Nervous System Worksheet PDF

Title Nervous System Worksheet
Author Melissa Rosenberg
Course Human Anatomy and Physiology
Institution The University of Tampa
Pages 17
File Size 352.6 KB
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Nervous system worksheet...


-=Nervous System Worksheet Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. Unipolar neurons have only a single process leading away from the soma. True


2. Ependymal cells line the inner cavities of the CNS. True


3. In a myelinated fiber only the initial segment in the trigger zone have voltageregulated channels. True


4. Memories are formed by neural pathways of modified synapses. True


5. ___ are examples of effectors of the nervous system. A. Receptor s B. Stimu li C. Reflexe s D. Gland s E. Sense organs 6. About 90% of the neurons in the nervous system are ___ neurons. A. sensor y B. mot or C. affere nt D. effere nt E. associatio n

7. Most metabolic and regulatory functions in a neuron happen at the A. axon . B. soma . C. dendrite s. D. axon hillock. E. Schwann cell. 8. ___ form myelin in the spinal cord. A. Schwann cells B. Astrocyt es C. Satellite cells D. Oligodendrocyt es E. Microgli a 9. Most of the myelin sheath is composed of A. lipid s. B. carbohydrat es. C. glycoprotei ns. D. protein s. E. polysaccharid es.

10. Conduction speed of a nerve fiber would be the fastest in a A. large myelinated fiber. B. small myelinated fiber. C. large unmyelinated fiber. D. small unmyelinated fiber. E. small fiber with multiple Schwann cells. 11. While the membrane is depolarizing its A. chloride gates are partially open. B. chloride gates are fully open. C. potassium gates are fully open. D. sodium gates are partially open. E. sodium gates are fully open.

12. This image shows an action potential. What does "1" represent? A. a rising local potential B. a critical voltage called threshold C. hyperpolarization of the membrane D. repolarization of the membrane E. resting membrane potential 13. Local potentials are ___, whereas action potential are ___. A. irreversible; reversible B. self-propagating; local C. graded; all or none D. nondecremental; decremental E. produced by voltage-regulated channels; produced by gated channels 14. During hyperpolarization (or afterpotential) A. sodium ions are entering the cells. B. sodium ions are leaving the cell. C. potassium ions are entering the cell. D. potassium ions are leaving the cell. E. both sodium and potassium ions are leaving the cell.

15. When the voltage of a plasma membrane shifts from +35mV towards 0 mV, we say the cell is A. depolarizin g. B. repolarizin g. C. hyperpolarizi ng. D. reaching the threshold. E. exiting the threshold. 16. What would be the best explanation for why myelinated fibers conduct signals faster than unmyelinated fibers? A. There are no internodes in unmyelinated fibers. B. There are more internodes in unmyelinated fibers. C. Facilitated diffusion of sodium and potassium is faster in myelinated fibers. D. Active transport of sodium and potassium is faster in myelinated fibers. E. Diffusion of ions along the axoplasm is faster. 17. All of the following are typical characteristics of neurotransmitters except A. they are synthesized by a presynaptic neuron. B. they are released in response to stimulation. C. they are released into the bloodstream before reaching the postsynaptic cell. D. they bind to specific receptors on the postsynaptic cell. E. they alter the physiology of the postsynaptic cell.

18. ___ binds to ligand-regulated gates, and is the most common inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. A. γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) B. Noradrenali ne C. Epinephri ne D. Acetylcholi ne E. Norepinephri ne 19. Some antidepressant drugs act by inhibiting monoamine oxidase (MAO), which is an enzyme A. that binds to chloride gates. B. that breaks down monoamines. C. that blocks sodium channels. D. that converts ATP to cyclic AMP. E. that degrades acetylcholine. 20. All of these contribute to the cessation of the signal in a synaptic transmission except A. synaptic vesicles secrete neurotransmitter by exocytosis. B. neurotransmitter escapes from the synapse into the nearby extracellular fluid. C. neurotransmitters stop being released. D. the synaptic knob reabsorbs some neurotransmitters by endocytosis. E. enzymes in the postsynaptic cell break down some neurotransmitters.

21. ___ excites skeletal muscle and inhibits cardiac muscle. A. Norepinephri ne B. Dopamin e C. Histamin e D. Acetylcholi ne E. βendorphin 22. Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) are associated with A. depolarization of the cell membrane. B. repolarization of the cell membrane. C. hyperpolarization of the cell membrane. D. no change of the cell membrane potential. E. no change of the threshold. 23. A neuron can receive thousands of EPSPs from different neurons, and responds by triggering or not triggering an action potential. This addition and response to the net effect of postsynaptic potentials is called A. temporal summation. B. neural summation. C. spatial summation. D. neuronal coding. E. recruitme nt.

