Notes for Final Fitness Exam PDF

Title Notes for Final Fitness Exam
Author Chris Morgan Arseneau
Course Fitness
Institution Dawson College
Pages 4
File Size 97.3 KB
File Type PDF
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-Major causes of death in Canada: heart disease + cancer + stroke + lung disease-6 different dimensions of health: physical + social + intellectual + spiritual + emotional + environmental-Physical activity: any movement of body, produced by skeletal muscles, that results in energy expenditure-Exerci...


-Major causes of death in Canada: heart disease + cancer + stroke + lung disease -6 different dimensions of health: physical + social + intellectual + spiritual + emotional + environmental -Physical activity: any movement of body, produced by skeletal muscles, that results in energy expenditure -Exercise: subset of physical activity that is planned, structured + repetitive with objective to improve or maintain physical fitness -WHO = Word Health Organization: developed “Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for Health” to help guide policy makers on frequency, duration, intensity, type + total amount of PA needed to prevent disease + improve health (age groups: 5-17 yrs, 18-64 yrs, 65 yrs)   

18-64: min. 150 min of moderate-intensity aerobic PA throughout the week or equivalent combo of moderate- + vigorous-intensity activity For additional health benefits: increase moderate aerobic PA to 300 min/week or vigorous 150 min/week Muscle-strengthening activities should be performed on 2+ days/week

-Health Canada advocates accumulating min. 60 min of PA/day to stay healthy + improve health -Main objective of course: raise awareness of lifestyle behaviours such as PA, diet, stress management + high-risk lifestyle habits in order to better understand effects of these on health -Progressive overload: body will adapt to physical demands placed on it, start slowly + build up exercise sessions to allow body to adapt + avoid injury, gradually increase intensity + duration + frequency of exercise sessions -Specificity: body will adapt to type of demand placed on it, training should be relevant + appropriate for sport training for or specific to goals -Reversibility: if you stop exercising, you’ll lose fitness benefits you gained -Individual differences: due to individual genetic makeup, gender, age, experience… training effect of exercise = different for everyone -Components of fitness: cardiovascular + muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, body composition 

FITT Principle: Frequency + Intensity + Time + Type of activity

-Parts of a workout: warm-up + work out + cool down -Cardiovascular endurance: ability to perform activities using large muscles, of moderate-hard intensity, for long periods of time    

F: 3-5 times/week I: 60-85% max heart rate or at least Moderate on Borg Scale T: 20+ min T: choose activities that increase heart rate over extended period of time (running)

-Determining intensity during aerobic exercise: pulse check (determine max heart rate + multiply by 60% + 85% to determine training zone), perceived effort (perceived level of exertion = RPE -MHR: 220 – age = 202 b/min -Vo2 max: max rate of oxygen consumption -Energy systems: Main Energy System Used Anaerobic Alactic Anaerobic Lactic Acid Aerobic


Energy Source



Less than 10 sec

ATP/CP stores


10 sec – 2 min

Mainly Glycogen Stores Glycogen + Fatty Acids


Requires no oxygen, uses energy stored in cell for fuel, produces no lactic acid Requires no oxygen, uses carbohydrate for fuel, produces lactic acid Needs oxygen, uses fats + carbohydrates for fuel, produces no lactic acid

2+ min

Running, swimming , dancing

-Muscular endurance: ability of muscles to contract repetitively over long period of time -Muscular strength: ability of muscles to contract maximally over very short period of time *Page 23* -Flexibility: ability to move a joint through its full range of motion    

F: 4-7 times/week or more + stretch at end of workout I: until mild tension felt T: 15-30 sec/stretch T: Static + Dynamic + PNF Stretching, Tai Chi, Yoga, Pilates

-Body composition: ratio of lean body tissue to body fat  

Recommended body fat %s for 20-39 yr olds: males = 8-19%, females = 21-32% Accumulation of fat in abdominal area = associated with increased risk of heart disease + high blood pressure + high cholesterol levels + diabetes + heart attack + stroke

