Nike is a global organisation which has been dominating the sports industry for over 50 yearshhhhhhhhh PDF

Title Nike is a global organisation which has been dominating the sports industry for over 50 yearshhhhhhhhh
Course Professional Practice in HR
Institution University of Greenwich
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Unit 8: Recruitment & selection Nike


Nike Nike is an American global organisation, its headquarters is location in Beaverton, Oregon and its net worth is US$28.1 billion. Nike is one of the largest suppliers of athletic shoes and sport equipment. It’s also highly recognised for its trademark “Just Do It”. Originally, Nike was known as “Blue Ribbon Sports” it was founded by Bill Bowerman and ever since then Nike has been having been dominating the sports industry for over 50 years. The company is able employee more than 44,000 worldwide. An effective recruitment and selection process reduces turnover. These processes match up the right person with the right job skills. There are two types of recruitments: internal and external. Internal Recruitment is a process whereby the employees are recruited from within the organization while external recruitment, is a process in which the recruitment is done using outside sources. With internal recruitment, it is cheaper to recruit and the business already knows the strengths and weaknesses of candidates. Internal recruiting also can inspire employees to perform at peak productivity. An internal recruit would need no orientation and far less training, as they are already familiar with the company processes, goals, vision and ‘way of doing things’. When the reward is an opportunity to move into a better position, the staff will work hard to maintain a high level of productivity; for example: an assistant manager being promoted to manager. External job recruiting allows for rebalancing in this realm if needed. External recruiting may lead to team stability, as teams may remain intact when hiring externally. However, a disadvantage of internal is that it limits the number of potential candidates and no new ideas can be introduced from outside. External recruitment allows the business to be expose to people that have a wider range of experience and larger pool of workers from which to find the best candidate. On the other hand, external recruitment means a longer process and it is more expensive process due to advertising and interviews required. They are constantly growing and now they are expanding their stores into East London. Organizations need to always recruit to replace the members lost. Members die. They move away. They develop relationships that are more interesting than the organisation. People burn out. Almost all organizations experience some regular fall off in membership. If you are not bringing in new people, your numbers decline. The community changes too. New ideas will be needed to meet changing times. Organizations that have only veteran members may not be interested in trying new technologies, methods, or strategies that may be needed to meet current challenges. Systems are changing means if customers are use systems in new ways, the skills and number of employees needed changes too. New offices etc. For example, many people book hotels and flights online so staff taking telephone booking only are reduced. Social recruiting has its own set of best practices, much like the recruiting process itself. It is very important that a business can keep up with technology because it can help the process of recruiting become faster and efficiency. Recruitment is the process by which a business seeks to hire the right person for a vacancy. The firm writes a job description and person specification for the post and then advertises the vacancy in an appropriate place. The business will require new vacancies to be filled because there’s more space or produce development. Recruiting new employees means 2|Page

increased chances, the company receives a variety and number of candidates who owns knowledge and ability of handling that job. If the company enters a selection procedure with an external recruitment then there are increased chances of finding a suitable candidate for the job. And this increased chance provides better availability of skilled and qualified employees for the company by using the external recruitment method. In the external recruitment process, there will be a chance of facing a better competition in terms of hiring a new talent. Most of the time some of the company looks for the candidates who are capable of handling certain skilled job and some of them search those candidates who are better with their risk-taking ability. And this is how the company meets those two types of characteristics of candidates in a same interview process.

Recruitment and selection is a very significant which contributes to the success of any business. Recruitment is the process by which the business searches for the right person for a vacancy and benefits the development of the business. The expansion of their business into East London means that HR would need to recruit potential candidates such as sales management and sales assistant. Seasonal fluctuations can lead to the company recruiting because if an employee only wishes to work for a short-term or temporally, Nike will need to be prepared to hire a new employee therefore the business would not have to face being short staffed. In additional due to seasonal fluctuations Nike could face staff turnover, which means Nike will need to recruit new candidates with equivalent skills to replace them and therefore it means the business will be assured that they have a reasonable amount of staff to operate the business. However, by recruiting candidates through external recruitment, recruitment agencies play the role where they do not have adequate knowledge about the culture of the organization and their intrinsic qualities. They also do not care much about the key requirements of the post. As most part of the external recruitment process mainly deals with complete new candidates then the company need to come up with a pay scale for that candidate which should value his/her skill and ability. This can turn things a bit costly for the company as they need new ideas and to get such new and creative ideas from the potential candidate. The company needs to provide him/her the best possible deal to refuse. With all these aspects, the company needs to provide intense training for the candidates. Screening large number of candidates consumes more money. For the company to recruit the right candidate for the job, there are processes to go through. Jobcentres are popular places for employers to advertise vacancies and provide extra training so that employees can be found to fill vacancies. Jobcentres are free access, they cost nothing because the business is adverting to wide audience attracting those who are interested and want to apply. However, due to the wide audience, it might lead to the random people applying for the job, even if they do not meet/match the personification required to the job role. Internal advertisement means that the advertising of the job will only be done inside the organisation whereas; external advertisement is the procedure of recruiting from outside the 3|Page

