Note 24 - military science notes PDF

Title Note 24 - military science notes
Author Kiet Le
Course Adv Mil Skills II
Institution University of Georgia
Pages 5
File Size 48.5 KB
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military science notes...


47. ___________ is the ability to experience the feelings of others and to share your feelings with others to improve the communication process. - Empathy)

48. __________ means being energetic and ambitious and able to make plans and get things done without being directed by others. - Self-motivation)

49. What is self-regulation? - The ability to control one's emotions effectively rather than ignoring them or pushing them aside.)

50. What is self-awareness? - An awareness of one's own emotions and where they are coming from.)

51. What do we mean when we say a person has a high degree of "emotional intelligence"? - A person aware that emotions are part of their reactions.)

52. Communication has two parts: __________ and understanding. - transference)

53. __________ is defined as the transference of understanding of a meaning. - Communication)

54. T or F: Feedback to subordinates is most effective when it is immediate. - True)

55. Name the five competencies for managing emotions. - Self-awareness, self-regulation, selfmotivation, empathy, and effective relationships)

56. Providing effective feedback, both positive and constructive, is a key part of the communication process. What is an ineffective method of providing effective feedback? - Provide feedback immediately after a message has been sent; an action has been completed; or when feedback is primarily negative.)

57. Name three characteristics of informative feedback. - Is limited, includes specific behaviors, and provides suggestions.)

58. What is the final closing point to the feedback process? - Checking the reviewer's perceptions about your feedback.)

59. Give examples of intangible rewards that can be given to subordinates for jobs well done. - Praise, a compliment, a pat on the back, positive feedback, etc.)

60. You are marching in the lead platoon in a company column with platoons in column formation. The commander orders "close on the leading platoon." What should you expect to hear next? - "Half step, march")

61. You are in the 3rd Platoon. You are standing directly behind your squad leader, who is five steps in the back of the last Cadet in the 2nd Platoon. Your first sergeant is positioned to the rear of the formation. What type of formation are you in? - Company in a column with platoons in the column)

62. In a battalion formation, your location is in one of two places. The first is one step behind the commissioned staff. The other, used during a mass formation, is one step to the rear of the color guard, centered on the colors. Who are you? - The battalion command sergeant major)

63. What is the definition of the word "respective"? - Related, belonging, or assigned)

64. What is the definition of the word "facilitate"? - To ease the accomplishment of a task)

65. What is the definition of the term "en route"? - In motion towards a destination)

66. The four-stage model for project management includes the following stages: - Definition, Planning, Implementation, Follow-up)

67. T or F: When using the Gantt Chart, watching for overuse of your resources is not necessary. - False)

68. T or F: Conflicting ideas about limited government raise questions about the size of government and its ability to do its job. - True)

69. Consent of the governed is primarily about ___________. - democracy)

70. Individual rights associated with police interactions include which of the following? - The right to remain silent, to refuse a warrantless home or vehicle search, and to obtain an attorney)

71. Typically, when the rights of individuals increase the rights of society __________. - decrease)

72. Fundamental principles __________. - remind us of our government's role and purpose)

73. Your company has four platoons with four squads each. Your company commander just ordered "Company mass left, march." When the formation is complete, how many squad leaders will be in line with each other? - 16)

74. ___________ means there is openness and visibility about what the government is doing or plans to do. - Transparency)

75. Close observation or data collection of a suspect is __________. - surveillance)

76. A principle is a __________. - basic truth or idea that serves as the foundation)

77. Fundamental means __________. - basic, primary, or of central importance)

78. Automation can lead to economic instability when it causes __________. - high unemployment and lack of consumer spending)

79. The 2013 debate about the National Security Agency has to do with __________. - balancing citizen surveillance with prevention of terrorist acts)

80. Websites that encourage hatred and lies are often not shut down because __________. - it is difficult to draw a line between free speech and government censorship)

81. In the future, technology could support direct democracy by __________. - giving voters a way to vote directly on issues)

82. The ability of society's members to cooperate with each other and acknowledge shared interests is called __________. - social cohesion)

83. ___________ is the tendency for unpredictable outcomes or actions. - Instability)

84. __________ is the basic physical and organizational structures a society needs to operate. Infrastructure)

85. A cyberattack is an attack __________. - that causes computer systems or computer programs to malfunction)

86. Who is the person who lives in your college dormitory and can help you solve living problems? Residential adviser)

87. The ______________ is a state or territorial organization that is under the control of a governor during peacetime. - Army National Guard)

88. Name the three main missions of the Army National Guard. - To be combat-ready to deploy and fight anywhere in the world; to save lives and property during a natural disaster or civil disturbances: to assist in times of national emergency.)

89. Another name for the part-time soldiers in the National Guard is_____________. - Citizen-soldiers)

90. How and when did the U.S. Army Reserve get its start? - In 1908 with the establishment of the Medical Corps Reserve. Then, in 1916, the Reserve Corps was established by the National Defense Act.)

91. What is the mission of the Air National Guard? - To provide ready units to the state and nation in a federal role; to support national security; in a state role, to protect life and property, and in a community role.)

92. The National Guard was officially designated as state-organized militias by what act? - The National Defense Act of 1916)

93. A state or territorial organization that is under the control of a governor during peacetime is the____________. - Army National Guard)

94. Citizen soldiers is another name for the part-time soldiers in what organization? - The National Guard)

95. Define "avionics." - A shorthand term for aviation electronics.)

96. What branches of the U.S. Army are usually directly involved in the conduct of actual fighting? Combat arms)

97. The Special Forces and Civil Affairs branches of the Army are non-accession branches. Define"nonaccession." - The policy or practice of not accepting personnel directly from a traditional officer or enlistedentrance sources.)

98. What branch of the Army accomplishes missions of unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, strategic reconnaissance, and counterterrorism? - Special Forces)

99. What is the oldest branch of the U.S. Armed Forces? - The Army, which dates back to 1775 when the Continental Congress adopted a Continental Army.)

100. The three components that make up the U.S. Army are the Active Army, the Army Reserves and ___________. - Department of the Army Civilian Workforce)...

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