NFSC 222 Case Study 2 PDF

Title NFSC 222 Case Study 2
Course Nutrition Health and Health Care
Institution Texas A&M University
Pages 2
File Size 79 KB
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nfsc 222 case study assignment 2...


NFSC 222-Case Study #2

1. What would be Karen’s diagnosis considering her medical history and symptoms? Karen’s diagnosis would be Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). 2. Since the large intestine is affected during Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), explain to Karen 2 main functions of the large intestine 1) Absorption of water and minerals from any indigestible food consumed 2) Passes water and waste (unabsorbed nutrients, fiber, and bacteria) to the rectum for removal from the body 3. Karen often complains about constipation. As a health professional, explain the following: a. What is constipation? Constipation is difficult or infrequent stool that is usually correlated with low fiber intake, low food intake, inadequate fluid intake, physical inactivity, etc. b. Provide 2 specific dietary strategies to manage constipation. 1) Consume more fiber (ex. Legumes, fiber-rich fruits) 2) Increase fluid intake (water) 4. Intestinal gas and bloating are other frequent symptoms for Karen. a. Please list 3 main causes of intestinal gas. 1) High fiber diets 2) Malabsorption problems 3) Consumption of carbohydrates and sugar alcohols 5. What type of diarrhea occurs when unabsorbed nutrients or other substances, such as poorly absorbed sugars, attract an excess of water to the colon. This type of diarrhea is called Osmotic diarrhea. 6. Please give Karen 3 specific dietary recommendations to manage diarrhea. 1) Rehydration and electrolyte balance 2) Treat the cause with antibiotics or flush your system out 3) Adopting a low, residue, low fat, or lactose free diet 7. During her visit, the GI doctor ordered a fecal fat test that later came back positive for steatorrhea. a. What is steatorrhea? Steatorrhea is when there are large amounts of liquid fat in the stool.

b. What are the 2 leading causes of steatorrhea? 1) Inadequate amount of bile available (too little fat emulsification) 2) Not enough pancreatic lipase (fat cannot be properly broken down) c. List 3 health consequences of fat malabsorption. 3) weight loss/malnutrition 4) loss of essential fatty acids 5) loss of minerals such as Ca2+ and Mg2+ (bone loss)

8. The GI doctor also recommended Karen should consume probiotics and prebiotics as part of an integral care plan. Explain the following to Karen: a. What is a prebiotic? A prebiotic is non-digestible substance that stimulate the growth of “good” bacteria. b. List 2 specific dietary sources of prebiotics. 2 specific dietary sources of prebiotics are fibers such as bananas and oats. c. What is a probiotic? A probiotic is a live, nonpathogenic bacteria that benefits health. d. What is the function of probiotics? Probiotics promote GI health, help to avoid colon and other cancers, and better the immune system....

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