Nature vs Nurture - Grade: A PDF

Title Nature vs Nurture - Grade: A
Course Effective Communication in Health and Social Care
Institution University of Wolverhampton
Pages 3
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Nature vs Nurture health care...


Nature vs. Nurture Debate Nature vs. Nurture is often debated because each side has good points and evidence and so it is difficult for psychologists to try decide which one contributes more to human growth and development. The nature nurture debate looks at how individuals grow and develop throughout their different life stages . it looks at individuals behavioural and physical traits and looks at whether it was nature or nurture that is responsible for the different traits. The theory is that nurture contributes mainly to behavioural traits as we are all born as blank slates and our environments helps individuals to grow and develop our different behaviours. Many now believe that both Nature and Nurture have a significant role into how humans grow and develope and that they work together. ‘Donald Hebb, is said to have once answered a journalist's question of "Which, nature or nurture, contributes more to personality?" by asking in response, "Which contributes more to the area of a rectangle, its length or its width?"’ (, 2017). Some psychologists also theorise that nature has an influence not only on physical attributes but on our personality and characteristics as well ‘Biological determinism is the thesis that genes determine who we are. Few, if any, scientists would make such a claim; however, many are accused of doing so.’ (, 2017). There is no right or wrong answer in the nature vs. nurture debate as there isn't enough evidence to support either argument however the debate does help psychologists decide whether an individual's behaviour, a phobia for example, is because of nature or nurture as it helps to decide the best treatment/service to provide. “Experimental  doctors can better understand the reason behind problems or talents within people. With a better understanding, doctors can work to prevent certain negative qualities” (B., 2017) Nature Nature relates to the genes you inherited from your parents, for example your physical attributes like height and eye colour are determined by your genes. Nature also contributes to an individual's biological tendencies and abilities for example an individual's handwriting is very similar to their parents and they may find that the ability to play musical instruments comes naturally to them. Nature is responsible for the physical side of human growth and development, starting being a fetus and then going through the stages through till death. All of our physical features are determined by the genes we inherit from our parents. Nurture Different environmental factors help to nurture individuals growth and development. These factors include Media, School, Friends, Peer pressure, Family and Neighbourhood. Family and Friends tend to have a more immediate effect on a

child's growth and development in particular their personalities. This is because children spend most of their time growing up at school around their friends and so they each look up to each other. They may see each other as role models and during their school years this is the age where they are most influential as they will want to fit in and be like everyone else and they will also want to be like their parents as for most children parents tend to be their role models at this age. Schools  have a big influence on a child's growth and development as they are starting to make new friends and build new relationships with their teachers. During early childhood ages 2 - 6 they are rapidly growing and developing however during their middle childhood stage things start to slow down. During this time their language is well developed and they have an improved ever expanding knowledge of the world. From the ages 6-7 children gain an understanding of the concept of numbers and they know left and right hands. In school they also learn things like how to tell the time and they expand their knowledge of shapes and numbers. They will have also started to learn how to read and write. From the age 10 - 12, they should be able to count backwards, understand and be able to use the things they learn about in maths at school like times tables and fractions, and be able to write their own stories by using their imagination. ‘ From this point of view psychological characteristics and behavioral differences that emerge through infancy and childhood are the result of learning. It is how you are brought up (nurture) that governs the psychologically significant aspects of child development and the concept of maturation applies only to the biological.’ ("Nature Nurture In Psychology | Simply Psychology") Nature and Nurture Adolescence, from the ages 13 - 18, is highly influenced by nature as during this time they will go through puberty and lots of changes will start to happen as their body will start to mature, their hormones will also change causing them to become very emotional. Puberty tends to happen around the ages of 10 - 14 with girls and 12 - 16 boys however each child is different and some may experience it earlier or a few years later. However also during this time nurture will also play a part in developing their personalities as their friends and media for example will have a big impact on individuals as during adolescence children will be learn how to think abstractly and may become interested in things like boys, intimate relationships, make up and going out with their friends. They will also want to start being treated like an adult and so they will want to be more independant.

"Nature Nurture In Psychology | Simply Psychology".  . N.p., 2017. Web. 3 Apr. 2017. (2017). Nature vs Nurture - The Debate Examined - Difference and Comparison | Diffen . [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Apr. 2017]. B., E. (2017). What is the nature vs. nurture debate? & Why does it matter? | Nature Vs. Nurture – The Un-Answered Question . [online] Available at: -nurture-debate-why-does-it-matter/ [Accessed 23 Apr. 2017]....

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