-BMI = Body Mass Index: W (kg)/H2 (m) -Increase muscle mass:    

F: 2-4 times/week I: 8-12 reps, 3-6 sets, 70-85% of 1RM T: Depends on # exercises in program T: Resistance training

-Lower body fat  

F: 4-7 times/week I: 60-85% of max heart rate (training zone)

 

T: 30 min or longer T: Power walking + jogging + cycling + swimming (any aerobic activity)

*Page 41*

NUTRITION -Food = body’s fuel -6 essential nutrients: 

Protein (1g = 4 calories) 10-30% total daily calories intake recommendation Build + repair body tissue Need about .8g protein/kg of body weight a day Carbohydrates (1g = 4 calories) 45-65% total daily calories intake recommendation Body’s main energy source Need about 14g fiber for every 1000 calories consumed Fat (1g = 9 calories) 20-33% total daily calories intake recommendation Provides energy + protects organs + keeps body insulated + transports fat-soluble vitamins + helps maintain healthy nervous system/skin/hair -Healthy fats: monounsaturated + polyunsaturated (omega-6 + omega-3) -Unhealthy fats: saturated + trans *Hydrogenation: liquid oils turned into solid fats = trans fats formed Vitamins (no energy value) Help regulate chemical processes in body -Fat-soluble: vitamins A + D + E + K = can lead to toxicity if taken in excessive amounts -Water-soluble: vitamin C + B complex vitamins (excreted in urine if taken in excess) ~Vitamin D: important for calcium absorption + proper bone formation ~Vitamin B12: important for healthy nervous system + synthesis of red blood cells (unless fortified, no plant food contains significant amounts of Vitamin B12) Minerals (no energy value) Essential for growth + development + help build/repair bone/blood/nerve cells/body tissues Main minerals body needs: calcium + phosphorus + magnesium + iron + sodium + potassium + chloride -Iron: helps carry oxygen to different parts of body, lack leads to fatigue + decreased performance, absorbed better by eating Vitamin C rich foods with meals -Calcium: helps build strong bones + teeth, deficiency may lead to stress fractures + early osteoporosis (thinning + weak bones), Vitamin D needed for calcium absorption (teens need 1300mg of calcium daily + adults 1000mg) Water (no energy value) Essential for food digestion, absorption + transportation of nutrients, processing circulation, waste product elimination, body temperature regulation, cell production

Lack of fluid intake can lead to fatigue + weakness + headache + irritability + dizziness + impaired physical performance -Key words when it comes to eating well: Balance + Variety + Moderation *Reduce portion size so you can eat more foods in moderation* -4 food groups:    

Fruits & vegetables (7F, 8M) Grain products (6F, 7M) Milk & alternatives (3-4) Meat & alternatives (2F, 3M)

-Vegetarian eating: lower rates of obesity + heart disease + diabetes + high blood pressure 

semi-vegetarian + lacto-ovo-vegetarian (no fish or poultry) + vegan

-Food labels    

High intake of salt increases chances of high blood pressure (consume max 2300mg sodium/day) Try consuming about 25g fiber/day Avoid sugar: fructose + lactose + sucrose + maltose + glucose + dextrose Men should consume less than 37.5g of sugar/day (9 teaspoons) + women less than 25g (6 teaspoons)

-Signs + symptoms of stress: emotional + behavioral + physical -Exposure to stress causes blood pressure + heart rate increase (could lead to hypertension: constant high blood pressure), can cause strokes + heart attacks + decreases efficiency of immune system… aggravates or induces migraines + ulcers + irritable bowel + depression + insomnia + allergy or asthma attacks + frequent colds -Methods to manage stress: eliminate or avoid cause of stress (improve time management skills + communication skills) + change perception of situation + find ways to manage stress + keep yourself fit/healthy...

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