New Microsoft Word Document PDF

Title New Microsoft Word Document
Author Meysam mo
Course Design a database
Institution TAFE New South Wales
Pages 15
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Quest i on1 Compl et e Mar k0. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Ques t i ont ext Det er mi net heaccur acyoft hef ol l owi ngst at ement s : St at ement1 TheBCAper mi t sbui l di ngsofmor et hanonecl ass i ficat i on St at ement2 Whent hefloorofabui l di ngcont ai nsmor et hanonecl ass i ficat i ont hent hemor es t r i ngent const r uct i onr equi r ement sappl y . Sel ectone: Nost at ement sar ecor r ect Onl ySt at ement1i scor r ect Onl ySt at ement2i scor r ect Bot hst at ement sar ecor r ect Quest i on2 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext Det er mi net heacc ur acyoft hef ol l owi ngst at ement s . St at ement1 I nt heBCAt hecl ass i ficat i onofabui l di ngi sdet er mi nedbyt hepur posef orwhi cht hebui l di ngi s desi gned,const r uct edoradapt edf oruse. St at ement2 TheBCAi spubl i shedi nt wov ol umes .Vol ume1per t ai nspr i mar i l yt oCl ass1and10bui l di ngs ,and Vol ume2per t ai nspr i mar i l yt oCl ass2t o9bui l di ngs. Sel ectone: Nost at ement sar ecor r ect

Onl ySt at ement1i scor r ect Onl ySt at ement2i scor r ect Bot hst at ement sar ecor r ect Quest i on3 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext Det er mi net heacc ur acyoft hef ol l owi ngst at ement s : St at ement1 BCAf unct i onal st at ement ssetout ,i ngener al t er ms ,howabui l di ngcoul dbeexpect edt osat i s f yt he obj ect i v esoft heBCA. St at ement2 BCAFunct i onal st at ement sar ef orgui danceonl yandnotf orcompl i ance. St at ement3 Thesuggest edBCAhi er ar chyi sshapedl i k eapyr ami d.Funct i onal st at ement sar eshownatt het op oft hi spyr ami d,abov eobj ect i v es,andbui l di ngsol ut i ons. Sel ectone: Nost at ement sar ecor r ect Onl ySt at ement1i scor r ect Onl ySt at ement2i scor r ect Onl ySt at ement3i scor r ect Onl yt wos t at ement sar ecor r ectandSt at ement3i si ncor r ect . Al ls t at ement sar ecor r ect Quest i on4 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext WhatdoesBCAs t andf or ?

Sel ectone: Bui l di ngandConst r uct i onAust r al i a Bui l di ngCodeofAust r al i a Bui l di ngCounci l ofAus t r al i a Bui l di ngCodeofAust r al asi a Quest i on5 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext Det er mi net heacc ur acyoft hef ol l owi ngst at ement : Deemedt osat i s f ypr ovi s i onsar ecl ear l ysetouti nt heBCA,andi fy oubui l dusi ngt hesepr ovi si ons , ort ypeofconst r uct i on,nof ur t herevi denceofcompl i ancei sr equi r ed.

Sel ectone: Thest at ementi scor r ect Thest at ementi sonl ypar t i al l ycor r ect Thest at ementi si ncor r ect Quest i on6 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext Det er mi net heacc ur acyoft hef ol l owi ngst at ement s : St at ement1 TheBCAr equi r est hateachpar tofabui l di ngmustbecl as si fiedsepar at el y . St at ement2 TheBCAper mi t sbui l di ngsofmor et hanonecl ass i ficat i onpr ovi dedt heyc ompl ywi t hal l t her el ev ant pr ovi s i onsoft heBCAf oreachcl ass i ficat i on. Sel ectone:

Nost at ement sar ecor r ect Onl ySt at ement1i scor r ect Onl ySt at ement2i scor r ect Bot hst at ement sar ecor r ect Quest i on7 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext Ahot el r oom i scl ass i fiedbyBCAVol ume1Sect i onAPar tA3as : Sel ectone: Cl ass1a Cl ass1b Cl ass2 Cl ass3 Cl ass4 Cl ass5 Cl ass6 Cl ass7 Cl ass8 Cl ass9a Cl ass9b Cl ass10a Cl ass10b Quest i on8 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext

I dent i f ywhatpar toft hedeemedt osat i sf ypr ovi si onsofBCAVol ume2appl yt oaCl ass1b' Boar di ng House' i nr el at i ont ofir esaf et y : Sel ectone: Par t3. 1 Par t3. 2 Par t3. 3 Par t3. 4 Par t3. 5 Par t3. 6 Par t3. 7 Par t3. 8 Par t3. 9 Par t3. 10 Par t3. 11 Par t3. 12 Quest i on9 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext Af r ontf encei scl as si fiedbyBCAVol ume1Sect i onAPar tA3as : Sel ectone: Cl ass1a Cl ass1b Cl ass2 Cl ass3 Cl ass4 Cl ass5 Cl ass6 Cl ass7 Cl ass8 Cl ass9a

Cl ass9b Cl ass10a Cl ass10b Quest i on1 0 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext Det er mi net heacc ur acyoft hef ol l owi ngst at ement s . St at ement1 Anexampl eofadeemedt os at i sf ypr ovi s i oni nBCAVol ume2canbef oundi ncl ause3. 8. 2. 2( a) whi chst at est hat' cei l i nghei ght smus tnotbel es st han2. 4met r esi nahabi t abl er oom' . St at ement2 Cl ause3. 8. 2. 2( a)r egar di ngcei l i nghei ght si sl i s t edunder' Accept abl econst r uct i onpr act i ce' ,and hencei sadeemedt os at i sf ypr ovi si on. Sel ectone: Onl ySt at ement1i scor r ect Onl ySt at ement2i scor r ect St at ement1andSt at ement2ar eonl ypar t i al l yc or r ect Bot hSt at ement1andSt at ement2ar ecor r ect Nei t herst at ementi scor r ect Quest i on1 1 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext Det er mi net heacc ur acyoft hef ol l owi ngst at ement s : St at ement1 BCAobj ect i v esar ebr oadst at ement sofi nt entatt hebegi nni ngofeachsect i onanddeal wi t ht he basi cconcept sappl yi ngt obui l di ngsandst r uct ur es .

St at ement2 BCAobj ect i v espr ovi deani ndi cat i onoft hemi ni mum accept abl edegr eeofst r uct ur al adequacyi n bui l di ngsandt opr ovi desaf e,heal t hycondi t i onsandbasi cameni t i esf orbui l di ngoccupant s ,t hr ough effici entandcosteffect i v ebui l di ngr equi r ement s . Sel ectone: Onl ySt at ement1i scor r ect Onl ySt at ement2i scor r ect St at ement1andSt at ement2ar eonl ypar t i al l yc or r ect Bot hSt at ement1andSt at ement2ar ecor r ect Nei t herst at ementi scor r ect Quest i on1 2 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext Det er mi net heacc ur acyoft hef ol l owi ngst at ement s : St at ement1 TheBCAi sgi v enl egaleffectbybui l di ngr egul at or yl egi sl at i oni neachSt at eandTer r i t or y . St at ement2 I nNSW t heBCAi sgi v enl egal effectbyt heEnvi r onment alPl anni ngandAsses smentAc t1979and ass oci at edRegul at i ons. St at ement3 Anypr ov i si onoft heBCAmaybeover r i ddenby ,orsubj ectt o,St at eorTer r i t or yl egi sl at i on. Sel ectone: Nost at ement sar ecor r ect Onl ySt at ement1i scor r ect Onl ySt at ement2i scor r ect Onl ySt at ement3i scor r ect Al ls t at ement sar ecor r ect Quest i on1 3 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext A298m2host el accommodat i ng11per sonsi scl assi fiedbyBCAVol ume1Sect i onAPar tA3as: Sel ectone: Cl ass1a Cl ass1b Cl ass2 Cl ass3 Cl ass4 Cl ass5 Cl ass6 Cl ass7 Cl ass8 Cl ass9a Cl ass9b Cl ass10a Cl ass10b Quest i on1 4 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext Acaf ei scl assi fi edbyBCAVol ume1Sec t i onAPar tA3as : Sel ectone: Cl ass1a Cl ass1b Cl ass2 Cl ass3

Cl ass4 Cl ass5 Cl ass6 Cl ass7 Cl ass8 Cl ass9a Cl ass9b Cl ass10a Cl ass10b Quest i on1 5 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext Adet achedr umpusr oom onasi t ewhi chal sohasasi ngl edwel l i ngi scl assi fiedbyBCAVol ume1 Sect i onAPar tA3as : Sel ectone: Cl ass1a Cl ass1b Cl ass2 Cl ass3 Cl ass4 Cl ass5 Cl ass6 Cl ass7 Cl ass8 Cl ass9a Cl ass9b Cl ass10a Cl ass10b Quest i on1 6 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext I dent i f ywhatpar toft hedeemedt osat i sf ypr ovi si onsofBCAVol ume2appl yt oaCl ass1b' Boar di ng House' i nr el at i ont of oot i ngsandsl abs : Sel ectone: Par t3. 1 Par t3. 2 Par t3. 3 Par t3. 4 Par t3. 5 Par t3. 6 Par t3. 7 Par t3. 8 Par t3. 9 Par t3. 10 Par t3. 11 Par t3. 12 Quest i on1 7 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext Adwel l i ngabov eanews agenti sc l ass i fiedbyBCAVol ume1Sect i onAPar tA3as: Sel ectone: Cl ass1a Cl ass1b Cl ass2 Cl ass3

