Negotiation prep form (Sally Soprano) PDF

Title Negotiation prep form (Sally Soprano)
Author Naqeeb Rahman
Course Intro to Operations Management
Institution Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
Pages 3
File Size 109.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 68
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Download Negotiation prep form (Sally Soprano) PDF



My (My Client’s) Interest s List Your Interests

Reas onab le and low salar y wage for lead role Assu ranc e of over 85% of hous e brou

Their Interest s List your preliminar y thoughts about their interests

High salar y price Cont ract with little to no requi reme nts Easy mon ey with little expe ctati ons

Our Resour ces & Capabi lities

Their Resour ces & Capabil ities

What could you bring to the table to trade?

What might they bring to the table to trade?

Set  up talk s for acc om mo dati ons Abil  ity to issu ea con trac t

Assu ranc es of a grea t play ed lead role Gua rant ee of at leas t 85% of hou se

ValueCreating Options Considering the interests, resources, and capabilities of both sides, ID some possible valuecreating trades

Reason able and low salary for the lead role At least 85% of house brough t in No public issues in announ cing the


Naqeeb Rahman


Sally – Business Manager

ght in Possibility of a contract if this and future shows are over 85% when lead role is Sally

Under 85% of people who bought tickets for the show showed up Relatively high salary price

bought ticket 

lead role is being played by Sally

NEGOTIATION PREPARATION FORM (Page 2) Creating & Distributing Value (continued) My Alternatives/ Reservation Value What you can do to meet your interests if you walk away (circle your BATNA) 

If a decision is not made, then my backup plan would have to be to have the secondary role play as my primary lead role Try and find an alternative lead role

Their Alternatives What they can do to meet their interests if they walk away (circle their BATNA)  

Empathy & Assertiveness Info to Learn & Questions to Ask of Them to Show Empathy

 

Try and take some of Try and find the Lyric Opera’s ticketother sales lead with other showsroles in other plays besides the Lyric Opera 

Offer more of a salary to the secondary role if they can do the primary role.

Info to Share with Them & How

I can ask them in what ways can I accommodate them and their needs, and to satisfy their needs to the best of my ability without stressing much work or money. I can also ask them about their goals and in that find middle ground between the Lyric Opera goals and their goals.

We need a lead role, but we have other options. I could also tell them that our backup option for a lead role is the last resort, so we can try and make this negotiation work between the Lyric Opera and Sally.

Principals & Agents Principal-Agent Issues on my side (diff incentives & info)  My boss wants me to get Sally for this play, but does not want to spend as much money and not too sure on whether the public will react positively that Sally has taken over the lead role. Sally needs to be able to bring in at least 85% percent of the house as well so the Lyric Opera doesn’t lose money.

Principal-Agent Issues on their side (diff incentives & info)  Sally wants to perform as the lead role and believes this is the break that she needs. She wants the part but she will not do it for cheap so that she can make sure she is valued and companies recognize her in the area of experience.

Managing Relationship/ What Are You Working On? How will you manage differences that arise? How will you manage your negotiating style tendencies? What skills/approaches are you working on based on

previous feedback? I want to challenge myself more, as well as the other person to try and get more of what I want instead of giving in a bit early just to come to a agreement. I want to try to keep my negotiations direct and assertive, instead of laid back. Lack of assertiveness has been a weakness in my negotiations. I am going to be more repetitive and tell the other party what I want, and not settle for anything less.

Objective Criteria/Standards to Consider The framework and information of the financial aspect to it (last year’s salaries) were very helpful in creating a persuasive reasonable pricing to the salary. Through that information, it was easy for Sally’s agent to see what a fair price would be in the market today.

Negotiating Process Process to propose? Time for exploring interests & value-creating opportunities? Efficient distribution?

Getting to know them in the beginning is a vety important aspect and you do not want to rush it or rush into it. Genuinely getting to know the person and having them get to know you can help each other reach an agreement. Starting off with icebreakers, and then moving on to some background information and some experience stories, and then moving on to the negotiating portion of it....

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