24. Even though all action potentials are the same, the brain can differentiate a variety of stimuli by source and intensity. The mechanism by which the nervous system converts these action potentials into meaningful information is called neural A. recruitme nt. B. poolin g. C. integratio n. D. facilitatio n. E. codin g. 25. Parkinson disease is a progressive loss of motor function due to the degeneration of specific neurons. These neurons secrete an inhibitory neurotransmitter that prevents excessive activity in motor centers of the brain. This neurotransmitter is A. serotoni n. B. dopamin e. C. acetylcholin e. D. GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid). E. glutamate (glutamic acid). 26. A ganglion is a swelling along a nerve containing cell bodies of peripheral neurons. True


27. A stretch reflex is often accompanied by reciprocal inhibition. True


28. Many upper motor neurons synapse with lower motor neurons in A. the posterior horns. B. the anterior horns. C. the posterior column. D. the anterior column. E. the posterior root ganglion. 29. Which of the following sensory functions involves neurons in the posterior root ganglia? A. sme ll B. hearin g C. touc h D. tast e E. visio n

30. This figure shows a detail of the spinal cord, meninges and spinal nerves. What does "1" represent? A. anterior horn B. anterior root of a spinal nerve C. posterior root of a spinal nerve D. posterior horn E. spinal nerve 31. This figure shows a detail of the spinal cord, meninges and spinal nerves. What does "4" represent? A. gray matter B. white matter C. dura mater D. arachnoid mater E. pia mater

32. This figure shows a cross section of the spinal cord. What does "3" represent? A. anterior horn B. posterior horn C. anterior column D. posterior column E. anterior root of spinal cord

33. ___ carry motor commands from the brain along the spinal cord. A. Both anterior and posterior roots B. Ascending tracts C. Spinal nerves D. Cranial nerves E. Descending tracts 34. A ganglion is a A. bundle of axons in the CNS. B. cluster of dendrites in either the CNS or the PNS. C. cluster of neurosomas in the PNS. D. bundle of axons in the PNS. E. cluster of neurosomas in the CNS.

35. This figure shows the anatomy of a nerve. What does "3" represent? A. nerve fiber B. spinal nerve C. epineuriu m D. endoneuriu m E. perineuriu m 36. The cervical plexus gives origin to the ___ nerve(s). A. oculomot or B. sciati c C. musculocutaneo us D. radi al E. phreni c 37. Which of the following nerves originates in the coccygeal plexus? A. axillar y B. sciati c C. phreni c D. ilioinguin al E. obturat or

38. A mixed nerve consists of both A. myelinated and unmyelinated fibers. B. glial cells and nerve cells. C. afferent and efferent fibers. D. association and integration neurons. E. spinal and cranial fibers. 39. The bundle of nerve roots that occupy the vertebral canal from L2 to S5 is called the A. medullary cone. B. cauda equina. C. lumbar enlargement. D. cervical enlargement. E. spinal cord. 40. Somatosensory refers to these sensory signals except the sensory signals from A. bones and muscles. B. joint s. C. propriocepto rs. D. the viscera. E. the skin.

41. Which one of the following best describes the order of a somatic reflex? A. somatic receptor → interneuron → afferent nerve fiber → efferent nerve fiber → skeletal muscle B. somatic receptor → efferent nerve fiber → interneuron → afferent nerve fiber → skeletal muscle C. somatic receptor → afferent nerve fiber → interneuron → efferent nerve fiber → skeletal muscle D. somatic receptor → efferent nerve fiber → afferent nerve fiber → interneuron → skeletal muscle E. somatic receptor → afferent nerve fiber → interneuron → efferent nerve fiber → smooth muscle 42. These are all properties of reflexes except A. reflex responses are very predictable. B. reflexes are responses to sensory inputs. C. reflexes are quick responses of the nervous system. D. reflexes are not voluntary. E. reflexes are spontaneous actions of the nervous system. 43. A nurse pricks your finger to type your blood. You flinch at the pain, pulling your hand back. This is called the A. pain reflex. B. stretch (myotatic) reflex. C. flexor (withdrawal) reflex. D. tendon reflex. E. crossed extension reflex.

44. The quickest reflex arcs involve only two neurons, thus forming __ reflex arcs. A. ipsilater al B. contralate ral C. polysynapt ic D. monosynap tic E. autonom ic 45. In the patellar tendon reflex arc, the patellar ligament is stretched, which stretches the quadriceps femoris muscle of the thigh. This reflex will cause the quadriceps femoris to A. contract and the antagonist muscles, the hamstrings, to relax. B. contract and the hamstrings also to contract. C. relax and the hamstrings to contract. D. relax and the hamstrings also to relax. E. relax without any effect on the hamstrings. 46. A reflex where the sensory input and motor output are on opposite sides of the spinal cord is called a(n) _____ reflex arc. A. intersegmen tal B. Contralater al C. ipsilater al D. polysynapt ic E. monosynap tic

47. Tendon organs are A. chemorecepto rs. B. visceral receptors. C. propriocepto rs. D. pain receptors. E. nociceptor s....

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