Note 23 - exam prep PDF

Title Note 23 - exam prep
Author Kiet Le
Course International Law
Institution University of North Georgia
Pages 4
File Size 44.5 KB
File Type PDF
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exam prep...


Energy Conservation - The practice of reducing energy use

Energy Efficiency - Obtaining a given amount of output while using less energy.

Energy Returned on Investment (EROI) - Energy returned/ energy invested

equal temperature - isothermal

EROI have gone from ___ in 1950s to ___ today. - 30:1; 11:1

Estuarine circulation associated with a shallow, low-volume estuary in which river water mixes evenly at all depths with ocean water would be called a: - vertically mixed estuary.

Fossil Fuels - Highly combustible substances from the remains of organisms from past geologic ages.

Fossil fuels were formed from organisms that lived ___ million years ago. - 100-500

Fukushima Daiichii - Earthquake

How does the availability of food in London compare with that in Beijing? - Most food in London is imported, and in Beijing it is grown locally.

How does the current fuel source used by many rural Chinese impact the environment? - It leads to soil erosion.

How does wealth affect food consumption in Beijing? - Diets change from vegetables to meat.

How have coffee farmers in Guatemala changed their farming practices to be more sustainable? - They are recycling and purifying their water.

Hubbard's Peak - The peak in the US production (1970) He predicted that the US oil production would peak in 1970.

Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking) - Drilling deep in to the earth and then angling the drill horizontally once it meets shale formation.

Inorganic nitrogen compounds and hydrocarbons are examples of persistent organic pollutants in marine ecosystems. T/F - F

Julie has decided to become more environmentally friendly, and so she turns off all her lights when they are not in use and unplugs all her electronic devices at night. This is an example of ___. - Energy Conservation. Conservation is an attempt to reduce the amount of energy that we use.

Keystone Pipeline - TransCanada Corporation built a 2200 mile pipeline to transfer diluted bitumen to Illinois and Oklahoma.

Lagoons that form behind barrier islands are examples of: - bar-built estuaries.

Laguna Madre is a classic coastal plain estuary. T/F - F

LNG - Liquefied Natural Gas

Look at the accompanying and answer the questions regarding the time relationship between rainstorms and flooding. Based on this graph, which of the following statements are true? grap Flooding correlates with increased stream discharge. Peak stream flow happens after a storm.

Many pollutants from coal-fired power plants are properly managed today. Which of the following is currently considered to be the biggest threat to the environment? - carbon dioxide

Match the pollutant with its general category. crude oil - hydrocarbons

Match the pollutant with its general category. mercury - toxic metals

Methane Hydrate - Molecules of methane in a crystal lattice of water molecules.

Minamata disease is associated with: - ingestion of methyl mercury-contaminated fish and shellfish

Mountaintop Removal - Entire mountaintops are cut off.

Natural Gas - Mainly Methane (CH4)

Net Energy - The difference between costs in energy invested and benefits in energy received.

Nuclear Energy - The energy that holds protons and neutrons together within the nucleus of an atom.

Nuclear Fission - The splitting apart of atomic nuclei

Of the following statements about coastal wetlands, which is/are true? - all but salt

Of the following statements about ocean ownership and the Law of the Sea, which is/are true? - All but Many and Offshore

Of the following statements, which is/are included in the World Hearth Organization's definition of marine pollution? - Marine pollution can be a substance or a form of energy. Marine pollution results or is likely to result in harmful effects to marine life. Marine pollution is human-made.

Of the following techniques, which is the most commonly used for determining the concentration of pollutants that negatively affect the living resources of the ocean? Select only one answer. - death of more than 50% of a sample population following exposure to a known pollutant

Of the following types of estuaries, which one has a relatively shallow mouth but is often narrow, long, and extremely deep? Select only one answer. - a drowned glacial valley called a fjord

Oil - Liquid made of hydrocarbons.

Oil Shale - Sedimentary rock filled with organic matter.

On average, how long does it take people in Germany to get their money back after they install solar panels? - 12 years

One major problem associated with the Chesapeake Bay due to increased human pressure is - an increase in nutrients resulting in more frequent kills of bottom-dwelling or benthic animals.

One reason that coastal wetlands are important is that they are efficient at removing toxins from coastal run-off before it enters the ocean. T/F - T

Petroleum - Natural gas plus oil.

Prevailing offshore winds tend to decrease surface water salinity in a coastal plain estuary. T/F - F

Production declines once reserves are ___ depleted. - 50%

Proven Recoverable Reserve - The amount of a fossil fuel that is technically and economically feasible to remove under current conditions.

Reasons for the loss of coastal wetlands include all of the following except: - all of the above.

Rebound Effect - Increased efficiency is offset by increased energy use....

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