organisation. Internal advertisement can form of motivation to current employees being, this will benefit the business because the employees are keener to come to work. It’s working towards the success of the business because by hiring people with the business, this means that the employees are loyal to the business. An advantage of advertising internally is that it is cheap to advertise and it can encourage career progression. A disadvantage of advertising internally is that it may cause problems amongst employee’s due to change. Time wasted because new ideas may not be generated. External advertisement opens opportunities for potential candidates with experienced and skilled with new ideas to be bring into the organisation; this promotes the brand and helps the business meet its diversity requirements. For example: “a majority of its U.K. workforce is now made up of racial and ethnic minorities. Workers who identify as non-white comprise just over 50% of Nike’s 32,000 U.S. employees. The company also disclosed that women represent 48% of its global workforce.” Nowadays, it’s a common thing for people to apply for job placements using social media so businesses use online methods to recruit candidates; this makes it easier for people to have access and to apply for a job. Traditional methods are associated with being called in for a discussion or informal chat; sending in a paper application form and writing a letter/CV, this benefits the business because it gives them a professional and formal image. The organisation also needs ascertain the likely factors that may affect employee performance, considering the candidate’s skill, qualification or experience are not sufficient guarantees of likely performance- factors relating to commitment and motivation are equally important. A job advertisement is an announcement in a newspaper or on a poster about a job. The advertisement is designed to attract highly-qualified candidates for the job, internal and external are both types of advertising. Job advertisement within the business can be done through posters or a noticeboard, this allow those who are interested to be aware of new a position. This type of advertising is still relevant given the fact it is quite old fashioned (Figure 8.1). Job analysis is the process of gathering and analysing information about content and human requirements of jobs, this involves reviewing all the different parts of the job description and the type of person that would be able to execute the role effectively, considering tasks (difficulty and impact errors), competencies and attributes of the candidate. The main purpose of conducting a job analysis is to identify or develop training content, making sure the employees can deliver a specific job (Figure 8.2). Job description is written statement of a specific job and the background of the business and includes the working conditions of a job (Figure 8.3). Person specification is a description of the qualification, experience skills and knowledge which a candidate must possess perform the job duties. Person specification allows the organisation to find the right candidate for the job, in which it provides potential candidates with information of what skills they need to show their ability to undertake the role. Person specification clarifies the exact potential qualifications that are important to the employer in two types; essential and desirable, also making sure they match the criteria (Figure 8.4). CV is a brief account of a person’s education, skills, qualification and pervious that you send to an employer when you’re applying for a job. The key purpose of a CV is to convince an employer of the candidate’s employability, CV plays an important role determining if the potential candidate will get the job (Figure 8.5). Application forms indicate the interests in the place of employment within the company as well as a history of job experience. Job application informs employers with basic information and the candidate’s 4|Page

qualification to decide whether they’re the right person for the position (Figure 8.6). A letter application, also known as a cover letter is a job document that provides additional information on your skills and experience, the letter as allows candidates to showcase their abilities, strengths and capabilities, also making sure they put across why they are qualified for the job they are applying for (Figure 8.7). Overall, an application form is the most effective method because it is straightforward and focuses on the key information and background/success of the business.

Figure 8.2 Figure 8.1

Figure 8.1

Figure 8.5 Figure 8.3 ge Figure 8.3

Figure 8.4

Figure 8.6

Figure 8.7

Figure 8.5

Recruitment process Within the process of recruitment and selection, there are advance technologies used. Psychometric test can be used for different skills, such as measuring sensitivity, memory, intelligence and personality. The test can be done through multiple-choices that are paper based or completed online. The test can prevent employers from hiring candidates with just “good interview skills” instead a person who matches the criteria effectively. The test also indicates if the candidate is going to fit well into a team or the work environment. Even though the test is accurate and advanced, it can put candidates under pressure therefore they won’t perform well; candidates can cheat: for example, online test may allow them to cheat so their results won’t reflect their true potential. By accepting candidates based on only the results, good candidates may be rejected; this means that the business will be losing out on experienced and skilled candidates that can benefit and contribute to the success of the business. Group/team activity interview depends on the type of business that is recruiting, for example if a person wishes to work in a retail shop, the type of activity conducted will be different compared with a group activity in an office. This is advantage to employers because they can decide which candidates are best suitable for the job; it is a good way for screening candidates initially. In addition, there’s a less chance of the interview not taking place as many candidates are invited, this encourages creativity. Employers examine if potentials candidates are able get out of their usual environment on board an out-of-the-ordinary task and perform efficiently. However, group/team activity can be a form of anxiety and discomfort therefore candidates may be shy in larger groups and behave differently, which means they might not perform to the best of their ability. Conflict may occur between candidates if not managed correctly which stops the professional and work flow. Some people might disagree with others because they might if it difficult to accept other people suggestions. With a group team activity, candidates can an insight during the exercise that will help them shape their business approach to sustainability and their roles in delivering on what is expected from them.