Cl ass4 Cl ass5 Cl ass6 Cl ass7 Cl ass8 Cl ass9a Cl ass9b Cl ass10a Cl ass10b Quest i on1 8 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext Whatbui l di ngcl assi sadet achedhouse? Sel ectone: Cl ass9a Cl ass1b Cl ass2 Cl ass3 Cl ass4 Cl ass5 Cl ass6 Cl ass7 Cl ass8 Cl ass1a Cl ass9b Cl ass10a Cl ass10b Quest i on1 9 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext Ahospi t al i scl ass i fiedbyBCAVol ume1Sect i onAPar tA3as : Sel ectone: Cl ass1a Cl ass1b Cl ass2 Cl ass3 Cl ass4 Cl ass5 Cl ass6 Cl ass7 Cl ass8 Cl ass9a Cl ass9b Cl ass10a Cl ass10b Quest i on2 0 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext I dent i f ywhatpar toft hedeemedt osat i sf ypr ovi si onsofBCAVol ume2appl yt oaCl ass1b' Boar di ng House' i nr el at i ont ost r uct ur al desi gnmanual s: Sel ectone: Par t3. 1 Par t3. 2 Par t3. 3

Par t3. 4 Par t3. 5 Par t3. 6 Par t3. 7 Par t3. 8 Par t3. 9 Par t3. 10 Par t3. 11 Par t3. 12 Quest i on2 1 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext I nwhi chBCAVol umewoul dy oufi ndt hef ol l owi ng:

Requirements for Class 1 and 10 buildings Requirements for Class 2-9 buildings

Answer 1 Volume 2

Answer 2 Volume 1

Quest i on2 2 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext Whatdoes' ABCB' s t andf or ? Sel ectone: Aust r al i anBui l di ngandConst r uct i onBoar d Aust r al i anBoar dofCons t r uct i onandBui l di ng Ar chi t ect ur eandBui l di ngCodesBoar d

Aust r al i anBui l di ngCodesBoar d Quest i on2 3 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext Whatpar t soft heBCAar emandat or y ? Sel ectone: Obj ect i v es Funct i onal st at ement s Per f or mancer equi r ement s St at eamendment s Quest i on2 4 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext Det er mi net heacc ur acyoft hef ol l owi ngst at ement s : St at ement1 Thegoal oft heBCAi st oenabl et heachi ev ementofnat i onal l yconsi s t entmi ni mum s t andar dsf or heal t h,saf et y( i ncl udi ngst r uct ur al saf et yandfir esaf et y) ,ameni t yandsust ai nabi l i t y . St at ement2 TheBCAi saper f or mancebasedcodewhi chi nt endst of aci l i t at ecosts avi ngsi nbui l di ng const r uct i onbyal l owi ngt hedesi gnerorot herbui l di ngpr act i t i onerflexi bi l i t yi nt heuseofmat er i al s andf or msofconst r uct i onordesi gn,pr ovi dedt hatt hei nt entoft heBCAi smetwhi l est i l l al l owi ng accept abl eexi st i ngbui l di ngpr act i cest hr ought hedeemedt osat i s f ypr ovi si ons . Sel ectone: Onl ySt at ement1i scor r ect Onl ySt at ement2i scor r ect Bot hSt at ement1andSt at ement2ar ecor r ect

Nei t herst at ementi scor r ect Quest i on2 5 Compl et e Mar k4. 0outof4. 0

Fl agquest i on

Quest i ont ext I dent i f ywhatpar toft hedeemedt osat i sf ypr ovi si onsofBCAVol ume2appl yt oaCl ass1b' Boar di ng House' i nr el at i ont oheal t handameni t y: Sel ectone: Par t3. 1 Par t3. 2 Par t3. 3 Par t3. 4 Par t3. 5 Par t3. 6 Par t3. 7 Par t3. 8 Par t3. 9 Par t3. 10 Par t3. 11 Par t3. 12...

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