Dan \l 1033 ]. In addition to worshipping God, there is a second aspect to human purpose regarding the followers of Christ. This second aspect is what is referred to in the Bible as “Being created to have dominion.” Genesis 1:26-27 states the following: “Then God said, let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.” [ CITATION Tyn12 \l 1033 ]. This tells us human beings were chosen by God specifically to rule the land he created, the land we call Earth. God chose to create human beings to inhabit this land, but he also chose them to maximize its potential while they inhabit it. God’s mindset was he wanted to create a place that was right and true, but the only way for that to happen is if the people he created in his very own image work to preserve the land and keep it the way he intended it to be. To preserve the land as God intended, his people must do what they can to make the earth a godly environment. To do this, Christians must use the platforms they possess within their communities to spread the word of God to as many people as possible. Doing this will ensure that more people will know who God is and will devote their lives to him. This ensures that the earth will then become a pure place for his people to live in. As previously stated, God’s people were created in his image both with and for a purpose. Human value can be hard to define, but Christians define their worth not based on what they are doing to make the world a better place, but rather who and what they are doing it for. They are doing it for God, not for themselves. In addition, the Christian worldview defines human flourishing as following the plan made for his people exactly as he intended for them. It certainly is not a secret that we are currently facing very turbulent times in modern day society. In recent years, problems that have been going on for centuries have been brought into

NATURE OF HUMANITY 4 light more than ever before. Among the most prevalent of those issues include acts of police brutality, institutionalized discrimination, and racism. However, one mystery remains. That mystery is how we got here as a society and what can be done to solve it. One can easily tie the problems of today’s world to that of Adam and Eve and the events that led to the fall of mankind. In the beginning, everything was right and true. At least this is the way it was up until Adam and Eve fell victim to the deception of a twisted serpent who convinced the two of them that there was not any harm in eating the forbidden fruit found in the Garden of Eden. Even though God gave strict warning not to eat this fruit, Adam and Eve still fell for the serpent’s trickery. Ultimately, Adam and Eve betrayed the trust God had put in them and this is what brought about the fall of mankind. Following the events that took place in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve became exposed and were ashamed of themselves, causing them to cover their bodies with leaves. In short, these events which are referred to in the Bible as the fall of man, are what led to sin being brought into our world. The problems we are currently facing as a society can clearly be tied to the events that occurred ages ago. For example, one thing that can be tied to the fall is the war against racism that has been going on ages, a war that we are still facing to this day. During the summer of 2020, when 46-year-old George Floyd was killed by a police officer who put his knee on the throat of Floyd and refused to move, more people stepped to the forefront on these issues. The Black Lives Matter movement received very much outside support within the community from people of all races and ethnicities. The message behind this entire movement was all about getting justice for victims of police brutality. These people have every right to feel so strongly about bringing justice for the victims because Jesus Christ was a man who stud for justice and equality for all people. [ CITATION Mae10 \l 1033 ]. Christ Jesus held no ill will towards anyone he encountered while he was here on the earth. Even though he had

NATURE OF HUMANITY 5 many doubters, he still helped those in need and did not treat them harshly. Had it not been for his great sacrifice, there would not be a true way to attain the justice and peace so many of us are seeking during these turbulent times. Another way the fall of humanity can be connected to today’s world is that there has been an obvious disconnect from faith. Adam and Eve’s downfall many years ago can be attributed to not necessarily a betrayal of God, but certainly a lack of faith in him. I think that is something that can be compared to today’s world because of the amount of people who say they believe in God, but do not put their words into action. Even after a full year, we are still finding ourselves amid one of the greatest global pandemics in the history of the world. One can only wonder if this is something God is doing to bring his people together and to bring them back to him somehow. Unfortunately for Adam and Eve, they did not receive the opportunity to come together and redeem themselves because this was long before Christ had died for the sins of the people. However, it is safe to say if they could have had a do over, they would certainly have done things a little differently. Their lack of faith was their downfall as has been the case for many people who have strayed away from God’s word throughout the years. The Bible teaches that when we leave this world, our spirits will be dead as well due to our sinful nature. However, by inviting Christ to live within us, we have a chance to be redeemed and receive the greatest gift of all, which is something we call eternal life. [ CITATION Nic20 \l 1033 ]. Both knowing God and trusting in him and his word are extremely crucial if we are to overcome the turbulent challenges we are currently facing as a society. There is certainly no mistake that the human purpose is very complex and is different for every person. However, for Christians, it is not anything they cannot handle. Trusting in God and putting his word into practice daily is all Christians need to fulfill their human purpose. They

NATURE OF HUMANITY 6 fulfill this through studying the Bible and using prayer to help others. It is also no secret that the problems we face in today’s world can easily be tied back to the fall of man. However, through our faith, there is nothing we cannot overcome. Philippians 4:13 states that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Through the power of Christ Jesus, we all shall prevail.


References Cannon, M. E. (2010). Social Justice Handbook: Small Steps for Better World. InterVarsity Press. Diffey, D. (n.d.). The Beginning Of Wisdom: An Introduction To Christian Thought and Life . In D. DIffey, Chapter 3: Wisdom in the Beginning . Phoenix, Arizona: Grand Canyon University . Halse, N. (2020). Lack of faith cuts off all God can offer us. Bath Chronicle . Tyndale NLT Teen Life Application Study Bible. (2012). In Tyndale, Tyndale NLT Teen Life Application Study Bible. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. ....

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