Face to face interviews take place in the workplace and candidates are expect to dress smartly and professional. In the advantage of the candidate, body language and facial expression are more clearly identified and understood so a good rapport can build between interview allowing candidates to do their best. The interview is detailed and confidential information can be shared between the interviewer and interviewee, this means they can trust each other. On the other hand, this method is time consuming when there’s a need to travel and candidates may fail to turn up. Telephone interviewing enables communication skills to be assessed, candidates may be asked to complete mini tests. A good thing about this method is that the interview can be carried out by an inexperienced person or be automated making it cheaper. In addition, the interviewer gets to talk to the interview in person and there not time wasted. On the other hand, questions may be too basic by telephone and provide sufficient information about candidates so there a less chance for candidates to showcase their skills and abilities. A panel interview is where 2 to 5 interviewers are present to interview a candidate. This method is helpful because candidates can be met by more than one person up to large groups of people, this can test their communication skills. However, panel members can only ask a limited number of questions; candidates may be nervous and not perform correctly. Sometimes candidates are asked to prepare a presentation in advance of the interview day and then prepared to give that presentation; this test can be also done online. In addition, candidates are asked to discuss what they have found and be asked further questions about their results. Presentation and test at interview identifies any weakness that candidates may have, for example literacy and numeracy. Research presentation can provide good ideas for the organisation that can be used later even if candidates are unsuccessful. Though, questions and model answer need to be prepared for tests, which means that time is wasted during the interview. Initial selection is the process of interviewing and evaluating candidates for a specific and selecting an individual for employment based on certain criteria. It is very important that all selection processes, such as: telephone with screening interviews or short online tests) meet the needs of the business that is recruiting, especially the initial selection. The screening will check skills, for example organisation skills or other information, to make decision about suitability of the candidate to go forward. Telephone interviews set standardised questions so the process may be completed by less experienced interviewers and is more cost-effective for the organisation. The short online test can be associated with types of skills such as attention to detail and awareness. Communication with prospective employees can be done through letter, telephone, email, text and social media. Nowadays people use emails instead of letter because with email is a faster process. However, letter is more official and straightforward compared to email, which may get lost in an inbox if the applicant receives a lot of emails, e.g. mange of a business or a teacher. Telephone communication is not always reliable record of communication because it is through voice rather than a written document or text so if the employee forgets an important message they won’t have anything to jog their memory, Improvements can be made if these selection processes are monitored. Good quality process using good quality documents should lead to good quality employees that are loyal to the business. If the process is weak, it will reflect on the documents therefore it is more likely that the best employees will not be recruited due to poor analyst and evaluation. It is essential for a business to recruit the best, skilled and experienced employees because employees have the biggest expense for 7|Page

a business. This means that they need to make certain that the correct amount of money is spent on the right peopled selected.

Ethical and legal There are many ethical responsibilities to consider in relation to recruitment and selection, for example being honest in an advertisement. For example: being honest in an advertisement builds a strong trustworthy bond between the business and customers, alongside the employer and employees. Deception is bad for the customers and gives the company a bad reputation therefore there will be a decrease in the number of customer or potential customers. Confidentially is an agreement about maintenance and who has access to identified data. Maintaining confidentially throughout the process is important because for employees to work in civilisation and harmony together they need to be respectful amongst each other. Ensuring the same questions are asked at interview to all candidates confirms that the process is fair and conducted effectively; the candidates all have a fair chance to showcase their skills. It is only biased to ask different questions to candidates because they are unfair, unprofessional/inappropriate and not business related this is an ethical issue. Ethic associated with hiring, staffing and recruitment is based on a combination of things and depends on who is making the hiring decision. Ethical issues are those not governed by law but which are considered as the right processes to follow to be fair and equal. It is very essential that employees are aware and updated about equal opportunities legislation and ensures that they comply with it or risk prosecution. In the case of Nike, as organisation become more complex with fewer employee’s due to the expansion of the company, legislation requirements become crucial to maintain the psychological well-being of employees. Disclosing family or friends working for same business may involve relocating one of the employees nearby instead of within the business to avoid conflict or any disruption to the work flow. Allowing personal relationships to occur within the business goes against the code of conduct and can be a form of distraction...

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